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What would you suggest be the penalty for

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Child Porn Ring Busted




This is some kind of bad joke! :devil:

Making child pornography carries a minimum 15-year prison sentence. The other charges call for minimum sentences of at least five years.


i say a quick and speedy trial, and right off to the firing squad....and let the birds eat their remains.

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The proper penalty is to put them in a room wearing a dress and lipstick, install a webcam, find the biggest, meanest, loneliest man in prison, put him in the room with them one at a time, stream it live pay-per-view on the internet, and give the money to the victims.

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The proper penalty is to put them in a room wearing a dress and lipstick, install a webcam, find the biggest, meanest, loneliest man in prison, put him in the room with them one at a time, stream it live pay-per-view on the internet, and give the money to the victims.



Just make sure they make it into the general prison population. The rest should take care of itself. Pain, humiliation, possible death or at worst...hell on Earth.


It's my understanding that these types are usually kept seperated because of "concern for their safety."

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Oh no..wait...these people should be counsled...and studied....and researched...


F That...lethal injection, same day dead, get these #%@! off the planet NOW!



there is only slight suffering in lethal injections, i believe it is when the person goes into cardiac arrest, if there is no heaven and hell, these criminals didn't get what they deserve.

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Just make sure they make it into the general prison population. The rest should take care of itself. Pain, humiliation, possible death or at worst...hell on Earth.


It's my understanding that these types are usually kept seperated because of "concern for their safety."



Yup, put them in the general population, tell the other prisoners what they are in for, and dont give them any special protection. things will take care of themselves.

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i Have always said, that when sentencing a man to death..it should happen right ther eon the spot...



That, I agree with. Within a week or so anyway. Actually, since we're civilized now, one appeal or review, whatever the legal mumbo jumbo is. Just to be fair. Then kill them. I'm one of those who believes not very many innocent people go up against a death penalty conviction. But, give them one shot to prove wrong. That's more than fair, isn't it?


But, in spite of the sentiment, this isn't a death penalty case, is it? Just disgusting.

18 months? How can anyone be sexually gratified through a baby? Someone has a 21st Century answer, but damn...that's just wrong. Really wrong.

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That, I agree with. Within a week or so anyway. Actually, since we're civilized now, one appeal or review, whatever the legal mumbo jumbo is. Just to be fair. Then kill them. I'm one of those who believes not very many innocent people go up against a death penalty conviction. But, give them one shot to prove wrong. That's more than fair, isn't it?


But, in spite of the sentiment, this isn't a death penalty case, is it? Just disgusting.

18 months? How can anyone be sexually gratified through a baby? Someone has a 21st Century answer, but damn...that's just wrong. Really wrong.




thing is, the legal system in Canada is a joke. a pure and utter joke. i have a friend who risked going to jail for 2 years because he used to hang out in the streets drinking, yet a guy who distros child porn gets a slap on the wrist.

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