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John Lennon Seance


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John Lennon seance live on pay-per-view

LOS ANGELES, March 13 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 24, 2006, an historic event will unfold on iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View television as famed psychics around the world conduct a seance to contact John Lennon.


John Lennon was one of the most important musical talents of our time, but he was tragically taken from us much too soon. Now, an event will take place that will perhaps allow the world to once again be touched by his genius.


Renowned psychics will travel to various sites significant to the former Beatle. Outside the Dakota building in New York, in the shadow of the Capitol Records Building in Los Angeles, and in the town in India where Lennon pursued his spiritual retreat, psychics will use their exceptional talents to contact him for the first time.


In India, a spirit reader at an ashram believes he will be able to contact John Lennon to receive musical notes and lyrics from the other side. If successful, these notations will be flown to Los Angeles, where a composer will arrange the notes, add vocals and backgrounds to produce a new song. Could the results be a last musical legacy from beyond?


In New York, a psychic will not only visit the Dakota, but will also spend time at the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park, where he believes he will make contact with the spirit of John Lennon.


The special will culminate as psychics, colleagues and confidantes sit at a seance table for what promises to be the most incredible 30 minutes of psychic contact ever recorded. State of the art infra-red cameras will be in place for the entire seance, providing the ability to capture any presence or spirit that enters the room.


During the special, music professionals and individuals who worked with John Lennon will be used to verify whether they believe contact was made.


"The Spirit of John Lennon" promises to be one of the most riveting and controversial specials of the year.


Paul Sharatt is executive producer for Starcast Productions. Associated Television International is the distributor.


Debuting on iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View April 24th at 9:00 p.m. EDT. For more information and to view a trailer of the seance, log on to www.spiritoflennon.com.


The Spirit of John Lennon is being done without the knowledge or consent of John Lennon's Estate.



Published March 15, 2006

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There are things that nobody on this planet understands. You do not need to show your fear by ridiculing others. It is ok to just feel your fear. We all have fears. It is ok.


Listening to John's spirit, if only for a moment, can fulfill so many of us. His son Julian and his daughter Annie have done well in their music, but not like John.


In this time of trouble we need a voice like his to guide us. He may choose not to come back, but it is well worth the try. The pay per view money can offset the costs of calling his spririt.


When Hinckley shot him, he took away a great man. Why not try to get him back if even for a moment?

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Like how to cook a bastardized omlette in less than an hour.  ;)  Go away, moron.


Between your signature line and your post you used three swear words. You used bastard twice and B word once. this shows a lot of tension within you.


I have no idea about what your reference to an omlette means. It is likely a strange manifestation of your fear involving food. That is just a guess.


The Lennon sessions may help to relax you as he was a laid back individual.


His daughter penned a song which you may recall. It is call "Here Comes the Rain Again" It is relaxing and soothing and will likely be used in the saence. You may want to listen to it. It starts like this:


Here comes the rain again-

Falling on my head like a memory,

Falling on my head like a new emotion.

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Between your signature line and your post you used three swear words.  You used bastard twice and B word once.  this shows a lot of tension within you. 


I have no idea about what your reference to an omlette means.  It is likely a strange manifestation of your fear involving food.  That is just a guess.


The Lennon sessions may help to relax you as he was a laid back individual.


His daughter penned a song which you may recall.  It is call "Here Comes the Rain Again"  It is relaxing and soothing and will likely be used in the saence.  You may want to listen to it.  It starts like this:



I'm so mellow right now.

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My bad. Sirhan Sirhan shot George.

Oswald shot John. It could happen to anyone.



Don't you mean Mark David Chapman? ;)


I can't wait to here the new song to come from the notes from beyond. If this works, maybe they can also contact Rick James. I would love to hear an updated version of "Party all the time".

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