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This doesn't offset Seahawks losing Hutch,


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but I for one love the contract that they drew up for Vikings WR Burleson. No way do I expect Burleson to have a similar impact to Hutchinson, but at least now Seattle feels like they are getting their lb of flesh.


Burleson's contract is guarenteed if he plays more than 5 games in Minny during any one season. No way can the Vikings guarantee 49M to him. There's also another provision in the contract that would guarantee the deal if Burleson is paid more on average per year than all of the Minnesota running backs combined.


I would guess that the league will step in and try to put a stop to this type of contract language, but can they do anything without the players association agreeing? Minnesota made it clear this year that they would not police themselves in terms of contract language, and now Seattle has fired their shot. This could really escalate in the future depending on how badly a team wants a certain player. If minnie's contract withstood an arbitrator will Seattle's as well?



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