NorthWesternBill Posted March 21, 2006 Author Posted March 21, 2006 Do those include the missionary position? 636692[/snapback] Im sorry but this merits some recognition... this was a good one!!! ( sound of knee bein slapped)
NorthWesternBill Posted March 21, 2006 Author Posted March 21, 2006 Who all is being talked about, anyway? It's no secret that that is Condi's dream job, but I imagine they'll fill it before the next couple years are up. 636850[/snapback] It took them 7 months to find tags after the last commissioner left... oh and this busts my idea i guess... Report
Ghost of BiB Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 It took them 7 months to find tags after the last commissioner left...oh and this busts my idea i guess... report 636863[/snapback] Redo your link and drop the first http.
PastaJoe Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 The smoking pass from the shotgun could be a mushroom cloud...
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 The smoking pass from the shotgun could be a mushroom cloud... 636873[/snapback] This thread - this POST in particular - makes the John Lennon seance thread look intelligent.
Ghost of BiB Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 It took them 7 months to find tags after the last commissioner left...oh and this busts my idea i guess... report 636863[/snapback] Now it links to a dead page. Brief synopsis?
PastaJoe Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 This thread - this POST in particular - makes the John Lennon seance thread look intelligent. 636892[/snapback] We can't all be as intelligent as you. "Yeah, I shot the bastard. And I'd do it again. B word owes me money."
2003 Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 OK first this:"Rice says she is a deeply religious woman from the South who believes in democracy and football. In fact, she loves the sport so much, she used to work out with the Stanford football team and has said she would like to be the NFL commissioner someday. " Then this: "SMILEY: All right. So, OK, if not governor of California in a couple of years, how are your plans coming for your role as NFL commissioner? " "Dr. RICE: I'm still waiting. Now I told Paul Tagliabue I didn't want the job till he retired, so I'm willing to wait. " The Tavis Smiley Show: June 13, 2003 So, if she becomes the commissioner... this is a sure sign they will be dropping bombs on the CBA in six years... (HA?) 636581[/snapback] WHOA! I bet you that no one could spell her first name w/out lookin it up!
NorthWesternBill Posted March 21, 2006 Author Posted March 21, 2006 Link now works.. behold!! ( actually its not that interesting)
Ghost of BiB Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Link now works.. behold!! ( actually its not that interesting) 637003[/snapback] True, but the people who wanted to pile on with their "pathological liar" crap, who also don't have the first clue as to what they are talking about, just pissed me off - so I thought I'd try to keep the subject going. As for the subject, from what I know of her, she probably wouldn't make a bad one. And as mentioned, would be hard to argue lack of diversity. Question is, are the owners going to accept a female Commissioner? I believe Condoleeza Rice can hold her own with most anybody, especially behind closed doors, but as with any sport, that could be an issue.
Prisoner 1291378 Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Won't happen. Those white owners will never let a woman tell them what to do, even moreso that she's a black woman.
Pyrite Gal Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 One reason i doubt we would see Condi as NFL Commissioner is that if she took this post she would be rejecting the ideology of free markets and be embracing the collective virtually socialistic economic approach of the NFL team owners. Even worse she would be moving into a system where not only is their a partnership between the owners and the workers, but clearly with the new CBA applying to total revenues and the workers commanding well over a majority of the gross receipts, the workers are the majority partners. Perhaps she would be willing to toss aside the ideological commitment reflected in the Bush Administration and GOP policies of a free market approach were owners rather than workers rule, but even for this personal plum and the huge amounts of money produced for the team owners by joining with the workers to restrain trade its hard for me to see how someone who has written about and studied continuously the limits of the communist system that she would make such an ideological about face of becoming NFL Commissioner.
NorthWesternBill Posted March 21, 2006 Author Posted March 21, 2006 she would make such an ideological about face of becoming NFL Commissioner. 637112[/snapback] i fail to see the about face... maybe she does not view the nfl with the same outlook as a government... she was the one who gave the notion to us bystanders..
Chilly Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 We can't all be as intelligent as you. "Yeah, I shot the bastard. And I'd do it again. B word owes me money." 636926[/snapback] Sorry, but your post was just stupid.
The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ. Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 What is the NFL to do when Tagliabue steps down. The only move that wouldnt seem stupid is to hire a person with previous NFL commisioner experience. Obviously Rozell will be on oiuja quick call for all deciisions.
pdh1 Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Won't happen. Those white owners will never let a woman tell them what to do, even moreso that she's a black woman. 637045[/snapback] Please be joke.
Pyrite Gal Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 i fail to see the about face... maybe she does not view the nfl with the same outlook as a government... she was the one who gave the notion to us bystanders.. 637121[/snapback] The question I think you asked was whether her words to us bystanders was merely a fun idle musing or a serious expression of interest. My sense is that it was merely an idle musing because she has shown all signs of taking the ideology surrounding the administration and her current jobs seriously and my sense is that too the extent the approach of her current job is one of preaching a commitment to free trade, capitalism and the Administration's version of authoritarian democracy and this differs a lot from the NFL's economic approach based on: 1. Parthnership between the workers and the owners rather than individual money-making. 2. Strict market control based on a player draft which restrains individual trade rather than allowing each individual competitor to pursue the best deal he can get in a free market. 3. Collaborative action between the team owners and the players to restrict "underage" athletes from entering the professional draft (unlike MLB, HHL, NBA etc). 4. A commitment to a pension system which builds the NFLPA collective rather than an individualistic approach based on retirement accounts, 401ks. etc. 5. A bunch of other details reflected in the CBA which at the very least are reasonably defined as socialistic and collaborative rather than individualistic free market approaches central to the nation building work the State Departnment under Rice espouses. There is a substantial difference between the basis from which the NFL Commmissioner and our current State Department head operates. Woyuld this ideological difference make a difference in how she would do the job as NFL Commissioner? You bet! Unless she gave up the ideological framework she operates under. There have been two bookend signposts of Tagliabue's work as NFL Commisioner: 1: He oversaw the development of the CBA as a respose to the mid-80s NFL team owner lockout where the NFL beat the crap out of the NFLPA. The NFLPA threatened to decertify and force the team owners into an MLB like free market where small market teams like Buffalo would likely end up geting savaged and the golden rule (he who has the most gold rules) ran the day. Seeing that there was more money to be made by the team owners co=operating rather than fighting he fostered development of a CBA which gave the players a sliding scale of up to 70% or so of the designated gross (which did not include luxury boxes etc but did designate the big cash cow TV money). The players agreed to this deal because they had just had their butts kicked and because with a stable product providing something to sell commercials around to a defined audience of sports watchers+ the workers (along with the team owners) would make more money than they ever made before. 2. Tags oversaw last minute ownership agreement to the new CBA where the DGR (designated gross) has been replaced by a calculation based on total revenue and the players are the majiority partners receiving 59.5% of the gross. Tags played a central role in this where he was a partner with Gene Upshaw and the NFLPA educating team owners about the deal and Tags making a critiical last minute plea to the owners to bend over and be minority owners because their partners the players would merely use their bending over to put $ into their wallets in their back pockets rather than screwing them up the butt. I simply do not see Condi furthering the Tags socialistic collective approach that has brought so much wealth to the NFL team owners unless she is willing to do an about face on the individualistic free market mantra of the current Adminisitration's ideology.
30dive Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Hey I'd be for Condi or Bill Clinton. They both have the smarts and understand the inportance of PR spin.
Ghost of BiB Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 I simply do not see Condi furthering the Tags socialistic collective approach that has brought so much wealth to the NFL team owners unless she is willing to do an about face on the individualistic free market mantra of the current Adminisitration's ideology So, if it's more than 2,000 words it then doesn't become a political statement? FWIW, Dr. Rice isn't involved with economic policy, not in her job description, hasn't ever been, and she doesn't deal with it now. If you don't like the Bush Admin's economic policy, just say that and be done with it. So, to sum up both your posts, Condoleeza Rice would make a bad commish because you don't like Bush's domestic policies.
Ghost of BiB Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 She doesn't have a shread of integrity.She is just a mounthpiece who deflects responsibility for this Administrations screwups.What the hell does Clinton have to do with anything anyway??? HOW many years has he been out of office?????????????????????????????????? 637450[/snapback] I can pretty well see why there is so little intelligent participation on PPP, especially from liberal democrats. Incapable of rational conversation because they squeezed in a soundbite or two from CNN in between MTV and 24, and are now smart on the subject. Probably time to close this thread, mods.
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