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Game day against the Leafs and no cheap shots yet?


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Leafs are dying and likely will not make the playoffs. (enjoy that)

I will be in sec 201 tonight and will enjoy the Patty moments. Raising his jersey will be a pretty cool thing.


The Leafs must win and will play like they never have when coming here. I expect a tough game with a few chop shots from both sides. And AD, keep track of who gets how many bad calls from the refs.


Don't piss me off or I'll spill my beer down the back the guy in front of me :)

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You know what is a crime....is that we havent started a Pat LaFontaine thread yet....you want to talk about a 1st class athlete who did great things both on and off the ice...it is Pat LaFontaine. Thanks for the reminder about this beerme1...Im so slow getting back into the NHL after the log layoff that it has taken me some time to re-focus.


I for one will be PUMPED to see this event tonight. Can't think of any player who deserves this honor more then Patty L.

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pipe down Gordie..you and all of your Wendell Clark, Alan Bester, Dan Daoust, and Gary Leeman jersey wearing clowns will drive down the QEW...drunk since noon..shouting Go Leafs Go like a bunch of tools...then the Sabres will lay a 7-2 beating on the Leafs..someone see if Bill Barilko is available for next season

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pipe down Gordie..you and all of your Wendell Clark, Alan Bester, Dan Daoust, and Gary Leeman jersey wearing clowns will drive down the QEW...drunk since noon..shouting Go Leafs Go like a bunch of tools...then the Sabres will lay a 7-2 beating on the Leafs..someone see if Bill Barilko is available for next season




I have to admit, I love those Eddie Shack end-to-end rushes.

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The sabres report board has a post about Pat


Basically they are debating wheither he is worthy to have his jersey raised to the rafters instead of just being placed in the sabres hall of fame.


Kinda pissed me off a bit cause Pat Lafontaine is probably one of the classiest player to ever wear the Blue and Gold and was a great leader on the ice and has done tons of stuff for the community.


I think he deserves to be honored as a Sabre and have his number in the rafters

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The sabres report board has a post about Pat


Basically they are debating wheither he is worthy to have his jersey raised to the rafters instead of just being placed in the sabres hall of fame.


Kinda pissed me off a bit cause Pat Lafontaine is probably one of the classiest player to ever wear the Blue and Gold and was a great leader on the ice and has done tons of stuff for the community.


I think he deserves to be honored as a Sabre and have his number in the rafters



Nobody disputed Pat's class & talent. The dispute is whether 3 seasons (albeit great ones) is enough to have your number retired vs. an extended period of service to a team, i.e. Schoenfeld or Ramsey(s). For the record, I agree with retiring Pat's number.

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Nobody disputed Pat's class & talent. The dispute is whether 3 seasons (albeit great ones) is enough to have your number retired vs. an extended period of service to a team, i.e. Schoenfeld or Ramsey(s). For the record, I agree with retiring Pat's number.




Lets be honest, if Pat didnt get that cheapshot in 97 to the head, Pat would have put up a few more REAL good years with the Sabres. Plus, Pat's work in Buffalo with the Children's Hosptial (if I remember correctly) was fantastic. He did much more for Bufffalo then just play great hockey.


I for one will be very pumped for this event.

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pipe down Gordie..you and all of your Wendell Clark, Alan Bester, Dan Daoust, and Gary Leeman jersey wearing clowns will drive down the QEW...drunk since noon..shouting Go Leafs Go like a bunch of tools...then the Sabres will lay a 7-2 beating on the Leafs..someone see if Bill Barilko is available for next season


Very prophetic...all around!


Got tonight's lottery numbers? :lol:

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pipe down Gordie..you and all of your Wendell Clark, Alan Bester, Dan Daoust, and Gary Leeman jersey wearing clowns will drive down the QEW...drunk since noon..shouting Go Leafs Go like a bunch of tools...then the Sabres will lay a 7-2 beating on the Leafs..someone see if Bill Barilko is available for next season


Classic. :lol:

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The funniest part for me about last night's game was sitting in the upper deck, and there were four Leafs fans (obliterated of course) about five rows behind us. These guys were young, all about in their mid-20's. All they said all game was "Zero Championships! Zero Cups!" Meanwhile, these guys haven't seen the Leafs even play for a Cup in their lifetime. It would have been easy to just point to the rafters at the Eastern Conference Champs banner, when the Sabres rag-dolled the Leafs in '99. But I don't worry about the past. I simply responded, "You better check the out-of-town scoreboard! What's it like looking up at Atlanta? What's it like hoping the THRASHERS lose so you can back into the 8-seed?"


You know they hate losing to Buffalo more than anyone else, because they seem to think they're entitled to beating our sh*tty team from our sh*tty city. The truth is, these guys were bragging about a Stanley Cup their father said their team won in 1967 because their team just isn't relevant anymore. The Leafs are a bad team, and their fans know it.


Overall, the Leafs fans were pretty good during Patty's ceremony. I was just hoping for no boo's (and I didn't hear any); I fully expected a few "Go Leafs Go" chants, which there were. Actually, I did crack up when one of these same guys behind us yelled "Keep your head up Patty!" I shouldn't have laughed, but it was funny...And made even funnier when I turned around and he had a Lindros Leafs jersey on! Talk about keep your head up!

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pipe down Gordie..you and all of your Wendell Clark, Alan Bester, Dan Daoust, and Gary Leeman jersey wearing clowns will drive down the QEW...drunk since noon..shouting Go Leafs Go like a bunch of tools...then the Sabres will lay a 7-2 beating on the Leafs..someone see if Bill Barilko is available for next season





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