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South Dakota Indian Tribe

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Oh, Jesus...that's going to get messy.  0:)


Anyone want to quote odds on the Supreme Court ultimately stripping the Indian Nations of their soverignty?



I don't know. Might not want to mess with someone named "Cecelia Fire Thunder".

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Someone at another board I frequent linked to this site (Talk to Action), and it seems applicable to this thread.

As might have been expected, the passage of the draconian abortion ban in South Dakota is fueling similar efforts in other states. There is even concern that Ohio House Bill 228, pending since 2005, may now have a chance of passage. This bill takes the inevitable next step, stripping away the mask of concern for women perpetuated by South Dakota in titling its ban the Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act.  HB 228 not only would make it a felony for a woman to have an abortion, but would criminalize her and anyone who assisted her if she crossed the state line to seek an abortion elsewhere.


Last fall, Missouri passed a law against assisting a minor who crossed the state line to seek an abortion. When the law was challenged, Circuit Judge Charles Atwell issued a temporary injunction against its enforcement pending a ruling by a higher court. Atwell ruled that while the law lacked protections for free speech by persons who had no intent to assist a minor in obtaining an abortion, the statute in itself was constitutional.


Yes, you read that correctly. HB 228 would criminalize anyone leaving the state to get an abortion, and would criminalize anyone helping them to leave the state to get an abortion. From the link provided above:

Ohio house bill 228 introduced by Tim Brinkman, R-Mount Lookout, in April would make it a felony for a woman to seek to terminate her pregnancy and holds the same penalty if she chooses to leave the state for the medical procedure.


Additionally, anyone who helps coordinate an abortion or transportation to leave the state for one could be charged as well.


While this bill is still thankfully mired in committee, the fact that it was introduced at all underscores the importance of fighting each and every anti-choice crusade in each and every state that it comes up in.

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Within one week of the sperm fertilizing the egg, a heart starts to beat...


Nope. The "heart", which at this stage is just a tube, doesn't begin to pulse until 22-25 days. It doesn't start to circulate fluid until roughly one month into the embryo development. There are numerous links out there.

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Nope.  The "heart", which at this stage is just a tube, doesn't begin to pulse until 22-25 days.  It doesn't start to circulate fluid until roughly one month into the embryo development.  There are numerous links out there.



Oh stop that. Don't you know politicians know more about science than doctors?

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Nope.  The "heart", which at this stage is just a tube, doesn't begin to pulse until 22-25 days.  It doesn't start to circulate fluid until roughly one month into the embryo development.  There are numerous links out there.



I was going from memory, what the book I'm reading actually says:


"The first system to function in your developing baby is it's cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). Your baby's heart will be beating before your period is one week late."


-The Pregnancy Journal - A Day-to-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy by A. Christine Harris, Ph. D.



Notice I said nothing else and offered no opinion, yet for some reason it seems to make some uncomfortable enough to make snide remarks. For the record I'm Pro-Choice, but very reluctantly and I don't kid myself about what action is being undertaken.

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I was going from memory, what the book I'm reading actually says:


"The first system to function in your developing baby is it's cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). Your baby's heart will be beating before your period is one week late."


-The Pregnancy Journal - A Day-to-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy by A. Christine Harris, Ph. D.

Notice I said nothing else and offered no opinion, yet for some reason it seems to make some uncomfortable enough to make snide remarks. For the record I'm Pro-Choice, but very reluctantly and I don't kid myself about what action is being undertaken.


I didn't make a snide remark. I was just pointing out that the post was wrong, that's all.


That being said, why make a post about when the CV system develops in this thread, but offer no frame of reference on why you are adding it into the discussion? What point were you trying to make?

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Notice I said nothing else and offered no opinion, yet for some reason it seems to make some uncomfortable enough to make snide remarks. For the record I'm Pro-Choice, but very reluctantly and I don't kid myself about what action is being undertaken.



Connect the goddamned dots.

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I'm still not messing with Cecelia Fire Thunder.


Kinda and extreme example of the Buffalo Police in the early nineties I think. I remember operation rescue coming to Buffalo around then because of Randal Terry to protest a clinic.


I told friends on Capitol Hill that the Buffalo police won't care which sides the protestors are on, when they get unruly, which they did, they'll pull out the billy clubs and mace and start swinging, which they did. I'll never forget a photo that I saw in the Buff News that showed both pro and con abortion folks all mixed together and running from the police. My best idea on how to settle this issue!

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Kinda and extreme example of the Buffalo Police in the early nineties I think.  I remember operation rescue coming to Buffalo around then because of Randal Terry to protest a clinic. 


I told friends on Capitol Hill that the Buffalo police won't care which sides the protestors are on, when they get unruly, which they did, they'll pull out the billy clubs and mace and  start swinging, which they did.  I'll never forget a photo that I saw in the Buff News that showed both pro and con abortion folks all mixed together and running from the police.  My best idea on how to settle this issue!



Ah, the good old TPU. I was gone, but I heard about them. When I lived there, could always count on the Lancaster Cops to help with all kinds of illegal stuff - nothing serious, but things like a police escort to move something on a Sunday when big trucks were not allowed on the roads.

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