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Cranky negative toss-bags


Are you a cranky negative toss-bag  

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Hence - cricket is amazing. You are guaranteed to still be drunk - it's at least 4 days of solid drinking.


Of course you are all focussed on the Test Match (5 day) version of the game.  You are forgetting the One day game and the much much shorter 20/20 version, which lasts no longer than a football game.


And Sammiches!

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The negativity of this place is maddening. Truthfully, the people who made this place special rarely post any more because of the bitter morons that have infiltrated TSW.


I'm sorry that new posters who might have an objective opinion have to witness the idiocy that has become prevalent here. Check the worst posts, and most of them are people with 20 or fewer posts.


Sorry if I rub a few the wrong way here with this post, but I have become quite disappointed at the stupidity and overall drop in collective IQ that I am witnessing.


I am sorry would you repost that message using only one or two syllable words? 0:)


I for one am DELIGHTED that Ralph Wilson Stadium is 80 miles from my door. Am I delighted at the last several seasons? Of course not! I have discovered however, that beating a dead horse on a chat room wall does NOT improve the community. :P


Fan since 1964,


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Hence - cricket is amazing. You are guaranteed to still be drunk - it's at least 4 days of solid drinking.


Of course you are all focussed on the Test Match (5 day) version of the game.  You are forgetting the One day game and the much much shorter 20/20 version, which lasts no longer than a football game.



Better keep an eye on your brewskies, Nick...


Now they've gone way too far...

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Hi all, I'm fairly new here & am quickly forming the opinion that a large number(if not a majority) of Bills fans are cranky, negative, opinionated, pessimistic, aggressive, toss-bags with little sense of fun or frivolity who take things way too seriously.

I live in Melbourne, Australia & am a huge Bills fan.  I was nearly creaming my pants(is that too crude for this forum?) when I discovered The Stadium Wall. 

Imagine my dismay when within a few days I find myself in arguments over innocuous statements,

come across countless people who you would think are from Miami by the way they slag off at everything Bills

& generally get the feeling that knocking things is the way to be.

Is it just me or is it a case of the 'squeaky wheel'?

You guys don't know how great you have it.

I dream of being able to go to a Bills game...even if we got thrashed.

Please leave me some encouraging thoughts...though I expect by the end of this I will be argued with, slagged off, insulted & generally told that my opinion is rubbish & that 'yours' is the only one worth having.

Gee, now look who is the negative one....AAARRRGGGHHH it's catching.

Thanks All  0:)



You are not imagining things, it seems to be a pervasive attitude in the City of Buffalo. People are always crying about something, they especially like to talk about how "we always get screwed". This site is actually the most positive of the "big three" Bills boards.

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Hi all, I'm fairly new here & am quickly forming the opinion that a large number(if not a majority) of Bills fans are cranky, negative, opinionated, pessimistic, aggressive, toss-bags with little sense of fun or frivolity who take things way too seriously.

I live in Melbourne, Australia & am a huge Bills fan.  I was nearly creaming my pants(is that too crude for this forum?) when I discovered The Stadium Wall. 




So you are here to teach us deportment lessons?


How nice of you.

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Posters on all boards will in the main be bashers. If things are fine, only the nit-pickers will post, wondering why the other team was allowed to score, or why didn't the quarterback go over 500 yards. In the years when Flutie was winning most of his games, the posters wanted Johnson. When Johnson started, and even almost won a playoff game, the posters threw brickbats.


Baseball is boring, Basketball has too many points scored, soccer has too few, and, unless you have a HD TV, you can't follow the puck in hockey. So football is the sport we love/hate, because we can follow the plays, and appreciate the controlled violence.


Go on the winner's boards, the Patriots fans have as many complaints as the Bills fans, and the Steelers have more. The Colts boards confuse me, because they live with final game playoff failures and seem to shrug them off. I believe that the true midwest football nuts are following Notre Dame, Michigan, or one of the other Big? Ten teams. If you are an angry fan, you post. If you are happy or indifferent, you don't post, and you don't even read the boards or blogs.


Don't fall off, Aussie, you know you are standing upside down, as we are on the upright side of the ball called earth.

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Thanks for all of your welcomes etc etc.

You have provided me with many a good chuckle.

It's been encouraging to see the responses, even the one or two cranky ones.

Just a few things...

No, I'm not Olivia.

Nick, I'm afraid our American friends are correct. Cricket is Boring! Nearly as boring as Baseball. :)

Thanks again for all the thoughts...all except for X. Ben. antipodean???? I bloody had to look that up in the dictionary...smarty pants :D

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The problem is that many folks feel that the last few seasons have been an insult to the "winning tradition" that the Bills had maintained from the day they first started watching football in the early 90's. Problem is that the 90's run was more an aberration than the norm...what we're going through now is more the norm in the lifetime of the Bills organization...

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Ill fully admit I have my moments of severe negativity when it comes to both the Bills and the Sabres...in which I really have to stop getting so negative that it makes me makes stupid statements.


But I also have moments that I am positive and feel good about the Bills or Sabres chances....


In some ways, negativity shows that we REALLY care about the team and feel that the organization can do better.


To me pointing out that a fan is more positive or negative then another does not mean one fan is better then the other.


It's like my constant negativity about the Sabres GM Darcy Regier...why do I act this way? because it would not have taken that much to get another D guy to help this team, it was not like this was an unrealistic request.


But all in all, I agree with a lot of the sentiments in this thread...good post

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Guest BackInDaDay
The problem is that many folks feel that the last few seasons have been an insult to the "winning tradition" that the Bills had maintained from the day they first started watching football in the early 90's.  Problem is that the 90's run was more an aberration than the norm...what we're going through now is more the norm in the lifetime of the Bills organization...



...and the one constant during all this time has been what? or who? :blink:

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Hi all, I'm fairly new here & am quickly forming the opinion that a large number(if not a majority) of Bills fans are cranky, negative, opinionated, pessimistic, aggressive, toss-bags with little sense of fun or frivolity who take things way too seriously.

I live in Melbourne, Australia & am a huge Bills fan.  I was nearly creaming my pants(is that too crude for this forum?) when I discovered The Stadium Wall. 

Imagine my dismay when within a few days I find myself in arguments over innocuous statements,

come across countless people who you would think are from Miami by the way they slag off at everything Bills

& generally get the feeling that knocking things is the way to be.

Is it just me or is it a case of the 'squeaky wheel'?

You guys don't know how great you have it.

I dream of being able to go to a Bills game...even if we got thrashed.

Please leave me some encouraging thoughts...though I expect by the end of this I will be argued with, slagged off, insulted & generally told that my opinion is rubbish & that 'yours' is the only one worth having.

Gee, now look who is the negative one....AAARRRGGGHHH it's catching.

Thanks All  :blink:



save yourself the trouble and find a new team...really. its too late for all of us but you still have hope. if you're smart you'll turn around now and act like you never found this site. just forget this ever happened and pick a new team.

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You haven't seen anything, 5-6 years ago, this place, and most NFL message boards were a free for all.  It is quite civil and organized here now and the negativity is toned down.  Used to be A LOT of outright flaming and theats of violence against fellow posters and things of that nature, much of it stirred by anonymous unregistered posters and a fine young man named Hogboy.


One thing never changes though, people who complain about the board being too negative.  The reality is that when the Bills are winning, it's all roses here, plenty of boasting and bravado and the sort.  When they are losing, there is a lot of negativity and whining.  The Bills haven't won much the past 6 seasons, so you will see a good deal of negative and rightly so.  The object of the game is winning, it's hard to continually put a positive spin on not achieving the objective year after year.


Actually most everyone on this board ends up having their share of negative takes on the team.  Often times, the "positive" ones are the ones who preach trust and faith in management, and when the team hits the field and stinks, THEN they want answers and instant retribution.  The unexpected failure really gets them fired up.  You will see a lot of posts with both anti-Donahoe sentiment and pro-Marv sentiment in the same few sentences this winter.  To them, change is good, it allows them to put the blinders back on for 8 months and hope for the best again.  They want to believe and don't like to have their belief questioned.


Personally, it's all good to me, but football is a hobby and I like to talk straight about it.  That gets me in trouble with both sides.  There are a lot of people reading who feel the same way, but they don't post much anymore.


still voting

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