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I hope Bills make limited signings as FA starts

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Its tough because I have my panties up in a wad as much as any Bills fans and I would love to see a bunch of great signings to rebuild last year's sorry team.


However, I think the smarter move is going to be making a couple of targeted signings right now where we see some good cheaper players at the positions where our holes are so huge and the potential market of players is relatively small that targeted signings will improve the team.


Things are so up in the the air right now without a CBA aggreement, that I suspect the players who will be willing to sign right away are those who do not have a lot of faith that they will be able to sign for a lot more later once the rules of the road are clear.


Alternately, there may be some players out there who are pretty good but have poor representation and they can be signed to a contract now when if they had waited they may have been able to craft a better deal to fit the marketplace.


There certainly are such players out there. For example, when Travis managed his money so poorly that he had an immediate need for upfront cash and TD and the Bills were actually able to sign him for what the team considered chump change (TD showed his was willing to throw away a similar amount of cash in bonus to sign an FA he then later allowed to be cut before a real game).


The players likely to be willing to sign in this unclear environment are likely to be players who judge having a bird in hand as a better deal because their age or injury uncertainty makes them willing to take the risk of signing right away before it is crystal clear how you sculpt the best contract for them or what the market for players at their position will look like.


My guess is that at positions of great need for us like DT where we will need a couple of player anyway, a targeted signing of a player who may be older or an injury risk makes sense. However, I think the best of the FAs will wait until their is more clarity in the market and I hope the Bills do not give up the ranch and the dog just to sign some glitzy guy because the sweet spot will occur later.

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Actually, I think it will be difficult to make ANY substantial signings due to future cap uncertainty.

Players w/ clout will be reluctant to sign long term deals cuz of an impending no cap or much higher cap situation.

Teams, even those that would be otherwise willing/able to spend the cash were there to be a higher or no cap will be reluctant to do so on the chance that there will be a more moderate cap and by doing so would severely damage their cap position.


BTW, I think I know who you are/were, but I can't figure out the significance of your moniker.

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BTW, I think I know who you are/were, but I can't figure out the significance of your moniker.



A few folks on TSW have explained it pretty fully. Just as Yvel Vram was the opposite of Marv Levy (though I love Marv), Dik Smub was an opposite view of the import and glory of Wade, Barry Brady was a mixture of names of a TV character whom many (and I felt GW looked like (at least before he got an HC job and was coloring his hair to look young), and FFS was the opposite of a great song by another fellow whose named shared Mularkey's initials, so too is this name the oppposite of the true head coach(es) of our beloved Bills! Thats what I will say about it in my usual too lengthy way!

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