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NY Giants will win the Bowl in 07

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They got a great team up there now....


Would be nice if OBD could figure out how to do it....


Marv seems to have forgot to erase TD's palm pilot after he took over.




Really need to face facts here guys. This WHOLE team needs a makeover or a start from scratch

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They got a great team up there now....


Would be nice if OBD could figure out how to do it....


Marv seems to have forgot to erase TD's palm pilot after he took over.

Really need to face facts here guys.  This WHOLE team needs a makeover or a start from scratch


Care to wager a little money on this?

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Guest BackInDaDay
They got a great team up there now....


Would be nice if OBD could figure out how to do it....


Marv seems to have forgot to erase TD's palm pilot after he took over.

Really need to face facts here guys.  This WHOLE team needs a makeover or a start from scratch


We'll see about the Giants. Wish we had their D-line.


As far as starting from scratch, did you miss that meeting? :devil:

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Guest BackInDaDay
All kidding aside though I kinda wish that we had their coach.


Coughlin hasn't won anything yet. As a matter of fact, it was the season after his Jags had a legitimate shot at the SB and fell short, that the bottom began falling out in Jacksonville. Suddenly the players wanted nothing to do with Coughlin's quirks. Watch out Giants fans. They've got some tough comp in the NFC East and under-achieving brings out the worst in a coach.

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