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He was real excited when it came out, and was a little disappointed when he saw it but still enjoyed it.


My feeling exactly.


I heard later that it made a whole lot more sense (and was more powerful obviously) if you had served.

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Rent or buy?


How is it, relative to Full Metal Jacket ?



The first 5 min ARE Full Metal Jacket (the training sequences in the very, very beginning). It is almost a carbon copy.


Then it falls apart. However, Saarsgard, Foxx and Jake are very good in the film.

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The first 5 min ARE Full Metal Jacket (the training sequences in the very, very beginning). It is almost a carbon copy.


Then it falls apart. However, Saarsgard, Foxx and Jake are very good in the film.


It doesn't fall apart. You had to be a Marine to understand.

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I was going to get involved, but I never signed a cut player before, so I wouldn't understand. :)  :doh:


Me either. That's why I ask.


And yes I did.


Better be careful, I believe I have a shovel around here. :P

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It doesn't fall apart.  You had to be a Marine to understand.



I'm sure if you're a marine the movie holds more weight. Same can be said about Saving Private Ryan, if you were a WWII vet that movie has so much more relevance than it would to an ordinary civillian. The difference is SPR has a better story (from purely a storytelling/cinematic pov). Jarhead's STORY doesn't follow through, thus in my mind, it falls apart.


Jarhead is good. But for my money, Three Kings is a better Gulf War film.

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I'm sure if you're a marine the movie holds more weight. Same can be said about Saving Private Ryan, if you were a WWII vet that movie has so much more relevance than it would to an ordinary civillian. The difference is SPR has a better story (from purely a storytelling/cinematic pov). Jarhead's STORY doesn't follow through, thus in my mind, it falls apart.


Jarhead is good. But for my money, Three Kings is a better Gulf War film.


And to me Three Kings blew chunks, and I guess you don't understand the whole hurry up and wait mentaility.

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And to me Three Kings blew chunks, and I guess you don't understand the whole hurry up and wait mentaility.



I understand it. But you get that in Three Kings in the first five minutes of the film. That mentality is what drives virtually all the characters in the story to do what they do. Whereas in Jarhead it just bogs the viewer down in it without giving a solid context for the effects/psychology this has on the soldiers. We get it in flashes (with Saarsgaurd at the end especially) but not enough in my mind.


To me, a good story draws you into its world whether you have lived in it before or not. So if you have to be a Marine to get a movie (or a cop/teacher/lawyer etc for any film) something is wrong at a story level.


Again, I'm not saying Jarhead is bad, not at all. I thought the acting was great, I'm a fan of Mendes too. It just didn't follow through like it should have (and I'm not talking about them actually seeing action, I get that is the point of the film).


Maybe if Jarhead was released five years ago I would feel differently, but I find it frustrating that Three Kings has more relevance to the current situation in Iraq than Jarhead does. And Three Kings isn't supposed to be a "drama" like Jarhead, it was more of a dark comedy in the same vein as Catch 22.

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