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"Sopranos" predictions...


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All of the advance hype for the new (and final :blink: ) season of the "Sopranos" warns/promises that something "shocking" and "monumental" happens in the final moments of the 6th season premiere...the show is always wildly unpredictable, anyone care to make a prediction?


Here is mine:


Silvio Dante (real name Little Steven) will get taken out by someone, likely Pauly!


Why do I think this? I am sure you are all dying to know:


The first episode of the season is called "Members Only". Silvio is known to sport a wildly out of style "members only" jacket, 80's style....plus, I know they have filmed 12 episodes, they take a break, and film 8 more....isn't Bruce Springsteen going out on tour again in a month or two?




My other prediction is that Meadow Soprano gets killed by Vito Spitafori (the guy her boyfriend caught orally pleasing another dude), in a botched attempt to kill the boyfriend....I am more sold on my first theory. It is weak, but I noticed that in all of the montage scenes they show of the upcoming season, Meadow is not around much....

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I'd be real pissed if Silvio got whacked;he's my favorite.  Is this the last season or will there be a 7th?



Instead of the usual 13 episode season, they are going to run 12 episodes, starting March 12th, and then take a break, until January of 2007, and have 8 more....they are calling the whole thing season 6!

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All of the advance hype for the new (and final :blink: ) season of the "Sopranos" warns/promises that something "shocking" and "monumental" happens in the final moments of the 6th season premiere...the show is always wildly unpredictable, anyone care to make a prediction?


Here is mine:


Silvio Dante (real name Little Steven) will get taken out by someone, likely Pauly! 


Why do I think this?  I am sure you are all dying to know:


The first episode of the season is called "Members Only".  Silvio is known to sport a wildly out of style "members only" jacket, 80's style....plus, I know they have filmed 12 episodes, they take a break, and film 8 more....isn't Bruce Springsteen going out on tour again in a month or two?




My other prediction is that Meadow Soprano gets killed by Vito Spitafori (the guy her boyfriend caught orally pleasing another dude), in a botched attempt to kill the boyfriend....I am more sold on my first theory.  It is weak, but I noticed that in all of the montage scenes they show of the upcoming season, Meadow is not around much....




i predict something more the line of tony gets sick. his worst fears come to life as he might be heading towards death, even though he managed to avoid getting shot or arrested, that he would still go down.

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i predict something more the line of tony gets sick.  his worst fears come to life as he might be heading towards death, even though he managed to avoid getting shot or arrested, that he would still go down.



Oh yeah the skin cancer thing.....interesting.

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OK, I have NO basis for the following...but, here's what's going to happen:


Rampant whacking and backstabing (rat's a plenty, as the organization starts to crumble). Tony ends up either dead...or in witness protection...or "dissapearing". I think DEAD is the way to go, but with a possible movie in the future, they may want the option of bringing Gandolfini back. The skin cancer "deterioration"/sickness is another way to keep Tony around...but, move him aside.


Meadow or AJ get's whacked....here's what I think will happen: AJ starts to get more "involved" with the organization and, because he's a stupid kitty-punk, pisses off some of his rivals and they whack his sister. At the end of the series, it's AJ who stands to be the next in line (up and comer...but, very much a player). That will be the WOW surprise ending that could npot have been predicted even a year ago.


A differrent way to go would be to make Meadow the new operative...but, that's not gonna happen, IMO.

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OK, I have NO basis for the following...but, here's what's going to happen:


Rampant whacking and backstabing (rat's a plenty, as the organization starts to crumble).  Tony ends up either dead...or in witness protection...or "dissapearing".  I think DEAD is the way to go, but with a possible movie in the future, they may want the option of bringing Gandolfini back.  The skin cancer "deterioration"/sickness is another way to keep Tony around...but, move him aside.


Meadow or AJ get's whacked....here's what I think will happen:  AJ starts to get more "involved" with the organization and, because he's a stupid kitty-punk, pisses off some of his rivals and they whack his sister.  At the end of the series, it's AJ who stands to be the next in line (up and comer...but, very much a player).  That will be the WOW surprise ending that could npot have been predicted even a year ago.


A differrent way to go would be to make Meadow the new operative...but, that's not gonna happen, IMO.



I'd like to see AJ take some steps in that direction. I wouldn't have felt that way a couple seasons ago, but I think if he can let go of the whiney, spoiled kid act, he's got a lot of charisma about him. He also has a real ability to deliver a line in a very dry, humorous way. His character could really develop some depth, and to see his reckless, cavalier, immature self enter into the mob scene would be absolutely fascinating.

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I'd like to see AJ take some steps in that direction. I wouldn't have felt that way a couple seasons ago, but I think if he can let go of the whiney, spoiled kid act, he's got a lot of charisma about him. He also has a real ability to deliver a line in a very dry, humorous way. His character could really develop some depth, and to see his reckless, cavalier, immature self enter into the mob scene would be absolutely fascinating.




Exactly. He'll develop and mature...but, at heart he's still a whiny spoiled kitty...so, that'll cause problems. I think that's the direction I'd take the show.

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Exactly.  He'll develop and mature...but, at heart he's still a whiny spoiled kitty...so, that'll cause problems.  I think that's the direction I'd take the show.



lol, well I'm sold now....I hope that's the direction they do go in, cause otherwise I'll be disappointed! I think at least in theory, they HAVE to sort of go in that direction a little bit.....cause writers love to draw parallels, and the dynamic between Tony and the past/memory/reputation of his father is a huge underlying issue on the show. As much as Tony tries to protect AJ and Meadow from 'the life', every chance Tony gets to take a vicarious glimpse into his father's past, he's all OVER it. Look how he reacted to that lady who was a former mistress of his father's.....he's over there all the time, buying her food, taking care of her.....all just because he wants to know more. If they drop the ball on paralleling the AJ angle with that of Tony and his father, that will really disappoint me.

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All of the advance hype for the new (and final <_< ) season of the "Sopranos" warns/promises that something "shocking" and "monumental" happens in the final moments of the 6th season premiere...the show is always wildly unpredictable, anyone care to make a prediction?


Here is mine:


Silvio Dante (real name Little Steven) will get taken out by someone, likely Pauly! 


Why do I think this?  I am sure you are all dying to know:


The first episode of the season is called "Members Only".  Silvio is known to sport a wildly out of style "members only" jacket, 80's style....plus, I know they have filmed 12 episodes, they take a break, and film 8 more....isn't Bruce Springsteen going out on tour again in a month or two?




My other prediction is that Meadow Soprano gets killed by Vito Spitafori (the guy her boyfriend caught orally pleasing another dude), in a botched attempt to kill the boyfriend....I am more sold on my first theory.  It is weak, but I noticed that in all of the montage scenes they show of the upcoming season, Meadow is not around much....


Just as long as pauly Walnuts survives--he's the best character on the show.

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Just as long as pauly Walnuts survives--he's the best character on the show.



Paulie is the best of the original cast, but ralph cifarello was the best character of the show. He was hilarious, even the last line he said before he died was a classic.

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I thought Richie Aprile was great....you know a guy can act when he's can be a little tiny guy, yet still intimidate the crap out of you. All things beign equal, most of us could kick the living sh-- out of that guy....but you watch a few episodes and you start to feel really uncomfortable whenever someone starts to mess with him, lol. That's good acting!

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I thought Richie Aprile was great....you know a guy can act when he's can be a little tiny guy, yet still intimidate the crap out of you. All things beign equal, most of us could kick the living sh-- out of that guy....but you watch a few episodes and you start to feel really uncomfortable whenever someone starts to mess with him, lol. That's good acting!



i think what scared me of that guy was that he was pale white. type of little nervous guy

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So is Tony dead?  Kinda looked it.







I'm sure he'll survive, but it could be interesting if he's out of commission for a while. Perhaps a power struggle for those who would like to be his successor?

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