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My political challenge to all of you


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I guess yesterdays ban on needless personal attacks has expired.  :D



What ban? Reasonable discussion brought about more reasonable discussion. Mickey has already stated that he does not care about reasonable discussion. Of course, he is just going to blame eveyone else for the content of his posts. He has no control over what he types. :D

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I'll agree with KRC, Bush needed to use his veto power to cut spending, and he hasn't used it once. Also, I think the port deal could have been handled better.


His photo op on the Aircraft carrier.

His nomination of Harriet Miers.

His FEMA idiot Dave Brown.

Giving up on Social Security reform.


There's more.

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What ban? Reasonable discussion brought about more reasonable discussion. Mickey has already stated that he does not care about reasonable discussion. Of course, he is just going to blame eveyone else for the content of his posts. He has no control over what he types.  :D



Do you have control over what you type?

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So then does that mean you condone the use of needless personal attacks as a form of discussion on this board?



I don't think anyone condones needless personal attacks. I think it may be a matter of debate whether some of the personal attacks are needless or not, however. :P


And then, of course, there's the matter of completely gratuitous personal attacks that don't even masquerade as a form of discussion, you stupid friggin' squid... :D:D

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Do you have control over what you type?


His gratuitous personal attack on me is my fault. Makes sense.


Back to the thread. I have been critical of democrats on plenty of occasions but that doesn't stop others from labeling me a partisan.


Certainly, there have been many conservatives here occasionally critical of Bush. Often it is because of his views on social issues where some of them are more liberal and I see that as an indication of objectivity. Others however are only critical of him for not being far enough to the right and I don't see that kind of crticism as very significant. When he cut taxes, he didn't cut them enough, or, he should be bombing Iran, or, and this one pops up quite a bit, disagreeing with him that this should be a war on Islam, not just a war on terrorist muslims.


I don't think you can fairly call yourself non-partisan based on being critical of Bush for him not being partisan enough.

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Others however are only critical of him for not being far enough to the right and I don't see that kind of crticism as very significant. When he cut taxes, he didn't cut them enough, or, he should be bombing Iran, or, and this one pops up quite a bit, disagreeing with him that this should be a war on Islam, not just a war on terrorist muslims.


All of which, IMO are so off based that I take them much more as personal POV's than partisan. It's guised as partisan.


Same to be said for extreme liberal views, like the Iraq thingy is all about Cheney lining his pockets off oil money.

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For me, a lot of his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses. Most of these qualities are very good and admirable when used up to a point, but after you hit the tipping point they are more often disastrous.


1] He deals in absolutes. You are with us or against us. Good vs. Evil. You go with us or we will go alone. He pushes too hard and often finds himself alone.


2] His faith. His faith is easily one of his greatest strengths. But when he says things and acts as if he was the chosen one and given divine purpose it's a liability.


3] His loyalty. Again, one of his greatest strengths and attributes. But he is loyal to a fault somewhat the size of the San Andreas.


4] Stay the course. A highly admirable trait with a tipping point further down the line than most of these others. But he stays the course right into the iceberg and is extremely unwilling to admit mistakes or adapt to new circumstances.


There are others but those are the first ones off the top of my head.

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I don't think anyone condones needless personal attacks.  I think it may be a matter of debate whether some of the personal attacks are needless or not, however.  ;)


And then, of course, there's the matter of completely gratuitous personal attacks that don't even masquerade as a form of discussion, you stupid friggin' squid...    :P  :D



Hello Karl. :D


And anyway I'm a Smart Friggen' Squid. :P I know the difference betwen a doggone shovel and a "dig-it" tool (AKA Leatherman). And I don't need four and a half friggen' pages of discussion to figure out the difference between "in" and "out."

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Hello Karl.  :D 


And anyway I'm a Smart Friggen' Squid.  :D  I know the difference betwen a doggone shovel and a "dig-it" tool (AKA Leatherman). And I don't need four and a half friggen' pages of discussion to figure out the difference between "in" and "out."


Well you aren't too smart if you can't figure out the difference between a trech tool and a shovel. :P

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Well you aren't too smart if you can't figure out the difference between a trech tool and a shovel.    :D



Umm... The trench tool has a handle, a blade, and a six page comic book attached to explain its operation to Marines while a shovel has just a handle and a blade? :D

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If you are a conservative- give me something you don't like about President Bush.

If you are liberal- give me something you like about him.


And I don't mean snide, sarcastic remarks. I dont believe in absolutes, and I dont think a President is all good or bad- maybe just a viewpoint, but I look forward to some well thought out responses.




I am a conservative and i don't like the Bush spending.

I don't like his cronyism which was blatant in his nomination of Harriet Meyers.

I don't mind that he isn't a great public speaker but I don't think he is even among the top 10 intelligent people on his own staff.....so I wish he wasn't such an "empty suit".

I am very concerned about how he plans to finish his final term....what kind of nutty stuff he tries to push through at the "midnight hour".

I don't like that he has done nothing about protecting the southern or northern (and now potenially the western and eastern) borders.

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OK, I'm a fiscal conservative & social liberal, essentially believing that gov't should get out of your personal life and cut as many taxes as possible when leaving. Essentially lassiez-faire gov't...let people sink or swim on their own merits, as a gov't your job is to protect the population...and not from themselves.


Bush - I support chiefly due to party affiliation, but I identify much more with Republicans such as Rudy Giuliani & John McCain.


I think GWB should have been in New Orleans the day after Katrina left. His presence could have calmed the population and defused things before New Orleans degraded into looting.


I can't stand the pandering to the religious right. I can't wait to see a candidate elected who will not be beholden to the right (See Rudy).


I am a bit nervous that the recent Supreme Court nominees have a social agenda that was not flushed out at the hearings at all. I was hopeful that Bush would have chosen more of a moderate.

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I don't like that he has done nothing about protecting the southern or northern (and now potenially the western and eastern) borders.


You know, that's a good point. But we're pretty safe if we're attacked by either an Independence Day scenario, any vicious bands of groundhogs, ghouls living in the center of the earth, or China attacking us by digging a huge hole in the ground.

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