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You guys make me laugh...

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..



A sound as if you believe the posters on TSW are all one entity and not different people.

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But the guys that everyone on the board wants are can't miss, gonna take us to the big game, team saviours. Then when Marv signs one to a huge contract and can't afford to fill any other hole this team has with servicable players they would call for Marvs head too.


Must be a Buffalo sports team mentality. The Sabres went through it in the offseason calling for Darcy's head and saying Ruff should be fired. Now they belive Ruff is Coach of the year (possible) and Regier is a good GM. Its all about the W's

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..



Pot calling kettle! Pot calling kettle, come in please!

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we need starters at atleast 3, if not 4, positions.


the only players i see us signing/talking to are backups.


we have only signed one starter in FA this season. and the few players we have looked at tht are decent players are resticted and will most likly be kept by their old teams.


i look around the nfl and see teams adding quality starting players. and the bills dont even bother to talk to them, much less sign them.


but who knows, these "backups" may turn out to be good starters. i guess we will have to wait and see.

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept


Are we building an NFL caliber football team or a group of guys that are going to represent "a bunch of good guys playing ball?"

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We the board criticized TD for one reason - he did not win.  Don't make it any more complicated than that.



By that standard shouldn't the majority of the posters on this board wait until December 2006 to critize Marv's plan. (and even by that time I'd still think it'd be too soon)

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..


Actually, what got TD in trouble, IMO, was the fact that he surrounded skill position players with rejects from the XFL. Big names? Bledsoe, Spikes, Miloy? We could have been successful with the names if he had done something to improve line play. I'm not jumping off any bridges, but to this point Marv aint doin any better.

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Plan "B" Free Agency 2006 style. Lot's of cap money. Many young 2 or 3 year players to choose from. Can they be quality starters? Are they ready? Will they fit the system?

Don't know, but I like the approach. Some will work out, some won't.


We can't and won't be able to fill all the slots with pro-bowlers, so let's use our money wisely.

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Actually, what got TD in trouble, IMO, was the fact that he surrounded skill position players with rejects from the XFL.  Big names?  Bledsoe, Spikes, Miloy?  We could have been successful with the names if he had done something to improve line play.  I'm not jumping off any bridges, but to this point Marv aint doin any better.



TD's 5 #1 picks after Mike Williams average 203.8 lbs.


Flyweights are Us.


The Gnat Patrol.

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:P  :P  :P I know..the Bills are not playing well this season..


You know, you try to be nice and some people just can't help themselves. They were born a jackass and will remain a jackass.


This is Marv's season, right friggin now. Come July all he has to do is meet with the media once a week and talk a good game. Right friggin now!

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I love how people actually believe that they know more about football than Marv. Granted this is his first time in the position, but he has forgetten more about football than most of us will ever know. Plus he has Modrak helping him out. If you get the right guys with the right attitudes, great things can happen. Analyze this terrible signings:


Bowen who started for Washington and was very productive until he got injured.

Nall, who sat behind one of the greatest qbs ever.

Tripplet, who basically was a starter on a very good Indy defense.

Royal (which is the one I'm most unsure about), was basically a starter for Washington. His blocking can be a huge asset to our line.


And this contracts didn't exactly break the bank. My main point is, give the man time. But I guess that's today's overreact mentality. Trust in Marv.

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..


No, not really. Some of us just wanted a couple of stud, young, offensive lineman who were available early, PLUS the retreads we have gotten so far, to then provide some depth. All would have been doable under our cap.


Instead we are getting quantity, and not necessarily quality. What good is so much depth, when your starters above the "depth" actually suck too?


I will say this though, I'm willing to give Marv a chance. I just don't see it though. The team still seems directionless at this point. Only because we haven't really addressed any trouble spots yet.


I will say this though, I was so sick of the team and it's players last season, I would take anything as an alternative. At least I have a perception of these new guys of bringing energy and excitement in getting playing time. At least I hope so.

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No, not really.  Some of us just wanted a couple of stud, young, offensive lineman who were available early, PLUS the retreads we have gotten so far, to then provide some depth.  All would have been doable under our cap.


Instead we are getting quantity, and not necessarily quality.  What good is so much depth, when your starters above the "depth" actually suck too?


I will say this though, I'm willing to give Marv a chance.  I just don't see it though.  The team still seems directionless at this point.  Only because we haven't really addressed any trouble spots yet. 


I will say this though, I was so sick of the team and it's players last season, I would take anything as an alternative.  At least I have a perception of these new guys of bringing energy and excitement in getting playing time.  At least I hope so.




I respect your opinion and concur that we definitely need linemen, but you don't think Marv realizes this? He tried signing Wells; unfortunately, the Cards matched. I liked Bentley alot, but he signed for a lot of money. If the Bills some how get Neal, I think a lot of us would feel a lot better. You can already see how active we are in trying to sign d-linemen. Plus, there is a little thing called the draft coming up. So there is time. A dynasty was not built in a day.

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you burned TD at the stake, b/c he went after all of the big name players that did not amount to squat..now it appears Marv is looking for gritty, high charachter guys that fit into a team concept..and you call him an idiot for not signing the big names...too funny..ok, I will be going back to the OT and baseball board..as this place gives me a headache..



I definitely like what Marv is doing, but I also would have liked to see 1-2 major "name" signings at OL and/or DL. Not only because it would have helped the team and because we still have the cap space to do so, but also because it would boost team marketing...right now, I can't imagine that the Bills are even close to breaking even in season ticket sales from last year.

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