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I am thinking the Bills resigning Moulds is begining to make more sense, with each passing day...with all of these teams having so much money under the cap now, Moulds, over the hill or not, may be a bargain! Who else is out there?


I have heard that the Broncos may jump on Moulds, if cut, and take a pass on Terrell Owens...

Bruce is a dick? Right.


He is one of the classiest players in the NFL.


I'm not sure where you base your opinion on him being a dick.



I'm basing it off my personal experience of meeting him, and him being a complete DICK to many of my former coworkers on several different occasions; here was my story posted in another thread.....


F*ck Bruce, when I was in high school I worked at place called Country Club Carwash. We had a deal where we washed all the Rams and Cardinals cars for free (even retired players and managment, Ozzie Smith & Charlie Army etc.). My job was a greeter, meaning I asked what type of wash they wanted and recorded in a computer. We weren't supposed to bother athletes but were certainly allowed to welcome them to the carwash and say hello. One Monday after Bruce had a really good game he came in to get his car wash, all I said to him was "good game yesterday", his response "Don't talk to me about the game". I was a seventeen year old kid at the time and a huge fan of the NFL, what an ass! And he never tipped anyone, ever. Tory Holt, Ozzie Smith, and Trent Green are some of the nicest and most aproachable athletes I have ever encountered but the same can not be said about Bruce. He's a total Choad. Anyway that has nothing to do with his football ability and IMO he is a much better option than Givens or Bryant if he can be had at a decent price. Just don't expect to fall in love with his antics or his attitude.


Classy my ass!

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