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Lets see what Letterman in made of tonite

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Howard Stern is coming on tonite and Stern has made it clear he wants to talk about the CBS Lawsuit against him. Now Stern is coming on CBS and he promises to bash Les Moonves, lets see if Letterman lets Howard talk, lets see if CBS edits the interview and also lets see if Howard does what he has been prominsing, could be good tv tonite

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Howard Stern is coming on tonite and Stern has made it clear he wants to talk about the CBS Lawsuit against him.  Now Stern is coming on CBS and he promises to bash Les Moonves, lets see if Letterman lets Howard talk, lets see if CBS edits the interview and also lets see if Howard does what he has been prominsing, could be good tv tonite



I am sure that Howard will have no problem bashing Les Moonves and CBS. Remember how he bashed NBC when both he and Letterman worked for NBC.


My predicition:


Howard goes on the show. Talks about how great Sirius is, how he is a pioneer, and that CBS sucks. Letterman will sit there, half laugh and half smile.

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Even if Howard came on there and attempted to sincerely trash CBS, Dave has an uncanny ability to make it look like Howard is "just being silly".....Dave can diffuse anything....he's done it a million times. No matter what agenda a guest may have, Dave will derail it, go off on a tangent, and get the laugh. He's the master.

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