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I thought the NFL agreed to extend the collective bargaining agreement 6 more years? Apparently Levy hasn't gotten the message as he continues to add players more suited for a "scrub" roster verses a legitimate NFL operation. What is next, a Mike Pantapinto signing at the fullback position?


Can anybody confirm if Las Vegas odds makers have increased the Bill's chances of winning the Super Bowl since the end of last season?

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I thought the NFL agreed to extend the collective bargaining agreement 6 more years? Apparently Levy hasn't gotten the message as he continues to add players more suited for a "scrub" roster verses a legitimate NFL operation. What is next, a Mike Pantapinto signing at the fullback position?


Can anybody confirm if Las Vegas odds makers have increased the Bill's chances of winning the Super Bowl since the end of last season?


You know, for someone who hates the Bills as much as you do, you'd think you'd just STFU and find another team. Or at least try to find some pills that help generate original thinking.


Christ, I can't believe how brutal some of you are about this team right now.

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You know, for someone who hates the Bills as much as you do, you'd think you'd just STFU and find another team. Or at least try to find some pills that help generate original thinking.


Christ, I can't believe how brutal some of you are about this team right now.




I love the Bills, I just don't like the direction the organization has taken the last 5 or 6 years. What is currently going on is comical. The only original thinking that your begging for would have to involve fiction, which I would respond with a STFU!

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I love the Bills, I just don't like the direction the organization has taken the last 5 or 6 years. What is currently going on is comical. The only original thinking that your begging for would have to involve fiction, which I would respond with a STFU!



The past 5 or 6 years are all but irrelevant now.....Marv and Jaruon have been here all of what, two months???? Quit being so damn hasty, wait to see what we do in the draft and the rest of the off-season, go have sex with your wife, and quit being such a negative nancy.

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A new regime deserves the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. If Jauron and Levy have ideas and strategies they want to implement, they deserve a fair amt of time to make it work. What TD and company did during their time here is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. They're gone.

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People complain that Donahue signs high profile free agents that don't get the bills to the playoffs. Now they complain that Marv is targeting low priced free agents and no big name players. I am starting to think most bills fans just like complaining.

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The past 5 or 6 years are all but irrelevant now.....Marv and Jaruon have been here all of what, two months????  Quit being so damn hasty, wait to see what we do in the draft and the rest of the off-season, go have sex with your wife, and quit being such a negative nancy.



The problem is my wife wants it too much; she will not give me a break. I have to say you must be a pretty good guy because you’re obviously a fan of the world's greatest game, soccer. The World Cup is amazing. For the record, I like England.


Anyways, I really don't understand the comments about wait until the season starts etc. This team has not made any improvements during FA, and I would argue some of the players they cut are better than the guys they recently signed. I don't need to be Bill Parcels to realize Matt Bowen, Craig Nall, Andre Davis and company are not difference makers. Hopefully this regime pulls off a miracle on draft day, because this current roster will be luck to win 5 games next year and that is being optimistic. Just go to any sports book in Las Vegas and see what people with economic risk at stake think about this team. Facts are facts.

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The problem is my wife wants it too much; she will not give me a break. I have to say you must be a pretty good guy because you’re obviously a fan of the world's greatest game, soccer. The World Cup is amazing. For the record, I like England.


Anyways, I really don't understand the comments about wait until the season starts etc. This team has not made any improvements during FA, and I would argue some of the players they cut are better than the guys they recently signed. I don't need to be Bill Parcels to realize Matt Bowen, Craig Nall, Andre Davis and company are not difference makers. Hopefully this regime pulls off a miracle on draft day, because this current roster will be luck to win 5 games next year and that is being optimistic. Just go to any sports book in Las Vegas and see what people with economic risk at stake think about this team. Facts are facts.



lol....yes, I agree....soccer a truly great game. I really wish more people in this country appreciated it!


I just don't see the logic in crapping on the team this early in the offseason I guess. I just think that they deserve a chance to right the ship. If they don't, they don't. They'll suffer the same fate as TD and Mularkey. But I think it's okay to at least have a little hope that things will get better, you know?

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