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Quotes from Donahoe on Jaguars website

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No, I use the scouting to backup what I see.  Big difference.  I think Davis is a good TE, just not for us, in our situation. 


As far as Big Mike goes, no he was was overpaid, and he didn't play up to his level of draft pick, but if he could have gotten a pay cut, I would have kept him.  And IMHO he is a far better RT then Peters.



So his lazy lockeroom presense would have been alright with you then? Him getting taped up for an hour than practicing for a couple plays then getting taped up again for another half hour? What kind of message does that send to your team? He was a bad example in that locker room and for that I'm glad he is gone. Adams was right when he said the locker room was a mess and I know Williams lazy attitude contributed to that.

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Very true comment. I have been saying the same thing to my co-workers for a long time. I had more fun when VanPelt as the QB and Bryson was our RB during that 4 win season than last year. I would rather have a bunch of nobodys working there butt off and losing than a bunch of me/lazy/ star players that Donahoe brought in. I love Marvs moves so far and I trust him. He helped build those 90s teams. We need to cut the lazy and laxed and get some players in here that want to go hard every down.


But you are not going to win with the Kamil Louds, Jason Peters, Crowells, etc..


You still need to have top tier talent and ability, even if you don't use all of it. Every team needs one or two guys who are heart and play all out, but the Bills have too many heart players over the last 6 years and not enough talent.

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But you are not going to win with the Kamil Louds, Jason Peters, Crowells, etc.. 


You still need to have top tier talent and ability, even if you don't use all of it.  Every team needs one or two guys who are heart and play all out, but the Bills have too many heart players over the last 6 years and not enough talent.



I would say its the other way around. We dont have enough heart on this team.

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But you are not going to win with the Kamil Louds, Jason Peters, Crowells, etc.. 


You still need to have top tier talent and ability, even if you don't use all of it.  Every team needs one or two guys who are heart and play all out, but the Bills have too many heart players over the last 6 years and not enough talent.


But you are going to win with Bennie Anderson, Mike Williams, and Eric Moulds (the last two because they are grossly overpaid)? Peters is an ASSET to this crappy O-line and players like he and T. Mcgee, are the type of players we need to build this team around for the future. And what good is talent if you can't use it on the field...ala Mike Williams. IMHO Peters was a major discovery as an undrafted free agent and I am extremely happy he is Bill. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this issue.

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But you are not going to win with the Kamil Louds, Jason Peters, Crowells, etc.. 


You still need to have top tier talent and ability, even if you don't use all of it.  Every team needs one or two guys who are heart and play all out, but the Bills have too many heart players over the last 6 years and not enough talent.



Peters is going to be much better than you think. Just an opinion based on watching his progress and technique so far.....

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I respect your opinion on this ganesh but I just dont agree.....


Mike Williams represents everything that has been wrong with the bills since we last made the playoffs (which by the way has been a LOOOONG time)


Mike isn't one of thos gritty lunchpail guys who gives everything he has and has to be carried out on his shield types that I love....


He is one of those ultra freak, ultra talented players who is just plan soft....and to be honest we have a LOT of that type of attitude on this team and it has to fricken go.  That is why this team is folding when it meets adversity.



My point was not to distract from the negatives of MWs.....rather show the

positive side of him that people tend to forget....MW was lazy, unmotivated,

but when he played his game he was dominant....May be our line never gelled

due to bad coaching staff and players like MW decided to just go through the

motions....May be a change of scenery will help MW recover his career....

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Agreed. Mikes problem has been Injuries and Intensity, not skill.... It was still probably the right move for us to cut him though considering the salary. TD  IS right, but does fail to mention the intensity/motivation factor....



Exactly right - intensity and motivation is what made this guy more of a marshmellow than a Pro Bowler.


All you need to know about the guy is that he flaked out at camp one year, and when he was pushed out of the starting lineup by an undrafted rookie who never played the position before he never said a word. Any guy with any sort of fire or competitive spirit would have been screaming a)This sucks and I'm not going to stand for this type of treatment or b)I'm going to work my butt off to show that I'm the better man. Mike said nothing, and that spoke volumes about him - the guy was just happy to collect his check. Glad he's gone and I don't see his attitude/play improving elsewhere.

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I am somewhere in the middle on this one but I agree mostly with VA. What TD was saying was correct, he got into the doghouse because of injuries and because of his contract. Everything really revolved around those two items his entire career. If he would not have been hurt last year, we might have had a difficult time choosing whether he should have been cut. yes, he is not a self-motivated player and he isn't a pro bowler because he doesn't have the fire in the belly. That is a fact. But when he wasnt hurt, he was a VERY good run blocker and a decent if not pretty good tackle. And he is still young. We only claim Williams to be the biggest bust because he was paid 10 million on his contract last year. What few ever brought up was two years ago his salary was around 700,000. He was a friggin' steal that year, his good year. Because of the way his contract was structured, ths year he was due 10 million.

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“That's a great signing,” former Bills president Tom Donahoe told jaguars.com. “The media (in Buffalo) keep describing him as a bust. He's not a bust. This past year he had some injury problems that set him back. He's like all young offensive linemen. His first couple of years he felt his way; 2004 was his best year. Jim McNally (offensive line coach) said on numerous occasions (Williams) was as good as any big man he's ever coached.”


Donahoe drafted Williams in '02 and remains as convinced now as he was then that Williams can be a star player in the league.


“If you wanna run the football, he's the guy you want on your offensive line. He's a dominating run-blocker when he's healthy. He mashes guys. He knocks guys 10 yards off the ball,” Donahoe said.


“This is an outstanding signing. What got him in the doghouse last year are the injuries. He was getting into the big years of his contract. They were too high. If Mike's healthy, he will definitely upgrade their line. He's young and has a lot of football ahead of him,” Donahoe added.


Donahoe is still blaming the media!!

What a thin skinned little girlie man!!


This just shows how far out of touch TD is.......


Are you kidding me? For the record, I don't think MW is a bust yet either. However, that being said......when did Mike Williams EVER knock someone 10 yards off of the ball? And this is the best guy McNally has ever coached? So, then, what happened?


I mean, come on.

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This just shows how far out of touch TD is.......


Are you kidding me?  For the record, I don't think MW is a bust yet either.  However, that being said......when did Mike Williams EVER knock someone 10 yards off of the ball? 


Never. Talk about revisionist history. :doh: MW put together a nice stretch of about 10 games to close out the 2004 season... during that stretch, he looked competent, never dominant. The rest of the time, he either sucked or was hurt.


Too bad TD, your legacy is completely shot, & no amount of spinning will bring it back. ;)

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Funny how people will say they still aren't willing to call MW a bust after what, 4 years? But people here think JP is a bust after less then 8 games.


Williams has the talent to be a great player, thats why he was picked 4th overall, but he is lazy and unmotivated, and I don't see how he is going to be willing to change that without a change of scenery or new coaching, which he now has. Thats why I won't be shocked to see him become a very good lineman, just pissed that he could not do it here

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