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You can't in one sentence say he can't keep an accent through an entire movie (what is that, a total of 15 minutes of dialogue for one person) and say he can act in another.


You absolutely can. I spent more than 10 years on stage and it was very easy for me to suck portraying one role (that maybe I couldn't associate with in, say, a murder mystery) but do very well with another (such as a comedy like "Arsenic and Old Lace" or "Prisoner of Second Avenue").


Now, I completely understand what you're saying. I don't think Cage is a great actor. I just thing he's done great stuff with a few great roles.


Alternately, I would argue that someone like Al Pacino is not that great an actor anymore because all he does is Al Pacino impressions. I'm probably the only person who wasn't impressed with the "big" dialogue between him and DeNiro in "HEAT."


In the end, I suspect a lot of this is based on when we see a particular movie/actor and our state of mind at the time.

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You absolutely can. I spent more than 10 years on stage and it was very easy for me to suck portraying one role (that maybe I couldn't associate with in, say, a murder mystery) but do very well with another (such as a comedy like "Arsenic and Old Lace" or "Prisoner of Second Avenue").




But here's the question. How many millions did you get to play a part at which you "sucked"? If Cage can't hold a southern accent for more that three lines, let's get someone to do the part that can. Or is it all about the box office draw? Hmmmm.........

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Alternately, I would argue that someone like Al Pacino is not that great an actor anymore because all he does is Al Pacino impressions. I'm probably the only person who wasn't impressed with the "big" dialogue between him and DeNiro in "HEAT."





The absolute WORST scene in one the worst movies I've ever had the displeasure to watch. The conversation is SO stilted, so unbelievably unnatural, it ruins what could be a great scene.


This kind of over acting can be effective in a surreal movie...or in a monologue (think Ned Beatty's classic "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale" speech in Network), but has no place, IMO, in a dialogue in this type of movie.


One more thing about Cage. While I'm not a giant fan, I will say, Cage in an action movie trumps Keanu in an action movie.

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One more thing about Cage.  While I'm not a giant fan, I will say, Cage in an action movie trumps Keanu in an action movie.



No doubt....when you talk about versatility, I think Keanu is at the bottom of that list - about to fall off it. The funny thing is that he's done a relatively wide array of roles, yet to me he really never seems to completely separate himself from any of his others. It's always Keanu....never the actual character. Contrast that with someone like Phillip Seymour Hoffman, arguably the greatest character actor alive. Each part consumes him, and what you remember is the character. He's genius.

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But here's the question.  How many millions did you get to play a part at which you "sucked"?  If Cage can't hold a southern accent for more that three lines, let's get someone to do the part that can.  Or is it all about the box office draw?  Hmmmm.........


You have a good point. But draw doesn't make a anyone good actor, it only makes them a good product.


I also happen to think Brad Pitt is an extremely overrated actor, and yet I think he all but stole "12 Monkeys" from Willis, who was also outstanding in that flick.

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If you guys like the kind of movie that is so well-acted and well-written that it makes you uncomfortable, you should check this out. I typically like Cage flicks, but have never really considered him a great actor. With Lord of War and The Weather Man, I think he's sort of changed my view of his talent. Even though I felt Weather Man was a good vehicle for him, I still feel he carried it. I think part of why I felt connected to it is because of the issues presented in the film (e.g. divorce, parental illness, etc), but objectively I think it was just a good film.


Any of you guys seen it? Seems like most people either loved it or hated it...not many who are luke warm to it.


Just watched it the other day. Very good flick!

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How about Cage in Matchstick Men. That's go to be up there with his good stuff.



I guess I need to watch that again.....I enjoyed the film, but I remember times where I felt Cage was overdoing it. It could have just been my mood when I watched it, I dunno lol. I guess the main point is that I'm realizing he's a better actor than what I ever gave him credit for. You don't really see him nominated for Academy awards all that often, yet when looking back over the guy's body of work it's surprisingly good.

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