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The NFL makes its own rules, right?

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This may be naive, but it made up its own CBA contract years ago, too. Why can't they just agree to rip up this contract and sign a new one that excludes the clause "there will be an uncapped year in 2007"? I don't think either side wants that (although perhaps the players do even though it will screw a ton of them over). And then have a full year to hammer out a new one? They self-imposed this deadline.

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I saw Upshaw on TV saying if a deal isnt done by the deadline the NFLPA will never agree to a salary cap ever again........



So its looking like the NFL will be uncapped forever....



No Cap....


Gaurenteed contracts....



get ready for Major League Baseball...i mean Football

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I saw Upshaw on TV saying if a deal isnt done by the deadline the NFLPA will never agree to a salary cap ever again........

So its looking like the NFL will be uncapped forever....

No Cap....


Gaurenteed contracts....

get ready for Major League Baseball...i mean Football



Professional curling!!!! :D

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Professional curling!!!! :D



Hmmm. There is professional curling in Canada, and it has also had bitter labor issues (believe it or not). A new professional league was started and teams that bolted were not allowed to play in the National Championships. It was a big stink for several years but thankfully it has been resolved. :P


There was also problems with the television contracts, with our government owned broadcaster purchasing the rights away from our "ESPN" and doing a piss poor job. It's also been resolved.


Sorry for the abolutely useless info, it must be trivia day in my brain today :huh: .

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I saw Upshaw on TV saying if a deal isnt done by the deadline the NFLPA will never agree to a salary cap ever again........

So its looking like the NFL will be uncapped forever....

No Cap....


Gaurenteed contracts....

get ready for Major League Baseball...i mean Football


If thats the case.. I might just be done watching football.


Good thing hockey has (mostly) fixed itself.

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