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Would you trade Moulds and a 2nd

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Should we trade a number two pick and Moulds for Matt Shaub....yes or no?


Personally, I think it would be asnine.


Read my post, then figure it out for yourself.

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If I was Marv, I'd be taking a very close look at the tapes of Schaub. A guy like that . . . chances are you're at least getting a good backup QB. It helps to be strong at backup QB, as the Bills learned in the comeback win over the Oilers. But if Schaub can be an upgrade at starter--which may well be the case--you're improving your team for a very reasonable price.

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If I was Marv, I'd be taking a very close look at the tapes of Schaub. A guy like that . . . chances are you're at least getting a good backup QB. It helps to be strong at backup QB, as the Bills learned in the comeback win over the Oilers. But if Schaub can be an upgrade at starter--which may well be the case--you're improving your team for a very reasonable price.




I'm shocked. Holcomb is a fine #2. I have no problem with him stepping in, should we need him. KH is very Frank Reich-like, IMO.

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Brees is Free? Good Luck signing him. Collins has lost it, we never knew if Culpepper ever had it to begin with, and if he did if it will return post injury. McCown is the only other legitimate guy I see on that list but even then I just feel Schaub has the better future.


This place can be ridiculous sometimes. For several years the board is incredibly skewed toward favoring QB's. Now it's so skewed to favoring every other position but QB you would think it's the QB was the kicker.  Last time I checked we not only suck on the line but we aren't exactly set at QB either.  If adding Schaub for a 2nd increases our chance of finding "the man" by even 20% is it that crazy?




:P stop trying to make sense. FWIW though I wouldn't give up moulds and a 2nd for Schaub, but I would give up a 4th for Schaub. Moulds and a 2nd just seems like too high a price. I'm pretty high on Matt Schaub. I felt he was the qb we should've drafted in 03 to begin with, and given the chance I think he'll be a good starter at least better then JP Losman. For a 2nd/Moulds not worth it. If that would be their asking price I'd rather draft Charlie Whitehurst or Brodie Croyle in the 3rd, but for a 4th I'd do it yesterday.

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Great response! You sound like a two year old

with a load of crap in his pants! :P


Wow...alright, for those who can't find things for themselves:


Moulds and a second is a bit high


I'd give up a third for him no problem.


Did you get that? Sure, I knew ya could.

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so that we had a qb who has proved he can play.


Schaub would come in and start here - automatic


Vick and LOSSman / Holcomb have the same problems - they have a bunch of talented receivers that never get yards because the qbs can't find open receivers


make the trade! - not that Atlanta would - because hes a great insurance policy

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I'm shocked.  Holcomb is a fine #2.  I have no problem with him stepping in, should we need him.  KH is very Frank Reich-like, IMO.


If Losman doesn't pan out as the starter, he might not stick around as the backup. Rob Johnson is a good example of one possible future for Losman. That'd leave the Bills with Holcomb as the starter short-term, Schaub as backup (assuming he doesn't prove to be starter material), with Holcomb's successor to be acquired at some point.


But even supposing Losman proves himself worthy of being the starter, Holcomb as backup won't last forever.

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