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I hope you can detect my sarcasm?


I am sorry... Just checked... It is Freeport, Bahamas!


What state is the Bahamas?


That would make Puerto Rico... Number 51.


And the Bahamas... Number 52.


Right? There is 52 two states in the 50 US states.


I got it now!


But... All sarcasm aside... An independent country can tell us to get effed all they want... WE ARE PUTTING THE STUFF IN THEIR COUNTRY... I don't care who runs it it... It isn't for us to decide... We can if we want... But, the INDEPENDENT country has the final say... It doesn't matter.


This is just whining about nothing.


Ya... But it gives guys here a chance to walk a fine derogatory line... Go for it!




There are some real stumps around here...


Things start at our "front door" people... That is all we can do. Now the so called "libertarians" are "over reaching."






(And YES... "Stanza Form" has returned... I save it for the maroons. :D:D )

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Isn't anyone a little happy that there is a rad detector there period?





I was gonna get into that angle... But, I thought the sarcasm root was funnier.


Kinda like when my wife worked at a different library years... The reference librarian there lent out the library's microfilm reader... The reader... Guess what his excuse was? He gave it to the Mormons!




Maybe the fire department can lend out their hook and ladder sometime.



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Reminds me of an old story when I was young (and foolish) and crossing the Peace Bridge back into the states... Had about 4 people in the car and I was borderline wasted... :D:D


Well... In the states they had sobriety checkpoints checking drivers right after the bridge... 2 troopers were checking... I got the priviledge of getting stopped by the first one... Well... He cleared me rather quickly thank GOD!... I started crapping my pants about doing it all over again with the other trooper... That is when I heard:


"Let this one go Joe, he is fine."


Thank you Joe!



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I was gonna get into that angle... But, I thought the sarcasm root was funnier.


Kinda like when my wife worked at a different library years... The reference librarian there lent out the library's microfilm reader... The reader... Guess what his excuse was?  He gave it to the Mormons!


:P  :P


Maybe the fire department can lend out their hook and ladder sometime.


:D  :D



Think it through. Is it not better to intercept something before it reaches our shores? Maybe certain facilities are already well known smuggling venues and some of that equipment actually does more good there.

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Think it through. Is it not better to intercept something before it reaches our shores? Maybe certain facilities are already well known smuggling venues and some of that equipment actually does more good there.



Ya... In theory... But, we can't do boo if another counrty pushes the issue.


We can "donate" our equipment... But, again have to play by somebody else's rules, company what not.


The only thing Congress can do is not appropriate this "donation"... Why?


The idea is not half wrong.


It is just we don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to who operates it.


But... I guess better to have it there.


See where I am coming from?

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Then again, thinking about it...yes, yes there should be an American there to watch an automated machine.


I'm packing and plan on being in the Bahamas as soon as possible.



But... Do the Bahamas want them?


The issue with the thread premise is the Hong Kong company... Is the Bahama's independent of Britain?... I think so.


This has NOTHING to do with what happened last month... I don't believe anybody can't see this.


We don't have the authority to say who we want... Of course the Bush administration picked the Hong Kong company... The final say is with the Bahamas... They either go along or change the plan... They can do that.


Congress can stop funding it... So what... Better to have it there or nothing.




If a container CLEARS in the Bahamas and gets a "fast track" into the states... We got a world of hurt on our hands.

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