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Guest BackInDaDay
As a kid, I overcame chicken pox and spanking. One Christmas I wanted a bicycle, and I didn't get it. I overcame an environment filled with Irish people, and cousins were dying all the time. People looked at us funny because nobody in my family could sing well in church, and  because my mom was a LPN, and dad only bought used cars.


Once you live through the crucible, you're as hard as flint.



:lol: X, I gotta give you props!


Man, this thread is like watching the old WWF tag teams go at it. :lol:

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ans4e6e's response to a statement by StlBills was:


"i think i saw this special on lifetime."


Innocuous. A mere acknowledgement. A pleasantry.


I'd like to know why a poster briefly mentioning something he saw on a television channel we all get, deserves an onslaught of acidic response... :lol:


No sh*t, for what ans4e6e initially said he's taken a lot of heat. And for being a moderator, Simon should take his personal crusade somewhere else. As for ans4e6e, the whole point of the post was to make people realize that some people in this world (Hali) have come from EXTREMELY bad circumstances (much worse than some neighborhood in North Philly) and have overcome this adversity. For that they should be commended. Cmon ans4e6e, I enjoy reading your post about the draft (very knowledgable and insightful) a lot more than this crap. Everyone involved in the whole argument sounds like a bunch of little whiny b*tches, we really don't need anymore internet tough guys :lol::lol:

No sh*t, for what ans4e6e initially said he's taken a lot of heat. And for being a moderator, Simon should take his personal crusade somewhere else.

The fact that I try to help make this a better place does not preclude me from offering my own opinions. And the only person that commented on what an4*_* initially said was myself, and that consisted of nothing more than a smart-ass comment in response to him making light of others' misfortunes; I submit that a single off-the-cuff remark is hardly a crusade. The rest of the "heat" he took was in response to his comical responses which followed. All of the above have been blown wildly out of proportion to their actual impact.


Innocuous. A mere acknowledgement. A pleasantry.

The context in which the comment was offered was far from a pleasantry. It was an ignorant attempt to marginalize the very real difficulties of a couple young fellas and I regrettably commented on it.


Wait! Did I miss something?

No. Just my fool mouth once again making a point that would be inevitably lost on it's intended recipient. :lol:

The context in which the comment was offered was far from a pleasantry. It was an ignorant attempt to marginalize the very real difficulties of a couple young fellas and I regrettably commented on it.




No, it was a fellow who said he saw a TV show - that was it, and yes you regrettably commmented on it...


Send the guy a PM, at least...

No, it was a fellow who said he saw a TV show - that was it

He didn't see a TV show nor was he even attempting to convey that he had. He was directly comparing these two young guys' troubles with the kind of tripe that can regularly be found on the Lifetime network. It was an unnecessary and rude marginalization of the misfortunes of others and the only reason I regret commenting on it is the melodramatic responses which followed.

He didn't see a TV show nor was he even attempting to convey that he had. He was directly comparing these two young guys' troubles with the kind of tripe that can regularly be found on the Lifetime network. It was an unnecessary and rude marginalization of the misfortunes of others and the only reason I regret commenting on it is the melodramatic responses which followed.




i dont know how many times i have to say this, i wasnt making fun of anyone, it was a simple comment, geez. I have to say that if i thought someone was making fun of it, i would have responded the way you did, and i understand your feelings about the issue, but try to understand im not doing what you're saying im doing. I apologize and shouldnt have brought family matters into the situation, that was my mistake, but other than that i regret nothing, i didnt make fun, and i only defended myself against someone who mis-interpreted the comment. im sorry that you thought wrong and all of this had to happen, but try to realize that you may have twisted the comment, frankly i dont think im as smart as what you think i meant by it lol.

He didn't see a TV show nor was he even attempting to convey that he had. He was directly comparing these two young guys' troubles with the kind of tripe that can regularly be found on the Lifetime network. It was an unnecessary and rude marginalization of the misfortunes of others and the only reason I regret commenting on it is the melodramatic responses which followed.




So let me get this straight - you are now marginalize the Lifetime Network. A network who's market is directed at woman!!! I wonder how you came to this ass-umption?


I wonder how your wife feels about what you just said? I wonder now if your anger is really directed at the post or if it is directed at the Lifetime Network!


What is really going on here? Does your wife tie you down in a chair and make you watch the shows on Lifetime and that's why you took such offense to what was originally said about your post! I think you got some deep roooooted problems with the Lifetime Network and not with what was said about Tali and Ngata.


I think you should talk all of this over with your wife and the other woman in your life. It's all clear to me now- your problem is the Lifetime Network.

actually the library that i go to is open 24 hours of the day, so you're wrong about that too. sorry again. i also have breaks in between my classes that are too short to come home and too long to sit in my next class, that is why i go to this library that is open 24/7. so you're wrong again. sorry



What, is this lifetime?


You're absolutely right and I apologize. It should have been obvious to me from the get-go that a fictional character on television whose biggest problem is an unfaithful husband is certainly just as troubled as a kid who was separated from his family when forced to flee the country to avoid being killed in a brutal civil war.

I apologize to all fictional characters everywhere for my callous disregard of their personal feelings and for comparing their important emotional tribulations for something as trivial as a life-threatening civil war.


And since for some reason you insist on repeatedly bringing my wife and children into this conversation, I had my wife check out this thread for a chuckle and she thinks you're an ineffectual weenie. :D


So let me get this straight - you are now marginalize the Lifetime Network.  A network who's market is directed at woman!!! I wonder how you came to this ass-umption?


I wonder how your wife feels about what you just said? I wonder now if your anger is really directed at the post or if it is directed at the Lifetime Network!


What is really going on here? Does your wife tie you down in a chair and make you watch the shows on Lifetime and that's why you took such offense to what was originally said about your post!  I think you got some deep roooooted problems with the Lifetime Network and not with what was said about Tali and Ngata.


I think you should talk all of this over with your wife and the other woman in your life.  It's all clear to me now- your problem is the Lifetime Network.


What, is this lifetime?


Lifetime is the network that Denise Austin moved to after she left ESPN,

I try to catch her before I leave for work whenever I get a chance MMMMM

You're absolutely right and I apologize. It should have been obvious to me from the get-go that a fictional character on television whose biggest problem is an unfaithful husband is certainly just as troubled as a kid who was separated from his family when forced to flee the country to avoid being killed in a brutal civil war.

I apologize to all fictional characters everywhere for my callous disregard of their personal feelings and for comparing their important emotional tribulations for something as trivial as a life-threatening civil war.


And since for some reason you insist on repeatedly bringing my wife and children into this conversation, I had my wife check out this thread for a chuckle and she thinks you're an ineffectual weenie.  :D




It is strange how you had to check with your wife before you answered the post.


Also - you seem to have a problem with calling people names when you can't answer a post with a reasonable answer.


You also have a habit of reading into the original meaning of a post and then not admitting to it. Is there something that you are not telling all of us? Did you come from a worn torn country so you now have the knowlege that we all lack in understanding what these too lucky kids have gone through in their past?


As far as your wife is concerned I give her props for living with a person such as yourself. One who lurks on the board and just takes cheap shots at everybody.


Where I come from we call that Drive Bye's and let me tell you - you are the king of the Drive Bye's on this board. Someone who likes to bully and then run's away when they get some back. Go back in your whole little man or back to the chair your wife tie's you up in.


I'm still waiting for grid coordinates. No one's missed western Iowa yet, and it's been two years.


The youngster is just that, young. He'll figure it out, maybe. Some do - some don't. A dangerous disadvantiged neighborhood? Welcome to earth. Hey spunky, ever been to any place that ends in "stan"?

And Simon?, for whatever reasons you know better than that.

I'm still waiting for grid coordinates. No one's missed western Iowa yet, and it's been two years.


The youngster is just that, young. He'll figure it out, maybe. Some do - some don't. A dangerous disadvantiged neighborhood? Welcome to earth. Hey spunky, ever been to any place that ends in "stan"?

And Simon?, for whatever reasons you know better than that.




i'll figure what out? did i complain about anything? did i try to compare my situation to anyone elses? did i even say i have a situation? the answer to all of these questions are no. Welcome to earth? ends in stan? im propably more down to earth about that situation than anyone in this thread, remember im young? which means some of my closest friends are over there fighting right now? i give my full support to those of you who have sons and daughters over there right now. I really dont understand why people are going to tell me my situation when they really know nothing. For instance, simon is telling me that i dont have any misfortunes, he's never met me nor does he know anything about my life. Alexander Hamilton is telling me that the place "I" live in is not dangerous, when we all know for a fact he doesnt live there, and now you're telling me im not down to earth? i said what i needed to say, apologized for what i needed to apologize for (which non of the other "adults" on here have).

i'll figure what out?



"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."


- Mark Twain


Let it go, kiddo...you are digging a hole for yourself. I stuck up for you, but you are giving me pause... :D

Wow, I didn't realize that Lifetime was carrying football-oriented material now.

Or was that sarcasm and you're just one of those spoiled-rotten little pukes whose born-in privilege entitles them to make fun of those who've actually had to overcome greater difficulties than losing the remote.  :D




Just to refresh everyone memories this post is what started it all and until Simon is man enough to say that he should not have jumped all over this kid for a statement that was not serious enough to respond to in the first place then this post shall go on.


This kid has nothing to apologise for. He did not call anybody any names and he did not disagree with what was said.


Simon is the one who should apologise. He did not even ask about the meaning of the post. He just started calling people names and then expects that he can get away with it. I'm sick of this guy going around and doing that to people and then leaving the board. He has no right to call somebody the names that he called this kid over a post that was an answer to nothing in general.


If the moderators on this board can't controll themselves from thinking that they can do and say whatever they want to - too whom ever they want to then we all have a problem.


Simon is the problem not this kid. Because he is a Vet on this board it does not mean he has the right to bully new people to the board.

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