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Levy on the verge of destroying his legacy.

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Perhaps your reading comprension isnt up to the 4th grade level that your little marv sucks temper tantrums are. I have been saying, not ranting, all along, give marv a chance, lets see whats going to turn out. You are the crazy one complaining that Marv sucks after 1 week of free agency because we havent signed big names.


*I* have sai dthat i'll take a wait and see approach., while you have already declared marv a bust who sucks as a GM. That was the point of my post. You are a doom and gloomer. Perhaps you should try reading some of your own posts for a change.



Well, I see I've embarrassed you enough to tone down SOME of your nonsense. Less exclamation points is good. Keep working at it. Here's another suggestion, if you won't say it to their face, don't say it to them here. Flaming is out of style. It's OK for people to disagree with you and likewise, it's called agreeing to disagree, you don't need to call them crazy or tell them they are suicidal because they have an opinion different from yours.


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Last time i checked the only thing that matters in football is results so lets break the TD era down for you:


-Peerless' play on the field turned him into a first round pick that TD traded for willis even though we had an RB who was giving us the same production willis is giving us now. WM may turn out to be better than TH, but please tell how he's been better thus far in a Bills uni? Well i guess he THINKS he's the best RB in the game, though travis went out with a fractured leg and let his game do the talking. WM may turn into a top 5 RB but he sure as hell isn't right now and much of that is due to the brilliant "offensive line" that TD assembled.


-Spikes was a good signing, and Adams was good until he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I don't remember a signing of Mallory (maybe a new Jill?) but Milloy was part of the TD spin machine that made fans believers only to have the rug pulled out after he was played for a fool by the front office of the Patsies for what turned out to be the second time. Good job TD.


-2 crap QBs?  Sure they may not have been great but they produced the same amount of playoff appearances as that shot of life Drew Bledsoe, and in less time, and that's zero. And we didn't even have to give up a first round pick to a division rival to get either of them. Bottom line for Drew: 23-25 no playoff appearances, an embarassing burger king commercial, and TD once again getting B word slapped by the patsies front office. The deal that got NE the 1st round pick for Drew was infinitely better than the move TD made for Peerless.


-Evans has not shown much yet. He was riding Moulds' double teamed coat tails much like Peerless, so saying that was a brilliant draft pick is idiotic because we have no idea what Evans will do in this league. He most definitely isn't a prototypical WR. McGee is and up and comer, but is still an unknown commodity, but I really like him as a player. Schobel has been solid but he is not a game changing DE, but his stats are solid. Good draft picks, also gotta give props for Mike Williams though and Roscoe.


So what does all of this equal??? How about 2 head coaches in 5 years, when Marvin Lewis, Charlie Weis, John Fox, and Jack Del Rio, were all overlooked by the much too smart for the common fan Tom Donahoe, in favor of the terrific Mike Mularkey and Gregggggg Williams. And an overall record of 31-49...wait i almost forgot to add in those playoff games to that overall record so lets see...the Bills were 31-49 under the guidance of the Son of Satan (you probably don't get that reference as you've been here for what 15 posts and already spouting off and making no sense).


So yeah if the measure of greatness of a GM is talking up and spinning his "product" with no results then TD was a master. I would much rather have a GM like Marv who's just out there signing players and adding depth and not bringing in washed up Patriots so we can get our ass kicked by them twice a year, than a GM who thought he was smarter than everyone else and a master of spinning questionable moves in a favorable light. Just remember that Marv hasn't even been at the helm for a season and he's matched TD's era for playoff appearances and division titles. I suggest you look at history before posting.




Marv is truly the Son of Satan. TD was just a distant cousin. Kinda of like a reverse John the Baptist thing....

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Well, I see I've embarrassed you enough to tone down SOME of your nonsense.  Less exclamation points is good.  Keep working at it.  Here's another suggestion, if you won't say it to their face, don't say it to them here.  Flaming is out of style.  It's OK for people to disagree with you and likewise, it's called agreeing to disagree, you don't need to call them crazy or tell them they are suicidal because they have an opinion different from yours.




Oh yes, you've embarassed me so much that i must hide in shame whenever i post on here. (since your comprehension isnt up to par yet, that last sentence was called sarcasm)


sar·casm Pronunciation Key (särkzm)


1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.

2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.


Are you trying to call me out on my comments? Anything i post on here i'd gladly say it to your face.


As for calling people suicidal, its this little literary term called a metaphor. I call you guys bridge jumpers, because you all have the attitude "the bills suck, we'll never get any better, we are going to go 0-16 forever unless we sign LeCharles bentley."


met·a·phor Pronunciation Key (mt-fôr, -fr)


1. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare).

2. One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol: “Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated metaphor for the crass, the materialistic, the shallow, and the craven” (Neal Gabler).


notice how the ph is pronounced like f. You'll learn that in chapter 12 in spelling class sometime next month.


As for agreeing to disagree, thats fine. You've made it quite obvious that you think Marv Levy has done a poor job as a GM. If you are willing to debate what he realisitcally should have done, i have no problem with that, i'll chime in. But so far all you have done is whine "Marv sucks, we didnt sign any big names, we are doomed, we are going to go 0-16 next year."


When you are done whining and want to discuss the Bills like a big boy, you can join the adults at their table in their discussion of the Bills offseason. Until then, have fun in the playpen with "is marv awake" and the other newbies that have shown up this week.

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What Marv does (or dosen't) do as a GM should count towards his legacy. The early signs are that Marv is way over head in this.


He has yet to sign one player that makes this team better then they were last season. Then again, if you were a Free Agent why would you come pay for the Levy led Bills? The only players signed are those just happy to have a job.


This team was said to have Cap room. Then the Cap was increased. It appears that Marv is either unwilling (more likely unable) to do anything with it.


The saddest thing? Is that in a year and half or two years when Levy gets fired or forced to step down? We will then have a 93 year old clueless owner out there trying to hire another GM.


I hope Golisano plans on buying the Bills. Looking at what he has done with the Sabres? I think he can save this once proud franchise and save it from this downward spiral.  :doh:



I think its to early to jump to conclusions. Remember we are rebuilding this season. The playoffs would be a top goal. I think getting back to respectability would be good and then next year we can geer up and try our best to make the playoffs.

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Oh and i forgot to add. You don't think that 4 consecutive SB berths are a good enough football reason to bring Marv in? He had to manage the Bickering Bills, and he also knows that they were as good as they were not only because of the skill positions (those are positions that supplied TD with an instant boner) but because the Bills of the early 90s had a dominant o-line. Gotta love the good ol boy system.



Was Marv the GM of those teams? If you want to bring back Polian? Then I'm all for it. A 80+ year old rookie GM is not the way to build a team.


Again I ask. What are Marv's qualifications? Does anyone have one?

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Was Marv the GM of those teams? If you want to bring back Polian? Then I'm all for it. A 80+ year old rookie GM is not the way to build a team.


Again I ask. What are Marv's qualifications? Does anyone have one?



Try "intelligence." Add "success." Who are you to match either of these? Give it up!

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I would rather be on crack then drink the Kool-Aid.  :doh:



You mean kinda like the kool-aid that your boy TD was serving for 5 years? I remember alot of people asking the same qualification questions of one Theo Epstein. You're an idiot if you judge a GM before you get the opportunity to see the results on the field.

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