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Man shoots, kills boy for...

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There's a story told of a town that was being bothered by a nasty biker gang in the mid sixties. A cop (who shall remain nameless.) put a shot in the back of one of the biker's heads. He said it was a warning shot. Another cop said.."how could you call that a warning?"...the shooter said..."It wasn't him I was warning!" Somehow the biker gang stopped coming to the town after that.

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There's a story told of a town that was being bothered by a nasty biker gang in the mid sixties.  A cop (who shall remain nameless.) put a shot in the back of one of the biker's heads.  He said it was a warning shot.  Another cop said.."how could you call that a warning?"...the shooter said..."It wasn't him I was warning!" Somehow the biker gang stopped coming to the town after that.



Reminds me of old Yakov Smirnov.


"You know what I like about America?.....


Warning shots."

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Ah, so when you do it it's a joke but when someone else does it then it's because they're older and a smart ass.  Got it.  Yet another "youth" who takes himself far more seriously than the rest of the world ever could.


Nice use of a question mark, froggy.




froggy? i'm italian you dumbshit

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So this guy, a veteren who lives alone and takes pride in his property and his surroundings, should have to live with kids in his neighborhood DESTROYING the things he treasures because they think its stupid. He called the police many times to report his property was being damaged. Why was it being damaged, because he took pride in it and wanted it nice and other felt they had the right to destoy it.

These kids (and parents) had the cops called on them to try and prevent them from doing this and yet they continued to show no respect for his property.

Now the guy snaps and kills one of the snot nose punks and he's a monster. Screw that, treating people like sh-- can have consequences. Sometimes people can be pushed too far.

If these kids or there parents would have put a stop to this, it never would have got this far.


Flame away




really so he was doing the right thing? why not you know fire a !@#$ing warning shot. if some dude came up to me with a gun especially at that age you can be sure i wouldn't do it again. i didn't know it was punishable by death to walk on someones lawn.

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really so he was doing the right thing?  why not you know fire a !@#$ing warning shot.  if some dude came up to me with a gun especially at that  age you can be sure i wouldn't do it again. i didn't know it was punishable by death to walk on someones lawn.



Quoth Popeye:


"That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more".


The town where it happened is in my area. The n'papers of course won't talk ill of the dead, but there are some rumblings going on that this precious kid and his family were sneering wise*ss snots. Just rumors.

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really so he was doing the right thing?  why not you know fire a !@#$ing warning shot.  if some dude came up to me with a gun especially at that  age you can be sure i wouldn't do it again. i didn't know it was punishable by death to walk on someones lawn.



He has a point though. People blow things off that aren't important to them and often tacitly encourage it in their children. We live in a culture of selfishness and sometimes maliciousness. I have more than once seen it where trying to reason with someone just makes them act worse. Now this guy obviously went over the top, don't know why, but since the parents or the teen couldn't be relied on to just ACT RIGHT and have some respect for someone else's property - were it me, I'd have found a more subtle way to get my message across. You don't have any respect for something that's mine? I'll find something that you care about - and you'll never prove I did it, either. Sometimes being nice and rational gets one sh-- on.

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He has a point though. People blow things off that aren't important to them and often tacitly encourage it in their children. We live in a culture of selfishness and sometimes maliciousness. I have more than once seen it where trying to reason with someone just makes them act worse. Now this guy obviously went over the top, don't know why, but since the parents or the teen couldn't be relied on to just ACT RIGHT and have some respect for someone else's property - were it me, I'd have found a more subtle way to get my message across. You don't have any respect for something that's mine? I'll find something that you care about - and you'll never prove I did it, either. Sometimes being nice and rational gets one sh-- on.



i agree with this. obviously i can understand someone not wanting to have kids walk on his property and it can be frustrating but there are many ways you could scare off someone and prevent them from doing it again. Taking a shotgun and shooting the kid twice is murder and like i said before, if it were a member of my family, i'd get my revenge.

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The guy will do a few years in prison as he should. The family will sue the guy and get all of his property and assets.  The kid who was a wise ass is dead.  See...everyone wins!



the guy is 66 years old, he'll die before he even finishes his prison term. being a wise-ass doesn't justify murder, or else guys like AD or CTM would have been up for execution a long time ago.

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He has a point though. People blow things off that aren't important to them and often tacitly encourage it in their children. We live in a culture of selfishness and sometimes maliciousness. I have more than once seen it where trying to reason with someone just makes them act worse. Now this guy obviously went over the top, don't know why, but since the parents or the teen couldn't be relied on to just ACT RIGHT and have some respect for someone else's property - were it me, I'd have found a more subtle way to get my message across. You don't have any respect for something that's mine? I'll find something that you care about - and you'll never prove I did it, either. Sometimes being nice and rational gets one sh-- on.



Yup. A lot of murders occur because some idiot refuses to turn the godda*n music down (I know MY rights - screw yours) or lets his dog sh*t all over another guy's property and tells the owner to F-off when he complains.

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Yup. A lot of murders occur because some idiot refuses to turn the godda*n music down (I know MY rights - screw yours) or lets his dog sh*t all over another guy's property and tells the owner to F-off when he complains.



And, just guessing here...those usually result from a long time pattern of behavior, not a single incident.


Finding the family dog nailed to the front porch sends a pretty clear message.

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The guy will do a few years in prison as he should. The family will sue the guy and get all of his property and assets.  The kid who was a wise ass is dead.  See...everyone wins!


:P:P its a win win thing :P

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He has a point though. People blow things off that aren't important to them and often tacitly encourage it in their children. We live in a culture of selfishness and sometimes maliciousness. I have more than once seen it where trying to reason with someone just makes them act worse. Now this guy obviously went over the top, don't know why, but since the parents or the teen couldn't be relied on to just ACT RIGHT and have some respect for someone else's property - were it me, I'd have found a more subtle way to get my message across. You don't have any respect for something that's mine? I'll find something that you care about - and you'll never prove I did it, either. Sometimes being nice and rational gets one sh-- on.


Thank you , this is exactly what I meant. I agree that shooting was over the top, but sometimes people are pushed beyond acting rational.

Too many people think (and are taught by their parents) that they have no duty to show respect to anyone. This guy fought and probably watched friends die in the military protecting the rights of people back home to treat him like sh-- with no reprocusions.

While I think the whole situation sucks, I would be lying if I didn't say, serves you you right you snot nose punk, and to the greiving parents, if you would have taught your son that this level of disrespect is unacceptable instead of condoning it, perhaps this situation wouldn't have happened.

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froggy? i'm italian you dumbshit


Dude, you live in Montreal and whine like a school girl about there not being enough French Canadiens on the Olympic hockey team. Your lineage may be from the old country but using terms like "ciao" doesn't make you Italian anymore than me eating pasta twice a week my entire life.

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Dude, you live in Montreal and whine like a school girl about there not being enough French Canadiens on the Olympic hockey team.   Your lineage may be from the old country but using terms like "ciao" doesn't make you Italian anymore than me eating pasta twice a week my entire life.




once again, shows how little you know since i speak italian and have a half canadian half italian citizenship. i didn't whine that there wasn't enough french canadiens on the olympic team, i said that they should have their own team. and unlike most who claim to be italian, at least i speak the !@#$ing language.

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