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Panthers vs. Thrifty customers


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Here's the story.


In short, there is a mall across the street from the arena. Many folks park there and walk over. Starting July 1st, there will be a $5 charge to cross the street. Somehow, the thought is that there will be an inducement to pay for parking in the arena lots ($15). The arena folks claim that the foot-traffic leads to traffic congestion after the events. I'm not sure that logic passes the BS test. I mean, people are still induced to park at the mall because it will be $10 cheaper. If the former is true and more people park in the arena lots, that means more cars attempting merge onto Panther Parkway (the road we will be charged to cross).


There's lots of discussion as to whether this will actually work. The arena is publicly funded. The street is also public property. There are always police there to direct traffic (both car and foot).


My belief is that they can't do this. They might be able to add a $5 entry fee to the ticket and then get a rebate from those with parking. But won't that lead to hitchiking up the road?


Any of you legal eagles (amateur or pros) care to comment? Can they charge the chicken to cross the road?

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There's lots of discussion as to whether this will actually work. The arena is publicly funded. The street is also public property. There are always police there to direct traffic (both car and foot).


My belief is that they can't do this. They might be able to add a $5 entry fee to the ticket and then get a rebate from those with parking. But won't that lead to hitchiking up the road?



It's a hot topic here. Personally I dont understand why parking has to be 20$ (OK I do but I think it's ludicrous). Whats more, Sawgrass Mills mall said they really dont mind people parking intheir lot, across from the Arena. And, charging starting July 1st? Very Little will be going on unlike hockey season. I say drop parking prices and make it up in volume. Hmm, I guess they could always install pay toilets to make up the difference.

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"Well, first of all, there's 17¢ new-in-town tax, and there's 45¢ rowboat-under-the-wharf tax, and one dollar leaving-your-junk-lying-around-the-wharf tax, so all together, you owe the Commodore $1.87."


Yeah, the quickest way to solve a problem is to tax it or slap a fee on it. They can dress it up any way they want, but still sounds like a money grab to me.

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