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Methinks they doth protest too much


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All the sports stations here in Habana Norte have been trumpeting the signing of Dante. Almost to the point of absurdity. It seems as if the Dolphins are trying convince themselves and their fans that this was a wise thing, they are even comparing Culpepper to Dan Marino. Somehow I get the feeling they are praying this works out.

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All the sports stations here in Habana Norte have been trumpeting the signing of Dante.  Almost to the point of absurdity.  It seems as if the Dolphins are trying convince themselves and their fans that this was a wise thing, they are even comparing Culpepper to Dan Marino.  Somehow I get the feeling they are praying this works out.



Better him there than Brees. How do they compare him to Marino? Dan couldn't run to save his life.


Hey, can you stop by Versailles and pick me up some pastries?

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Hey Tommy Maddox and his reserve team kept us out of the playoffs when we were "hot" in 2004


Touchdown Tommy threw one directly to Nate Clements for six. Drew Bledsoe's handoff to James Harrison and the debut of Fast Willie Parker are what kept us out of the playoffs.

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Bingo...I wonder about that injury.  Serious surgery and a long recovery.  I'm not sure he will be much help next year at all.




The media keep comparing his injury to McGahee's. Again, I believe it's wishful thinking.

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