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Eat Dick, why dontcha?

The Dean

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China has never been able to "control" Taiwan...throughout history, they've lost their "claim" to Taiwan's land dozens of times because they either got their asses kicked or couldn't defend it. Most recently (WWII), the Japanese had control of Taiwan...and despite the Chinese hating the Japanese, the Taiwanese love them.

Anyhow, Taiwan is not a part of China. China does not own or control Taiwan. The Taiwanese have their own government, make their own laws, don't pay any taxes or tariffs and have nothing to do with the internal workings of China's twisted government. China is just around to make Taiwan's life miserable. They keep Taiwan out of the WTO and UN with what I assume to be their economic power. They've also got this "Join us or die" attitude. "Yeah, you're technically independent but if you announce it to the world, we'll kill you." They also get royally pissed at anyone that accidentally mentions Taiwan in an slightly too independent way.


Japan was the latest culprit.

If you follow any of the news, there is some opposition to independence in Taiwan...that independence comes from the Chinese folk that ran over to Taiwan after the communists took over. My wife's parents are those people. They consider themselves Chinese and consider my family Taiwanese. We're all Americans now, but during family gatherings, it'd probably be best not to mention that crap.

From the way things look though, Taiwan has no shot at internationally recognized independence. They do pretty much what a model democratic nation should do but China keeps building its economic and military might and one day in the near future, it's going to get to the point where it wouldn't be practical or feasible for the US to try and defend the little democratic island. Do I care? Not too much...the situation is hopeless and I'm an American now. I personally wouldn't mind seeing Taiwan come out, declare their independence and then go down in a blaze of glory. It most likely wouldn't happen because it would be too disruptive to the world, but at least it would show everyone how unhinged the Chinese government is.

No matter what anyone says about the Chinese/Taiwanese situation, my roots are Taiwanese...never Chinese.

btw, what are your thoughts on Tibetans? are they Tibetans? or Chinese? the turds in the Chinese government are giving them hell as well and deny the Tibetan government's existence...they don't even really want the land...it's all a matter of saving face for them as once upon a time, Tibet was a part of Chinese territory. Until recently, I read somewhere that Mongolia was still counted as being "Chinese" in their country's geography books.

oh, and to try and somewhat get back to the thread, the Taiwanese don't eat dogs, cats or animal penii...as far as I know...since I grew up here (moved here at the age of 2), I've got the American point of view on foods like that  :mellow:



cool, thanks for the info :P

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