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Calamity of Errors

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The Cowboys and Redskins have a hell of a lot more SuperBowls than we do and they operate under the same salary limitations. Using your logic, that must mean stars equal championships?  A great player is a great player there is nothing complicated about that. What the Bills need today are studs not "blocking" tightends or character guys, and unfortunately they ended up in Cleveland. We have plenty of money and we have successfully landed "stars" in the pass, TKO and Bryce Pulp (sp?), thus I am on record as saying we over paid for this Royal character and, in my opinion, could have done just fine without him. The draft is deep in tightends. And don't fool yourself, the jury is still out on Mr. Jurion in a big way! To date, the guy has proven nothing in this league.


Bryce PAUP...Dick JAURON...By the way, Dick Jauron won NFL coach of the year in 2003, but aside from that, he hasn't proven anything. :blink: I don't understand the other points you are making. Yeah we have plenty of money, but so do 30 other teams. Some players are going to play where they want, like LeChalres Bentley choosing to play in his hometown of Cleveland.


You bring up "stars", so you are obsessed with "names." You're probably too young to remember but Bryce Paup was not a stud FA when we got him. In fact you would be complaining if we signed a guy like Bryce Paup.


As far as having the same money as other teams, The Redskins are flying a private jet to collect FA's and bring them to Washington. I think some of their "non-shared revenue" is paying for that!


Your NHL anology is interesting, but again I respectively disagree, a good GM can dig around in European locations north of the Artic Circle and find good players, they all don't come from Canada and U.S. just review the results of the Olympics. In addition, Mr. Ruff is one hell of coach, which the same cannot be said for Dick.


I find it hilarious that you think Lindy Ruff is a "hell of coach" and Dick Jauron "has proven nothing." Do you realize the Sabres had losing records for most of the last several years, just like Dick Jauon's teams did?



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You bumped that garbage? :lol:


You are turning into quite an eccentric. One minute you are off on a crusade, the next you are blasting people for having an opinion......it's like watching "ICE" reconstitute. <_<


BTW, if memory serves me correct, Lindy Ruff might have bought himself a little goodwill by, you know, getting his team deep into the playoffs and to the Stanley Cup finals prior to re-tooling. All Jauron did was lose for 4 years and get his asskicked at home in the playoffs in the one good year he had.

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Pass-the-pipe - Glad to see you are still sharing your opinions regardless of what the cheer squad is saying. I wished I saw the post before putting my own thoghts up.


I find it amazing how the influence of this site buys what the Bills are doing as moves that will make a difference? Thay've grabbed a couple of role players and a marginal DT who is undersized by most...Another Jeff Wright maybe. If we dig really hard, maybe we can dig up a safety to be like Matt Darby...that'll get the crowd here brostling with anticipation for a playoff game at the Ralph.


I know it's early in the off-season, but nothing has happened with this team to make me believe the ship has begun to right itself. That said - let's go chastise the Cardinals or Browns for the moves they made...those dumb assed players know nothing - don't they know that the road to the Superbowl always goes through Orchard Park?

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You forgot to mention how dumb Marv (or senile..which is the flavor of the day for you geniuses?)...is for letting Bannan go. That certainly adds to the sinking ship of the Bills that you speak of. Additionally, I would submit that by not committing to EM we are cemented in as the complete laughingstock of the NFL for at least another decade, no? Given EM perfect season last year and his professional mentoring he clearly demonstrates why we do not give him a 10 yr deal is ridiculous.


Let's review:


RW gets mocked in media for (accurately) not understanding the CBA.

Marv is old.

We let go of Sam Adams (yawn)

We let go of TD

We sign a DT

We sign a WR

We sign a blocking TE

We did NOT sign Bentley

We did NOT sign EJames

We did NOT sign "xxxx"



Holy christ.....what is happening to the Bills? :lol:


For all we fans have done for them over the years they OWE US!!!! Big time!


The gall of RW to run the Bills as if he OWNS the team. That grates me to no end, doesn't he know us fans (especially the phenomonal WNY natives) DESERVE better??


Amen brother we are doomed and 0-16 for the next 8 years here we come! <_<



Is that better? Is that the type of post you are looking for? Cuz that is easy.. :lol:




Pass-the-pipe - Glad to see you are still sharing your opinions regardless of what the cheer squad is saying.  I wished I saw the post before putting my own thoghts up.


I find it amazing how the influence of this site buys what the Bills are doing as moves that will make a difference?  Thay've grabbed a couple of role players and a marginal DT who is undersized by most...Another Jeff Wright maybe.  If we dig really hard, maybe we can dig up a safety to be like Matt Darby...that'll get the crowd here brostling with anticipation for a playoff game at the Ralph.


I know it's early in the off-season, but nothing has happened with this team to make me believe the ship has begun to right itself.  That said - let's go chastise the Cardinals or Browns for the moves they made...those dumb assed players know nothing - don't they know that the road to the Superbowl always goes through Orchard Park?


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Do you realize the Sabres had losing records for most of the last several years, just like Dick Jauon's teams did? 


Just because his "Hell of a Coach" had a 97-106-28 record with nary a playoff appearance over the last three seasons doesn't mean anything.

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I'm waiting for the draft before I form a strong opinion of Levy as a GM. You can't always address your team's problems in free agency, for a number of reasons (quality not being there, the players you want signing with other teams, etc.) The guys Levy's found are younger players, so if they work out they can help the Bills for a while. I like that. But the key will be the draft.

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Just because his "Hell of a Coach" had a 97-106-28 record with nary a playoff appearance over the last three seasons doesn't mean anything.


I was just pointing out the irony of that statement. If Ruff was hired this year by the Sabres with that W-L record, the villagers would have gathered outside of the HSBC arena with torches and pitchforks.



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I was just pointing out the irony of that statement.  If Ruff was hired this year by the Sabres with that W-L record, the villagers would have gathered outside of the HSBC arena with torches and pitchforks.






Your analogy is weak. Ruff has done a very good job considering the fact he is operating with much less financial wherewithal than say Detroit, Toronto, New York Rangers, and Colorado. In addition, he had to govern his team through the Adelphia mess. I am not a hockey fan, but if I recall correctly he has gotten this team deep into the playoffs on a couple of different occasions. Relatively speaking, I believe he has done a better job than Dick Jauron.


That said, continue to drink the Cristal as we add "undiscovered" weapons to our football line-up. Does your fantsey league give out points for blocking tightends, if so, I guess you have your man. I will continue to watch Sportscenter and marvel at the blue chippers like Edge, Kobe, Tiger, A-Rod, etc. Gee, if I recall correctly, we use to have a few of these hot shots about 10 or 15 years ago.

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Same could be said about Bill Bellichick when he was hired by the Patiorts.


Same could be said about Mike Shanahan when he was hired by the Broncos.


I'm willing to give the guy a chance... besides, who was the alternative? Mike Sherman? Not a slam dunk, to say the least.


All Jauron did was lose for 4 years and get his asskicked at home in the playoffs in the one good year he had.


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