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Marv's concept is obvious.....

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Marv is obviously looking at Free Agency and avoiding players who have recieved any sort of fame.


He's looking for young guys who have shown lots of potential to break out, but haven't done it quite yet. He wants guys that he, er..... Jauron can mold. Guys that will buy into whatever they're selling. Guys that will be greatful for an opportunity rather than guys who will be greatful for a huge paycheck.


Lawyer Milloy, Sam Adams, Eric Moulds, and Mike Williams were exceptions to this and for the most part, they're all gone. Marv's trying to put together a "hungry" team.


He's trying to build this team ala the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Sabres. It's an interesting idea and i'm excited to see what we've got in some of these players. But the problem with his concept is, it rarely works. For every New England team there's two to three who fail with "potential" players.


But we have something on our side that most other teams don't. And that something is Marv. Marv knows the difference between the real thing and a fake. If he's signing someone, he thinks he's the real thing. I trust Marv's judgement on players probably more than anyone else.


So stop bashing Robert Royal, Andre' Davis, Reggie Wells, Israel Idonjie, Matt Bowen, Craig Nall and guys we're bringing in like Monsato Pope and Melvin Fowler. Hold your judgement until you've seen them in Bills blue. It's not like he's watching players in college and trying to judge them. He's watching NFL players. And in that right, he knows what he's doing.


If you're looking for "big names", wait until the draft because Marv isn't going to pick established stars. He wants to establish his own in the NFL.


My hunch is that J.P. is on his way out. Marv has zero ties to him and I don't think he impresses him enough to stake the franchise on him. I don't think Ralph is happy with him for that matter. I bet both of them look at Losman as TD's failed experiment.


Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8.

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"Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8. "


Those drugs have fried your brain. Maybe we'll take a kicker or a punter in the first round? A decent fullback to block for willis? Come on, pull your head out of the ground and come back to reality.

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It's just my opinion ...... but ...... I think the Bills aren't a team on the brink of greatness, they're a team on the brink of "averageness".


We didn't stink last year because of a lack of a super star or two, we stunk because we couldn't find five decent offensive linemen, we stunk because we couldn't field four defensive linemen that could play as a cohesive unit, we lost because we didn't have a TE that could pass catch AND block on a journeymans level, we lost because we had a QB that either couldn't hit an open reciever or one that couldn't throw further than five yards.


Most good football teams are made up of mostly good players, with a FEW gamebreaking superstars thrown in. There are exceptions of course ....... teams without the "super stars" that overcome with superior teamwork ....... and a team or two who are built so well that they have "stockpiled" superstars.


But at this point in time, our beloved Bills needs to start filling our roster with massive quantities of bodies with enough "upside" we can field a team ...... maybe in a year our two we can spend our time and money looking for that one or two gamebreaking player.

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Marv is obviously looking at Free Agency and avoiding players who have recieved any sort of fame.


He's looking for young guys who have shown lots of potential to break out, but haven't done it quite yet. He wants guys that he, er.....  Jauron can mold. Guys that will buy into whatever they're selling. Guys that will be greatful for an opportunity rather than guys who will be greatful for a huge paycheck.


Davis and Bowen don't fit that mold.


It would also be nice if there were at least a list of positives that we/he could see. Just throwing a dart at a player that hasn't developed is more guesswork than solid, high percentage signings byplayers that are going upward.


And that's all fine and good, but overpaying for them doesn't make sense although we will likely have to.


Also, did we really need another primarily blocking TE? Was Royal worth the contract he got?


I'd rather see two or three really impact signings than this nonsense.


The only player that truly fits your theory is Tripplett. Most players in this league are "grateful to have a shot." It means nothing. Having a shot does not mean that they will be able to compete with the best.

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"Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8. "


Those drugs have fried your brain. Maybe we'll take a kicker or a punter in the first round? A decent fullback to block for willis? Come on, pull your head out of the ground and come back to reality.



Hey douchebag, you'll notice I said "whether it's the right thing to do or not".


Not once did I say "I think we should draft a QB" or "it's a good idea to dump Losman". I said that I can see it happening.

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Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8.



I agree with the core of your post and I like the idea of a "hungry team", but I disagree on the QB pick at #8. It would be a wasted pick (à la Carr) with such a poor OL. Why not improve the OL, give a chance to JP, Nall or Holcomb and *then*, if they fail and we go 5-11 pick a QB with a top-5 pick of the 2007 draft? I think it would be wiser, from the point of view of a long-term rebuilding



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It's just my opinion ...... but ...... I think the Bills aren't a team on the brink of greatness, they're a team on the brink of "averageness".


We didn't stink last year because of a lack of a super star or two, we stunk because we couldn't find five decent offensive linemen, we stunk because we couldn't field four defensive linemen that could play as a cohesive unit, we lost because we didn't have a TE that could pass catch AND block on a journeymans level, we lost because we had a QB that either couldn't hit an open reciever or one that couldn't throw further than five yards.


Most good football teams are made up of mostly good players, with a FEW gamebreaking superstars thrown in. There are exceptions of course ....... teams without the "super stars" that overcome with superior teamwork ....... and a team or two who are built so well that they have "stockpiled" superstars.


But at this point in time, our beloved Bills needs to start filling our roster with massive quantities of bodies with enough "upside" we can field a team ...... maybe in a year our two we can spend our time and money looking for that one or two gamebreaking player.



I will have to disagree, I think we had alot of talented players on the field, but a coaching staff that didn't know how to use them. I'm not saying we had a ton of Pro Bowl caliber players that needed coaching, but we had some decent players that were mostly underachievers cause of a weak coaching staff.


The team at times looked really good (like 21 points in a quarter against a good Miami team) but other times looked really bad. The coaching staff made many questionable moves (like playing Holcomb instead of giving JP the experience he needed, and running alot of gadget plays) The bills had a top ranked defence on year and dropped to one of the worst a year later after losing a couple players, yes they were big players for the D, but a drop that far should not have happened.


I think it will a few years before we can just sit back in FA and sign one or two "Big name, Star players" to the roster to bring us over the top. Right now, the bills need to fill many holes and are looking for decent up and coming players or Diamonds in the rough to do this.

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I truly think Marv went to lunch with Darcy and ask him how he made the Sabres so good and now Marv is using that formula to make the Bills good. Mind you we wont be a contender for a few more years but we will make some runs at the playoffs. I like what Darcy has done with the Sabres why couldn't it work for the Bills. Hard work team oriented players, that is what Buffalo is made of hard work team oriented people. I like that mold a lot better than the Bills teams we've had recently with all the players only thinking about their stats and their money. Maybe I'm just old school but thats the way I like it.

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Marv is obviously looking at Free Agency and avoiding players who have recieved any sort of fame.


He's looking for young guys who have shown lots of potential to break out, but haven't done it quite yet. He wants guys that he, er.....  Jauron can mold. Guys that will buy into whatever they're selling. Guys that will be greatful for an opportunity rather than guys who will be greatful for a huge paycheck.


Lawyer Milloy, Sam Adams, Eric Moulds, and Mike Williams were exceptions to this and for the most part, they're all gone. Marv's trying to put together a "hungry" team.


He's trying to build this team ala the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Sabres. It's an interesting idea and i'm excited to see what we've got in some of these players. But the problem with his concept is, it rarely works. For every New England team there's two to three who fail with "potential" players.


But we have something on our side that most other teams don't. And that something is Marv. Marv knows the difference between the real thing and a fake. If he's signing someone, he thinks he's the real thing. I trust Marv's judgement on players probably more than anyone else.


So stop bashing Robert Royal, Andre' Davis, Reggie Wells, Israel Idonjie, Matt Bowen, Craig Nall and guys we're bringing in like Monsato Pope and Melvin Fowler. Hold your judgement until you've seen them in Bills blue. It's not like he's watching players in college and trying to judge them. He's watching NFL players. And in that right, he knows what he's doing.


If you're looking for "big names", wait until the draft because Marv isn't going to pick established stars. He wants to establish his own in the NFL.


My hunch is that J.P. is on his way out. Marv has zero ties to him and I don't think he impresses him enough to stake the franchise on him. I don't think Ralph is happy with him for that matter. I bet both of them look at Losman as TD's failed experiment.


Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8.



I agree with you up to the #8 pick part. It will be either Bunkley or Ngata at #8.

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I agree with the core of your post and I like the idea of a "hungry team", but I disagree on the QB pick at #8. It would be a wasted pick (à la Carr) with such a poor OL. Why not improve the OL, give a chance to JP, Nall or Holcomb and *then*, if they fail and we go 5-11 pick a QB with a top-5 pick of the 2007 draft? I think it would be wiser, from the point of view of a long-term rebuilding





If JP or Nall don't pan out this year, I like the idea of acquiring a FA like

a Delhomme or like a Brees next year....I don't want to start a rookie

QB and get through two years only for Juron to be canned and starting

the whole cycle again.....

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I cannot see the Bills taking a QB at 8.  If they want to look at Nall for the future that is one  thing, but to draft a QB when you need help on the lines is just not going to happen.



Stephen, I totally agree. Yet another 1st round pick on a QB after spending one on JP and another on DB is insane. That would focus way too much of our first-round talent over the past 5 years on QBs, and that isn't a good way to build a team.

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If JP or Nall don't pan out this year, I like the idea of acquiring a FA like

a Delhomme or like a Brees next year....I don't want to start a rookie

QB and get through two years only for Juron to be canned and starting

the whole cycle again.....



That would be even wiser.

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I have to admit that i'm trying to give Marv the benefit of the doubt and taking the "wait and see" approach, but it is getting a bit sad to witness. I mean, who knows, maybe Marv is picking up some quality blue chippers, but it does seem that on the surface we are quickly being left behind and that the rest of the dredge of the AFC is getting better quicker.


Not that it's the sure fire way to go, but i have to say that i would be a little more excited if i were a Browns and/or Titans fan this offseason. They just seem to be having more of the offseason that i thought we would have.


It really hit me last night though when i listened to Nall's interview on WGR. He said that even without Moulds the receiving crew is a "force to be reckoned with". He talked about how great Josh Reed and Robert Royal are, etc....


I was thinking, "yeah, that receiving corps should scare the pants off of opposing teams" :P


Being a diehard Buffalo fan has easily shaved 10-15 years off my life...especially with times like these.....

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I think thats why he rolled his SUV.............He had a "Flintstones" style brontosaurus rib on his car hop tray.  :P



Thats a big damn brontosaurus rib to be able to roll the suv AND mike williams...

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