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Adam Morrison


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Dear Mr Morrison,

It has come to our attention that we may have made an egregious error when recently assessing your value. After only seeing you play in parts of a couple games, we made the mistake of extrapolating those too brief observations into a full blown evaluation. Seeing just a couple instances of your poor shot selection and your occasionally rogue play fooled us into thinking that this was the kind of play one could expect out of you at all times. Recent events have disabused us of that notion as yesterday we saw you play a complete game, working both inside and outside, attacking the glass and doing so effectively, drawing defenders and involving teammates succesfully and serving as the emotional lynchpin to help carry your team through a dangerous elimination game. We apologize for our hasty judgement and look forward to observing more of your skills in the future.


Simon's frequently addled brain cells


P.S. A prepubescent caterpillar living under your nose is no substitute for a real moustache. Please find a good home for that thing.

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Did you see him at the end of the game when he got fouled getting the rebound that pretty much iced the game??

That was a manly rebound in traffic. A very strong play from a kid I unfairly labeled as a one-dimensional spot-up shooter.

Gonzaga was one of hte few teams I saw yesterday who were actually able to execute with any degree of efficiency late in a close game. While others were repeatedly taking the bubble when things got tight, the 'Zags did a great job closing out their opponents. Unless somebody gets up on them big, these guys are going to be a really tough out.


The Doors were never the same after he died.

Nice try but you know damned well he's not dead.

Who do you think Ricky Williams was hanging with in India?

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Nice try but you know damned well he's not dead.

Who do you think Ricky Williams was hanging with in India?



word has it that Jim, Elvis and Ricky are going to start a trio.

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