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The New York Daily News reports that 1 league

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i heard an interview with KW a few weeks ago. He said that he had made his money in the NFL already. He said he wasn't done playing, and if he became a free agent he would be very picky about what team he went to. Money of course would be a consideration, but he only has a few years left for his career, and would only consider playing for teams that had a real chance to win it all right now.


?? Might eliminate us from contention, unless he isn't getting interest from a NE, indy, etc ??

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The Pats are too cheap to sign players.



Rosey Colvin says hi.


The Pats don't make a habit of dropping tons of money on UFAs, but theysigned Colvin to a pretty large deal after '02. So their reluctance to go on FA spending sprees is more related to player quality than it is to "cheapness," since they've demonstrated in the past that they'll drop $25 million on a player if they think he's worth it.


But then again, you never let facts prevent a good Pats bash, do you?


Needless to say it's going to bite them in the ass sooner rather than later.



Still at it, Nostradamus?

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Rosey Colvin says hi.


The Pats don't make a habit of dropping tons of money on UFAs, but theysigned Colvin to a pretty large deal after '02.  So their reluctance to go on FA spending sprees is more related to player quality than it is to "cheapness," since they've demonstrated in the past that they'll drop $25 million on a player if they think he's worth it.


But then again, you never let facts prevent a good Pats bash, do you?


Colvin was signed in 2003 and came for less than he could have gotten elsewhere. I suspect that if the Pats hadn't won the SB in 2001 and didn't keep their coaching staff and team mostly together, he might have shopped himself around and NOT been a Patriot. Since then the Pats have spent little on outside players, but had the coaching staff to take whatever they DID have and make it work. Now they don't, so they're going to have to open the purse strings, and with the new CBA, Kraft has to give up more money.

Still at it, Nostradamus?

We'll see if Kraft's approach has changed at all, but it appears it hasn't given what's going on with McGinest and Vinatieri. And the Pats didn't even make the AFCCG last year, did they?

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Colvin was...

...given big money. Exactly.


We'll see if Kraft's approach has changed at all, but it appears it hasn't given what's going on with McGinest and Vinatieri.

The vast majority of teams would handle the McGinest and Vinatieri situations the same way the Patriots are.


McGinest is 34 and was going to count (I believe) close to $10 million against the cap with a $3.5 million roster bonus coming up. He had to be cut. Hopefully the FO can work something out to bring him back at a more appropriate price, but it's hardly the end of the world if they don't. He's a great clutch player, but an aging one on the decline.


Vinatieri is desperate to test the market, and if he asks for the moon and gets it, good for him. Few FOs, especially one as smart as New England's, would break the bank for a kicker, regardless of his legacy.


And the Pats didn't even make the AFCCG last year, did they?

The Pats did as well as or better than all but 4 NFL teams last year.


It isn't another Super Bowl, but it certainly isn't a harbinger of doom either.

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Given big money.

He turned down bigger offers. I suspect that if there were a bidding war for his services, the Pats would have backed-out. And reportedly they offered Harrison more than any other team, but it was only something worth about $2M a year in real dollars.

The vast majority of teams would handle the McGinest and Vinatieri situations the same way the Patriots are.  McGinest is 34 and was going to count (I believe) close to $10 million against the cap with a $3.5 million roster bonus coming up.  He had to be cut.  Vinatieri is desperate to test the market, and if he asks for the moon and gets it, good for him.  Few FOs, especially one as smart as New England's, would break the bank for a kicker, regardless of his legacy.

Considering that Vinatieri was one of, if not THE, most important piece to the SB wins over the years, and since there's no one comparable available to the Pats, letting him go isn't a smart thing for the FO to do. And the reports are that the Pats want to pay him LESS than what he made last year, again despite what he's done for the team over the years, and his performances in the playoffs. Not very smart either.

The Pats did as well as or better than all but 4 NFL teams last year.


It isn't another Super Bowl, but it certainly isn't a harbinger of doom either.

Well with more coaching defections and now probably losing 2 key players, coupled with last year's results, I wouldn't be heartened by it either. As I said, I'll be curious to see if Kraft changes his paradigm when it comes to getting players, but the team that won those 3 SB's is fading away quickly.

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never let facts prevent a good Pats bash, do you?





Nice to see you returning to your role as the USAIPASB (unofficial self-appointed idiot press agent spokesperson of the bandwagon).


Speaking of Pat's bash- try this:

Pat's Big Bash


The Emporer's wardrobe was exposed with the gutless strategy of dodging the Steelers in the Wildcard round by throwing the Miami game to draw Jacksonville. Every player on the Patsy roster knew Belichick had lost faith in them even during his lying and cowardly news conference insisting his decisions in the Miami game were to intended to win it- including using Matt Cassel at QB (wink wink) from the 2nd quarter on. Belichick's credibility level instantly dropped to that of the bandwagoneer fans like you who will soon by sizing up the jerseys of a different team. I'll bet you're eyeing Steeler gear right now ;-)

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