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On that issue I am, the recount was a mess.  Missing votes showing up months afterwards make Phili politics look above board.  Katherine Harris should be in jail, if nothing else for the makeup and facelift job she had should be a crime.




There you go again. VA Bills is right, Katherine Harris obeys the letter of the law and you attack her looks.Gore's people underestimated how many dead people and wetback votes were needed.

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So obviously you can't point me to a single recount that declared Gore the winner.  Thanks for regurgitating the same tired (and ridiculous) DNC talking points.  Jim Jones woulda loved you.  :blush:


Oh I vaguely remember that there were counts the other way, just nothing official. GOP insured that, but I still am going to whine about it, so shoot me. At least I am above board with it and not in denial like my GOP Bush opologists...their response is usually some excuse like it is the medias fault. In this case I still blame the Gore campaign for not anticipating the GOP maneuvering quickly enough before it was too late. Kinda like Bush and Rummy in Iraq....hmm. Just that whining is sometimes cathartic (sp?) and solidifies my bitterness (sarcasm).

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Oh I vaguely remember that there were counts the other way, just nothing official. 

Sure. That's why you can so quickly point to one after spending 10 seconds on google.

GOP insured that, but I still am going to whine about it, so shoot me.

Actually, your partisanship is as big a reason as any but I'm not going to waste the time explaining why.


At least I am above board with it and not in denial like my GOP Bush opologists...their response is usually some excuse like it is the medias fault.

The only difference between you and they is the color of your retard banner.

In this case I still blame the Gore campaign for not anticipating the GOP maneuvering quickly enough before it was too late. Kinda like Bush and Rummy in Iraq....hmm.  Just that whining is sometimes cathartic (sp?) and solidifies my bitterness (sarcasm).

Yeah, it's not the fact that they ran Al friggin' Gore, a guy who couldn't win his own STATE. Yet they're competent enough to run the county?



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From a purely military mechanical point of view, wouldn't it have been better to go after Osama like a blood hound, drop a bunch of Bombs on the Taliban and stay out of Afganistan, instead of actually invading.  It just seems that this country is filled with historical trouble for invading forces no matter what the intentions.



Probably not. One of the BIG flaws with Clinton's military policy was that it was excessively risk-averse, and relied on bombing to the exclusion of having people on the ground.


Problem with that is, aerial bombing has a very poor track record in terms of getting results on its own, particularly when it comes down to targeting one man...and the problem was as much the Taleban as it was bin Laden (because the problem is basically militant Islam, be it the Taleban, al Qaeda, abu Sayyaf, any of the groups that have their roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) Invading the country was the right thing to do...and the way they invaded it (limited ground forces and reliance on indigenous forces) was the right way to invade it, for the historical reasons you mention and despite the "But they let Osama get away!" whining.


Now the occupation, and the whole Iraq thing...different stories. But as far as invading Afghanistan with ground troops and kicking the Taleban's asses...only complaint I might come up with there is we indirectly increased the divisions between Musharraf and his militant Islamic population in a nuclear-armed Pakistan. :lol: Can't wait to see how the blowback works out on that one... :blush:

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Oh I vaguely remember that there were counts the other way, just nothing official.  GOP insured that, but I still am going to whine about it, so shoot me.  At least I am above board with it and not in denial like my GOP Bush opologists...their response is usually some excuse like it is the medias fault.  In this case I still blame the Gore campaign for not anticipating the GOP maneuvering quickly enough before it was too late. Kinda like Bush and Rummy in Iraq....hmm.  Just that whining is sometimes cathartic (sp?) and solidifies my bitterness (sarcasm).



We're still arguing about vote counts in 2000? :blush:


Lest anyone forget: the MAIN problem was that Florida electoral law didn't strictly define what a "vote" was...thus, depending on who did the counting by what rules (e.g., is a "hanging chad" a vote), you got different results.


In other words: this argument is a waste of time. You're arguing about quantifying ambiguities.

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Sure.  That's why you can so quickly point to one after spending 10 seconds on google.


Actually, your partisanship is as big a reason as any but I'm not going to waste the time explaining why.

The only difference between you and they is the color of your retard banner.


Yeah, it's not the fact that they ran Al friggin' Gore, a guy who couldn't win his own STATE.  Yet they're competent enough to run the county?




Yeh, I know you are bitter with the whole darn process and in many ways I do not blame you. The only one out there now that I like from my side is NJ Governor Corzine and on the GOP side Sen. Chuck Hagel.


The Tennessee thing and the WV thing really bothered me a lot, would've made Florida irrelevant, but the Gun thingy screwed that one up and left it to Florida controllled by GOP led infrastructure. The whole thing was a debacle and since Gore couldn't handle it, I will concede he wasn't the right person to lead. I just believe that neither is Bush and both parties have to do better before I learn to like it.

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You accused me of NOT READING, and that is a personal attack. 


Next time say what you mean. 


Also, in looking through that I notice that your failed to show Gore and his whole 353 dollar return. 


Also, I didn't go through but did you double coount some of the carryovers?



Accusing you of not reading is a personal attack? Wow - maybe this baord isn't for you. I think that without a doubt calling me a name IS a personal attack, but I'm big enough to take it.


I haven't found a site with Gore's tax returns, but if I can find them I'll gladly take the time to preview them and give you the same breakdown that I did for Clinton and Bush.


No, I did NOT "double coount" any math. Reagrdless of any confusion or any perceived mathematical sleight of hand, it clearly shows that saying "The Clintons never give to charity" is pure bunk (but I'm sure it sounds great in the talking points and when Rush says it).

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Wow. I completely forgot about Neil Bush’s tie-in to Dubai. Thanks Google News.

No Bush child left behind

The ports controversy could cause similar problems for Neil Mallon Bush, the president's most troublesome brother, who has become a familiar face in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Neil Bush seems to be in constant pursuit of investors and government contracts in the Emirates, and is treated there with a respect and deference that have always eluded him in his own country. For reasons that must be painfully obvious, UAE royals have been quite eager to engage the former Silverado Savings and Loan director ever since his eldest brother entered the Oval Office. That embrace only intensified after 9/11.


Exactly how much money Neil Bush raised in the Emirates as CEO of Ignite! isn't clear, but he managed to acquire a local partner, known as Trans-Data Systems, which is required for doing business there. He returned to Dubai in January 2002 to deliver a lecture on educational reform to a "select" audience of 200 government and education officials from the seven emirates that comprise the UAE. The signs of state patronage could not have been more plain. The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry sponsored his seminar, and the official news agency made sure to note that "the younger brother of U.S. President George W. Bush ... agrees with the vision of General Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Defense Minister, about adopting new ideas into the existing education system."


Looks like he’s been working his family for a couple years.

Can ya help a brother out?

Some politicians are questioning whether Governor Jeb Bush's brother Neil is trying to use the FCAT to make a buck. Neil Bush founded a company that provides software to help students take standardized tests. Critics say it doesn't look right for Neil Bush to be marketing his software to Florida schools.


Ignite wants 30 dollars-per-year-per-student for its software. With 2 million students in the state, a Florida expansion could net the company 60 million dollars.




Charity really does begin at home.

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Where are guys like Andrew Carnegie... Who would just throw up a library (of course with his steel :blush: ) and move on!


No we got people like Gates who expects affluent libraries to foot the bill for the computers he is "giving" to poorer libraries... Of course all are hooked on Windows.


What is with strings nowadays? What is this world coming to?



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On that issue I am, the recount was a mess.  Missing votes showing up months afterwards make Phili politics look above board.  Katherine Harris should be in jail, if nothing else for the makeup and facelift job she had should be a crime.



Oh, I have to step in on this one. Not the best by no means, but definitely a hotter little body than your average candidate.



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Oh, I have to step in on this one. Not the best by no means, but definitely a hotter little body than your average candidate.




And then there is this one before the surgery:




and this one:



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I wonder if anyone's looked into how much Babs and Poppy have invested in Ignite already. The "charity" they gave that got Neil's software program into HISD will clearly benefit Ignite. The more units Ignite has in the school system, the better Ignite looks on paper, and the more stats they generate about usage. It makes for a pretty nice package to sell to the russians. Wonder how much money Babs and Poppy will end up taking in when Hurricane Ignite hits russia?

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I wonder if anyone's looked into how much Babs and Poppy have invested in Ignite already.  The "charity" they gave that got Neil's software program into HISD will clearly benefit Ignite.  The more units Ignite has in the school system, the better Ignite looks on paper, and the more stats they generate about usage.  It makes for a pretty nice package to sell to the russians.  Wonder how much money Babs and Poppy will end up taking in when Hurricane Ignite hits russia?


Now you got the GOP conspiracy tale going in the right direction, just follow the money laundering.

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There you go again. VA Bills is right, Katherine Harris obeys the letter of the law and you attack her looks.Gore's people underestimated how many dead people and wetback votes were needed.



All this bs coming from a guy who posts links on how republican women are better looking than democratic women :P:P

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Tammy Faye Baker called.  She wants her makeup trowel back.


Yeh, but you need to know how to use a chisel and scaper first.


P.S. The biggest DIS that I ever saw written along these lines was for the women the Newt left his cancer laden wife for...Calista Bisek....Roll Called her "handsome in a Capitol Hill Sort of Way...she was the Scheduler for the House Ag Committee when I was there.



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