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Where are all the Bankee posts today?____


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the yankees r still better!didn't see too many sox posts last week when the yanks took 2 out of three and really it shoulda been a sweep if not for the fluke rivera blown save.and oh yeah a guy who was pitching was just coming back from a busted hand.this was like a spring training game for us.we r just fine tuning for the playoffs!"sides pedro saz the yankees r his daddy!

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the yankees r still better!didn't see too many sox posts last week when the yanks took 2 out of three and really it shoulda been a sweep if not for the fluke rivera blown save.and oh yeah a guy who was pitching was just coming back from a busted hand.this was like a spring training game for us.we r just fine tuning for the playoffs!"sides pedro saz the yankees r his daddy!

Whew..... thats better. Thanks! Thought you stankee fans fell off the face of the earth! :rolleyes:

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I know you are a disgruntled MET FAN.


At least the Yankee owner cares about putting players that want to win on the diamond.



And if it makes you feel good that George can spend 2-3-4 times other teams to essentialy buy championships so be it. IMO, the Crankees have NEVER played on an even playing field with everyone else & thats a reason to not like them. Nothing to do with Mets, RedSox, Card, Dodgers, Bisons or any other team. It's like a heavyweight boxer fighting a flyweight :rolleyes: .

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I love how you can laugh at a team who is 6 games better then you in the standings...........


The Yankees are a joke.




Brandon, I was looking over the teams the Cardinals might match up with in the playoffs and I honestly don't see any that can beat St. Louis.


Over in the AL, the Twins or the Red Sox could take the Yankees out.


Who do you worry most about in the NL?

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