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Port Deal Just got more interesting

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All of this could have been avoided had someone at some point said, "This looks like a good deal, but we might have to sell it to the american people first."  I mean, what did they expect in an election year, when all across america people attack sikhs and hindus because they can't tell the difference between them and muslims?  It doesn't make leading by trial balloon right, but they should've known that a significant number of americans hear "arab" and start reaching for their BB guns.


You can't set people up like that for 6 years, then expect them to become rational about a mid-east company just becasue you said so.



Or you can look at it from the other angle. This deal was in the works since summer '05. Congressional committees knew about it, CFIUS reviewed it and passed the results to their friends in Congress. This was going to be a routine approval until the port operator in Florida filed the lawsuit and got Schumer all fired up. (Insert jokes about Schumer's FLA constituencies)


Still, with all the Congressional hoopla, there isn't a word about taking "control" of the other major ports from Chinese, Singaporeans, Danish....

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Or you can look at it from the other angle.  This deal was in the works since summer '05.  Congressional committees knew about it, CFIUS reviewed it and passed the results to their friends in Congress.  This was going to be a routine approval until the port operator in Florida filed the lawsuit and got Schumer all fired up.  (Insert jokes about Schumer's FLA constituencies)


Still, with all the Congressional hoopla, there isn't a word about taking "control" of the other major ports from Chinese, Singaporeans, Danish....



Snowbirds. With blue hair.

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Snowbirds. With blue hair.


No those are West Virginia constituents, check out Berkley Springs sometime.


Doesn't matter about the vetting and Schumer got on it hard, but not till after the issue already had some traction.


And there is the rub, traction.


But you are right, little is being said about the other ports except Duncan Hunter's bill demanding devestiture of foreign government owned companies from all ports.


Doubt that it is going anywhere, but one never knows in this climate...once a feeding frenzy gets started, the sharks still hungry go looking for something else. Something tells me this won't be the only blow up over the next couple of weeks with GOP dissenters.


Edit...P.S. Meant to respond to GG too.ob


Lobbying bill failed to get cloture, lobbying bill has been removed from the floor.

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Lobbying bill failed to get cloture, lobbying bill has been removed from the floor.



Priorities, my friend. We need to get the brown people off the shipping docks, first.

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Lets see what happen now. Will Bush prove to have had his pulse properly placed on the situation, with the expected backlash in the Muslim World?


I say yes...and that it starts with the UAE cancelling its orders with Boeing and going with Airbus 100%.

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I brought this up a while back... Maybe it should be a new thread???


There is talk about what is inherently governmental and what is not.


Don't you think something like this should be inherently governmental?


I want to here from all you "libertarians" and other people who get into the Constitution.



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I don't know about anyone else here, but I feel safer now  :)



Maybe we can just outsource the management of the NYPD to a foreign company?


And I am not being xenophobic... I think nobody but the US should manage thinks like this... Not even the Brits or other MNC's.


Can't we give these company's tasks like taking out the garbage, food service, or latreen scrubbing.



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!@#$ing stupid way to make policy.



By the will of the people?... Ya, it is stupid that it went down this road... And ya, most people don't know their ass from their elbow... But, stupid as it might be... Shouldn't they decide on what needs to be down and what the consensus thinks?


So what if they are wrong... YOU are in the fringe know (and take Bib with you). :lol:;):D:lol:



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Can't we give these company's tasks like taking out the garbage, food service, or latreen scrubbing.


:D  :lol:



Isn't that pretty much what "port maintenance" amounts to? :) The point's been made many times...security was not being outsourced, as security is ultimately the responsibility of Customs, INS, and the Coast Guard.

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I feel embarrassed to be an American.  I feel like finding the nearest native of the Persian Gulf region and saying "I'm sorry.  Not all Americans are racist idiots, though.  Just most of them."



Race is a ruse.


It isn't about race with me!


I know that is gonna be hard to argue... But, this isn't a mathematical equation.


Wow... Did I just see other's side of an argument?


An epiphany from The Riddler!



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Isn't that pretty much what "port maintenance" amounts to?  :)  The point's been made many times...security was not being outsourced, as security is ultimately the responsibility of Customs, INS, and the Coast Guard.



And yet, the record keeps spinning round and round, and then hits the irregular groove to jump back to the last rotation to spin yet again until that faulty groove...

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Isn't that pretty much what "port maintenance" amounts to?  :)  The point's been made many times...security was not being outsourced, as security is ultimately the responsibility of Customs, INS, and the Coast Guard.



Sure... Bring the workers in... What not, I don't care.


But, they are cleared and are managed by the US... Nobody else.


Inherently government in my book.

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