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Rugby and Motorhead

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Played it for nine years and about 27 stitches to varrious parts of the body, from the early 80's in college and then with a couple clubs. The game is an awful lot of fun, and the social aspects (read drinking) are even better. The game, often refered to as a gentlemans game has driffted a wee bit away from that in the recent years.

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I still play rugby in arizona and will for about another 5 years if my body wil allow it, because the sport is alot of fun.I thought I would never find a sport I like playing more than football, but this is it. Now when I heard that Bills DT Ron Edwards was done for the season with a torn rotator cup I thought he was really soft, because I played pretty much my entire first season with a torn rotator cup and all three ligaments torn away from the bone and we play with no pads like football players.

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