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Banning Contraception

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Hold on Bib, I'm still trying to get my arms around the idea that you supported sterilization of the poor.


Only a fool would fashion public health policy based on what people should do.  What people actually do would seem to me to be a more sound basis for making such decisions.  Yet that is all so many here want to talk about.  An inspirational discussion over whether the poor are irresponsible for screwing without rubbers or other contraceptives they can't afford.  Riveting.  Having a public health clinic without contraceptives and family planning services is like having a first aid kit without bandaids.


There are plenty here who oppose the very idea of a public health clinic let alone any particular program it might have.  No sense really talking to anyone like that and their viewpoint is, at least for now, one from the outer fringe. 


That is what I like about this story, it smokes the Pat Buchanan ugly side of the right out into the open.  If Democrats are going to start winning elections again it will be the result of the "compassionate conservative" bs being unmasked to reveal the public health clinic closing, sterilizing truth.


Mickey, I do not believe that you are correct in that statement. Granted, I have only been posting here for ~8 months, but I have not seen that sentiment posted here.

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How many millions has the nation of France killed throughout their existence? How many colonies? How many breakings on the wheel? How many burnings at the stake?


Ah, I remember you - history does not matter, you said - very convenient for you.


In it's entire existence, America wouldn't account for a tenth of a percent of the  butchery perpertrated by the occupants bounded by the Rhine, Pyrenees, and the Atlantic.


Go sell some more nuclear technology to those who would visit world war on this globe and shut up.




eu... looks like this one has not even the 9 bucks to buy his pack... i understand after a while it gets on your nerves but it looks like you have past the boiling point!! what about using your hand?!!

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You choose?  :devil:


Yep, you nailed it, that is exactly what I meant, I'll choose who does and does not use a condom.


Others, lacking in your analytical and reading comprehension skills, might have thought that what I meant was that a policy that provides contraceptives at public health clinics makes option A more likely which would be better for everyone thus my choice is to favor such a policy.

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Mickey, I do not believe that you are correct in that statement.  Granted, I have only been posting here for ~8 months, but I have not seen that sentiment posted here.


Really? You haven't seen posts against all government give aways? You haven't seen posts about how the only legitimate government endeavors are defending the seas, the land and delivering the mail? You haven't seen posts against all government entitlements and social programs? Where would all that lead to if not to shutting down public health clinics?


Didn't you read the posts which flat out accused poor people of loading up on cheeseburgers at mcdonald's and cases of bud light rather than making wiser spending choices? Did you not read the posts stating that all poor people are poor because they are lazy and lousy decisions makers?


What do you think is behind those sentiments? Do you think the holders of those sentiments are any happier about providing free drug and alcohol addiction treatments to the poor what with their lazy, lousy, stupid ways?


This is a great issue for democrats because it brings out the nasty streak on the right that true moderate swing voters have rejected in the past.


I am sure some aren't against public health clinics but if they are against family planning services being available at them then they are at least against having effective public health clinics. Tell you what, call some of the public clinics in your area and ask to talk a physician there. Ask the doc if he or she thinks that a properly stocked health clinic should or should not have contraceptives. I know, actually consulting a medical professional about the best way to deliver health services is just plain silly. Why do that when we can leave it up to a state legislator in thrall to intelligently designed fundamentalists to micromanage a health clinic. Why let the doctors decide how best to spend their budget? Certainly health care decision are better made on the floor of a state house than in a doctor's office.


Who cares anyway. They are just a bunch of stupid, lazy poor people. That is the message running through this thread loud and clear.

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8.99 dollars for a 12 pack!! that's awfully expensive!! at least 3 times the price it costs here!

now i know  where that anger comes from, the root of that hawkish american attitude, that need to show its power to the rest of the world... when it costs that much to make love you don't do it as often as you should!!  ;)  :devil:


In America condoms are not typically used for masturbation.


Prices for products are driven by supply and demand.


The conclusion I have reached in an unscientific manner is that you French have some weird "personal" habits.

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Plus it sets you guys up for a year, so that's really pretty cost effective.


A good rule of thumb is:


If you find yourself checking the expiration date before you use a condom, you might want to work on your interpersoanl skills and/or hygiene.

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Yep, you nailed it, that is exactly what I meant, I'll choose who does and does not use a condom. 


Others, lacking in your analytical and reading comprehension skills, might have thought that what I meant was that a policy that provides contraceptives at public health clinics makes option A more likely which would be better for everyone thus my choice is to favor such a policy.



And others, lacking in your breathtakingly deep understanding of everything, might have realized that, regardless of what you choose, people are going to do whatever the hell they want anyway. What YOU choose is largely irrelevant.

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Yeah.  It's called marriage.

Actually, it's about everyone pushing an agenda.  For some people, it's religious.  For some, it's "personal responsibility".  For some, it's "public health". 




No, it's a religious agenda. That is all it is. Others may think it's "personal responsibility", or "public health", but they are being misled. If the latter two did matter here, I would be for it as well. But please, lets not be stuck on stupid here, it's a religious agenda.

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No, it's a religious agenda. That is all it is. Others may think it's "personal responsibility", or "public health", but they are being misled. If  the latter two did matter here, I would be for it as well.  But please, lets not be stuck on stupid here, it's a religious agenda.


Changing policy is very simple- vote for someone else,and persuade others to follow suit. Great system we have here in America

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No, it's a religious agenda. That is all it is. Others may think it's "personal responsibility", or "public health", but they are being misled. If  the latter two did matter here, I would be for it as well.  But please, lets not be stuck on stupid here, it's a religious agenda.


In the previous thread about walmart and the morning after pill, I mentioned doing construction in the abcd building in boston, and the pro life rallies outside the building. I was'nt sure there was actuall abortions performed inside the building, I assumed due to the twice weekly protest outside the building, this was the case. Coli, cleared it up noting abcd does not perform abortions, abcd offers low income people, prophalactics, and bettering their lifes and families with informative programs. As for a religious agenda definately, In this case catholic priest were vocal with bullhorns. As for a state issue, fine but know newhampshire a conservative state, ranks #1 on giving the least to charities, and no, residents do not pay state income or sales tax.

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Vaccines keep people from getting sick, uninsured ones too.  And that saves money.  Condoms also keep people form getting sick, uninsured people too.  And that saves money.  Do you want to spend pennies on condoms or millions on unwanted children and venereal disease?


Why don't you go stand in a corner with some other wingnut and have a nice long debate about what people should and shouldn't do while the rest of us deal with the reality of what people actually do? 


God, I so wish you were running the Republican Party.  Imagine the slogans:  "No sex for the Poor". "The poor: they deserve it!". "Eff the Poor".  I'd love for the democrats to run against that platform.




Actually condoms only save money if you assume we should pay for the medical care of someone who is sick due to their own irresponsible act and also uninsured. If I don't have collision insurance on my car I'm not going to enter a demolition derby and expect you to pay for it. You really underestimate the number of people in this country who are truly fed up with Government handouts. A big reason the Democrats and liberals are losing ground in this country is because you want to make victims out of everyone. We all know people who take advantage of the handouts. We see the spoiled trust fund kids who travel the country protesting everything and we have grown tired of it. We don't want to be told what to do by a bunch of egotistical celebrities that wouldn't know morals if it kicked them in the @ss. The majority of Americans are hard working people that would only take a handout if it was a last resort. I guess the next step is labeling poorness as a disease so you can start suing people for discrimination. "you can't refuse to give me that Cadilac...I'm a pooraholic".


I'd love for the Democrats to have a platform! maybe "eff the worker" or "Helping crack-whores get condoms and drug treatment on you dime" or "screw the job interview, stay home and have more sex with your free condoms, why work when a Conservative can do it for you."

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In America condoms are not typically used for masturbation.


Prices for products are driven by supply and demand.


The conclusion I have reached in an unscientific manner is that you French have some weird "personal" habits.





??? don't know where you have seen condoms used for masturbation in France... ;):devil:

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And others, lacking in your breathtakingly deep understanding of everything, might have realized that, regardless of what you choose, people are going to do whatever the hell they want anyway.  What YOU choose is largely irrelevant.


Okay, we'll skip over your ridiculous interpretation of the original comment about what option I would prefer in terms of policy and instead address this new point.


I want to be sure I understand you correctly: You don't think having contraceptives available at a given public health clinic would at all increase contraceptive use among the users of that clinic? Is that right?

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