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only have one cat now , wife ran over the 20 year old cat this summer . odds are 5 -1 she will nail the white cat this year . i will post a pic of the white one when i find out how to do it .

only have one cat now , wife ran over the 20 year old cat this summer . odds are 5 -1 she will nail the white cat this year . i will post a pic of the white one when i find out how to do it .



Figure it out quick. I hear the wife's headed out to the grocery store.

Figure it out quick.  I hear the wife's headed out to the grocery store.


she just got back from the store .( cat was in side and safe )the wife stoped and picked up 2 bottles of wine , going to be a good afternoon . :doh::lol::lol::D

I wish I had a pet to show off.  :lol:




I'm sure there are plenty of dogs barking at your door, L6. :doh:


Here are my 2 beagle boys






We got Stewie as a pup from a breeder and rescued Darwin from Lollypop farms.

Stewie's becoming quite the pheasant dog while Darwin is gunshy and runs for the truck as soon as he hears gunfire.




And I'm sure many here would like to pet it...forget I said that, move along...nothing to see here... ;)

And I'm sure many here would like to pet it...forget I said that, move along...nothing to see here... ;)



A couple weekends ago the wife and I were out with one of her coworkers and family, including coworker's mother spending a month over here from England, and coworkers sister-in-law. At one point the subject turned to cats, and being that across the pond "kitty" as used every day actually means "cat", most of us thought little of it when coworker's British mum turned to sis-in-law and said quite innocently "So...how's your kitty?" It was when sis-in-law got this really confused look on her face and exclaimed quite loudly "Wh-...WHAT????" that we all cracked up. :):devil:

A couple weekends ago the wife and I were out with one of her coworkers and family, including coworker's mother spending a month over here from England, and coworkers sister-in-law.  At one point the subject turned to cats, and being that across the pond "kitty" as used every day actually means "cat", most of us thought little of it when coworker's British mum turned to sis-in-law and said quite innocently "So...how's your kitty?"  It was when sis-in-law got this really confused look on her face and exclaimed quite loudly "Wh-...WHAT????" that we all cracked up.  :)  :devil:



Be careful about lighting up a fag, too. Especially around Dupont Circle.

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