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Sportsnation chat - Bills info


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Dougie Fresh (DC): Is Losman the long-term answer for Buffalo?


Gary Horton: I think it's a very interesting question. I'm not sure the answer is yes. I think Buffalo made a big mistake on getting rid of Bledsoe and annointing Losman. I just don't think he was ready. He has great physical tools but what bothers me is all the rumors I hear, and they are rumors, that he has an unbelievably cocky personality that rubs people the wrong way and doesn't prepare as much as he should. If that is true, it will be difficult for him to win his teammats and fans over in a blue-collar city with a great work ethic. The Bills are really in a bind right now at this position. Losman could easily go either way.



Brad (Albuquerque): Given the problems you discussed about Losman, why wouldn't Buffalo cut their losses and draft Jay Cutler and just start all over?


Gary Horton: I think that is difficult because Losman is so young and you really don't know what you have yet. Teams are very hesitant to start over at QB. This is a veteran team that a lot of people feel has underachieved. One of the big mistakes I thought the Bills made a year ago was giving the controls to an untested QB. For that reason, I don't think Buffalo wants to start over again. I think they feel OK with Holcomb for the short term if Losman isn't the guy.



David (Toledo): Follow up to Brad's Losman/Cutler question...How soon is too soon to give up on a #1 draft pick, especially QB.


Gary Horton: In a case like Losman, he had a year to run this team. Even though he had some injuries and he had some obvious setbacks. To me, 2005 was an on the job learning year. Now I think he gets one more chance. In my mind, he now knows what his weaknesses are, he knows what to do to improve, and if he doesn't make those adjustments this offseason, then I think a year from now you have to really evaluate if he was a guy we just overrated coming out of college. But the QB position is very difficult. It takes longer for the light to come on for some guys.


Gary Horton: It's esp. difficult when you see on a daily basis the physical skills that a guy has to get it done and yet it doesn't trasfer to the field. That is when teams stay with a guy longer than they should. If we could measure their heart as easily as we measure their physical tools, we'd all make a lot less mistakes.

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Invsting in yet another QB of the future and certainly the idiocy of cutting Losman now would be like playing the NY Lotto as an investment strategy.


Certainly one's dreams for the future would have a heightened kick about what you would do if the new investment paid off, but the chances of it doing so are not a lot larger that what you have currently.


Even worse, trading up to get Leinart, Young or Cutler (or even drafting them at 8) would be like buying a lottery ticket that costs a gazillion $ instead of 1 buck.


The costs of passing on getting the trench help we need with the #8 (not to mentioned the added cost of trading up) are so huge that it would be dumb to do. Even if we got a player who guarantteed would produce like Peyton Manning for us, with our lackluster DT and OL situation we would get exactly the same number of SB berths from this QB pick as Manning has delivered for Indy. We would also likely get a lot fewer playoff berths because we do not have the OL and freney's a team needs to even make the playoffs led by a Manning.

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