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Damn links, doesn't anybody know how to cut and paste?


JSP, seems to have it mastered.




He has "special" access to post images, I believe. If SDS let all you clowns (OK...US clowns) post images, this would look like all the other crappy websites out there. Care to visii Redskin's hell:



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He has "special" access to post images, I believe.  If SDS let all you clowns (OK...US clowns) post images, this would look like all the other crappy websites out there.  Care to visii Redskin's hell:




Leave JSP alone. He certainly has shown remarkably good taste in his postings...long necked or not! :lol:

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Leave JSP alone.  He certainly has shown remarkably good taste in his postings...long necked or not!  :lol:




I was't picking on the SixPack...just explaning his special access. I have no problem with allowing Joe to post pictures of scantily clad goose-like lovlies with implants.

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Leave JSP alone.  He certainly has shown remarkably good taste in his postings...long necked or not!  :lol:


Tenny, did you get stood up at the alter by a long necked woman? You seem to have quite a fetish / aversion about necks.

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Leave JSP alone.  He certainly has shown remarkably good taste in his postings...long necked or not!  :lol:



A lot of women appreciate a man who will appreciate a pretty neck, nibble it - kiss it, etc. A light brushing now and then across the ear. A gentle touch, across the lips. A flicker of tongue. Brushing kisses on the eyelids. Fingers gently exploring.


But hey, it's America. Get her drunk and pound.

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A lot of women appreciate a man who will appreciate a pretty neck, nibble it - kiss it, etc.  A light brushing now and then across the ear. A gentle touch, across the lips. A flicker of tongue. Brushing kisses on the eyelids. Fingers gently exploring.


But hey, it's America. Get her drunk and pound.




I'm a huge fan of long lovely necks. Love em! With that said, that one woman had a VERY long neck. Not complaining...just saying it was freakishly long.

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Actually was referring to another person's comment about the last young vixen that Joe put up for us. One guy criticized her neck and another alleged she had extra avoirdupois around her middle. Frankly I found the young lady perfect on all accounts. I'll take a long necked woman...I'll take a short-necked woman...hell I remember the tequila soaked weekend with in Nuevo Laredo where we went out with NO necked women!

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Actually was referring to another person's comment about the last young vixen that Joe put up for us.  One guy criticized her neck and another alleged she had extra avoirdupois around her middle.  Frankly I found the young lady perfect on all accounts. I'll take a long necked woman...I'll take a short-necked woman...hell I remember the tequila soaked weekend with in Nuevo Laredo  where we went out with NO necked women!





Fugging A, Ed.

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That's not to say I give no credit to the amazingly gorgeous creature in front of the camera...but a bad photographer can make a beautlful woman look hideous, just as a good photographer can make a beautiful woman look better.


Whoever shot that was a great photographer.



I thought the same thing, and a rarely think about the photographer when boobs are concerned.

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I was't picking on the SixPack...just explaning his special access.  I have no problem with allowing Joe to post pictures of scantily clad goose-like lovlies with implants.


Special access? He has Ultra Secret Super Powers. Don't F with Joe.

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