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I'm cheering for TH and WM.....


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Is there a damn thing any of us TBDers can do about this situation, except B word about it on 37 different threads (38 now). Both these guys will be in Bills uniforms for the game tonight, so I am rooting for both to kick ass tonight and in future games, no matter who is starting.


I sure as hell do not have to be a fan of Drew Rosenslob. He does not don a Bills uniform. He probably doesn't even own a Bills hat. He can keep playing his little game and if WM is smart enough (questionable) he will ignore it and show us that he has the talent to be a starter for any team. We already know what TH can do.


Go TH, go WM, go Bills dammit!!!! F*#k you Rosenjerk!!!

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Well said Rayzer ............. I've never understood our insistance that if we prefer "player A" that we have to HATE "player B" ............. I admit I'm a Henry fan ....................... BUT I want Willis to do well too. If the coaching staff feels Travis has won the starting job so be it, I'll cheer every time he touches the ball, and when Willis comes in ............. I'll cheer just as hard for him. If Willis is the starter .............. same rules apply.

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The thing I worry about is that last time Drew made a spectacle out of Willis (having him do those drills shortly after the ACL surgery), he was clearly doing so to overinflate his value and deemphasize his injury. He obviously has a lot less to gain at this time, but why yap in the first place? They're lucky enough to have gotten first round money.


He was a great college player, but he's got to prove something in the NFL - anything - before he can make demands like that. Certainly it isn't the best way to get your linemen on your side.


Is there a damn thing any of us TBDers can do about this situation, except B word about it on 37 different threads (38 now).  Both these guys will be in Bills uniforms for the game tonight, so I am rooting for both to kick ass tonight and in future games, no matter who is starting. 


I sure as hell do not have to be a fan of Drew Rosenslob.  He does not don a Bills uniform.  He probably doesn't even own a Bills hat.  He can keep playing his little game and if WM is smart enough (questionable) he will ignore it and show us that he has the talent to be a starter for any team.  We already know what TH can do. 


Go TH, go WM, go Bills dammit!!!!  F*#k you Rosenjerk!!!


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