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For those who want to take Huff


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Nice article on recent Texas draft busts.  I will never advocate taking a Longhorn again.




I think you are being swayed by a writer who is working hard to support a theory.


I love how he tics off 6 longhorns and how they ain't all that, and then incidentally mentions 8 that are, oh by the way, actually having stellar careers.


And when you look at the six he cites as examples of BUSTS, he really only cites two TRUE examples: Ricky and Big Mike.


The fact that Leonard Davis has been at guard until last year means diddly without more. Who were the brain surgeons running the Cardinals back then anyway, losing double digit numbers of games year after year? Notice Davis got switched to left tackle when Denny Green showed up. Hmmmmm? The fact that he cites this as an example of a highly drafted Longhorn playing below expectations without more belies his attempt to lead the reader to a negative conclusion to support his theory without a spec of evidence that the guy has played poorly or wasn't able to play a position he should have been able to play.


He cites what are pretty damn good numbers for Roy Williams, and then says, oh, he hasn't made the impact that the Lions had hoped for. Who on the Lions HAS made such an impact? They are talking about sending Harrington packing as a bust, and yet it's obviously Roy's fault that he hasn't put up TO numbers in his first two seasons. Give me a break. If you want to talk about a bust, let's talk about Charles Rogers! Drafted #2 overall, who has played a whole 15 games in 3 seasons for the Lions with a whopping 36 catches for 440 yards and 4 touchdowns!


But no, it's Roy Williams who is the disappointment! LOL!


I have watched Jammer play on numerous occasions and the guy is awesome in run support and he makes plays. Yes, he has less ints then Nate, but how many big plays has he given up compared to Nate? How much more often do they throw at Nate than at Jammer? Without more, his assertion that Jammer's impact quotient is disappointing is absolute nonesense and is baseless! Moreover, San Diego felt like they had to have DB that year, and chose the guy they thought was the best at the position, realizing he wouldn't be on the board in the second round. Perhaps he was a reach to go as low as he did, but how the hell is that HIS fault anyway?


Then there's Bryant Westbrook, whom he says never lived up to his lofty draft status. The guy started out great, making the all-rookie team his first year. His downfall was that he was so physical in run support that he broke his hand in his third season and then ruptured his achilles tendon late in his fourth season. Up unitl that point, he was deemed to be having a pro bowl caliber year. As a result, it took him a year to get back on the field after which he played several games and was named as a pro bowl alternate. Unfortunately for him, he was never the same after that achilles tendon injury. So was he a disappointment? Yes, but not for lack of ability, hard work or toughness. Or was he a kitty for rupturing his achilles? Last time I checked, I don't think Longhorns have the market cornered on achilles tendon injuries.


As for Benson, yes the guy held out. How much of that was his fault and how much was it his agent's or the Bears (notorious for not wanting to spend the money on the best skill players) is anybody's guess. OK, so he had an injury that ended his first year early. Hey, it happens to the best of 'em, especially at running back. But I think the jury is at best still out on this one. Christ, the guy has only been out one year. You cannot point to that as an example of a trend anymore than any of these other guys.


And finally, I'll bet if you wanted to tic down a list of other major schools that has had players drafted high and often in the NFL drft, you could point to lot's of busts for them as well.


This guy mentions 14 longhorns, and cites two concrete examples of busts and one concrete example of a disappointment in Westbrook (through no fault of his own) out of those 14. The rest he either mentions as an aside if they are playing really well, or he tries to convince you that the rest are performing below expectations or are verging on busts even though he cites no supportable basis for that position.


This article is nothing short of mental masturbation. :lol:

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Brian Westbrook never lived up to his lofty draft status? He was drafted #26 in the third round. Every team in the league would be thrilled to death if their third rounder had his production.



I believe he's talking about Bryant Westbrook, the cornerback, not Brian the running back.

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Okay, so I'm led to believe the Longhorn school system produces busts?

So it's the college that got these kids a good draft spot and then went on to influence them in their future careers, supporting them in their failure? Wow. Long arm of the interfering Longhorns that they can overcome a professional 24/7 coaching staff and the big A%@ professional salary.

Well, i'd like to thank Lyons Hopkins Kindergarten in Warrnambool, Australia for their continuing positive influence and support for me in my professional career, being an alumni 1978. Without which i have no doubt, i'd be a bust :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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