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Need some CBA help and other Ramblings

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Can someone explain to me why this deal needs to be done right now? From what i gather, if no new deal in place by start of league year, cap remains at its current level, bonuses can only be prorated over 4 years, and guys become UFA after 6 years instaed of 4, and 07 is scheduled to be an uncapped year. I get those would be the rules in place for 06.


But why can't the stipulations for 07 and beyond be negotiated during the 06 year. Is there something in the CBA that says after March 03, 06 no way can it be redone? Am i missing something here?



I may be looking at this strictly as a Bills fan, but that is exactly what I would like to see. Keep the cap in place as for as is for 06.From everything I have read, some teams are really gunna have to blow up their rosters, and with the Bills in "decent shape" cap wise, could be an oppourtunity to pick up some really nice players at affordable prices. My guess is in these uncharted waters, guys are going to get much less than they anticipate, cause most of the big money spenders are gunna be in chopping mode, not acquiring mode. I think this could help in getting a guy like LeCharles as there could be less players in the mix for his services.


Also, with no deal in place i would outright release Eric, no ifs, ands or buts. I think you could then resign him after the draft for less money than we are prolly offering him now. However, I also think it all but guarantees no long term deal with Nate. This will be his sixth year coming up, so he will be one of those guys who still is not to old, still very attractive to a lot teams, and hitting UFA at the right time, an uncapped year. One questioin i would have is are the tags still usable if no extesion is reached.




What i am surprised at is with theseCBA talks is that I thought the big debate and obstacle was what constituted Defined Gross Revenues. From what i read, that issue has been settled, and now the owners and players just debating percentage of that revenue the players get. Seems like that could be worked out within the six months to year before the 07 season.



So, I think for the bills no extension this year, but with an extension worked out prior to 07 is perfect.


Where am I wrong?

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