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McCown would be an interesting pick up as 3rd QB


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Whatever makes you feel better.


The point is everyone believes what they want, and will find whatever "proof" to back them up. You think McCown sucks. I think he's pretty good. No point arguing any further unless Marv pulls the trigger.



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I have been a McCown advocate since last year.  I agree with you...he has played pretty well, on a dysfunctional team, for a HC that seems to loathe him.  If nothing else, it accellerated his learning.  He still throws some ints., but he can also get the ball to open receivers.  I am not so sure we have anyone on our roster who can do that right now.  I think McCown still has some learning to do, but he is a step above a journeymen (like Holcomb). 


That said, I think he will get some interest in FA, and wouldn't expect the Bills to get in any sort of bidding war for him.  There is likely to be some other mid-range QB's available in the next week or two (rumour has it, Griese is out in Tampa, for salary reasons).  With the CBA thing still up in the air, it is kind of hard to predict what might happen.


true but denny green usually has a magic touch with qb's i seem to remeber him having a different one every season till he got daunte

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The stats speak for themselves.


Also,  yes I have watched him play,  other than his pathetic Buffalo performance.  I have the pleasure of Sunday Ticket,  and the Cards are on at 4 PM a lot. 


I'm not trying to piss in your Corn Flakes,  I just think you're wrong about his talent. 


It's his turn to be TBD's:


"can't miss, flavor of the month!"




I don't think anyone has been saying that he is the best QB in the NFL, only, that since our new GM is saying he will bring someone else in, to compete for the starting job, McCown might be a decent option. It won't be Drew Brees, the new GM said. So, we are looking at who else will be available.


McCown, some of us seem to feel, is someone who might fall underneath the radar. You post his stats, as if it proves something. All I know is that the end of last season, McCown was one of the hottest QB's in the NFL. He has also managed, despite being as awful as you insist he is, to consistantly put up numbers, on a very poor team (I would argue, beyond wide receiver, considerably worse than the Bills). If McCown could minimize his interceptions, his stats would be pretty nice. I have wathced him play often, and have come to the conclusion that he is a play maker. The Bills don't currently have that at the QB position. Why is everyone so afraid to give Losman some competition?


Also, if you follow the Cardnals at all, Denny Green has never liked McCown from day 1. When did Green become so infalable? McCown has had as many "nice" games as Kurt Warner, the last few years.

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Also, if you follow the Cardnals at all, Denny Green has never liked McCown from day 1.  When did Green become so infalable? McCown has had as many "nice" games as Kurt Warner, the last few years.


It's funny when someone thows in an aside like "Denny Green is a pretty good judge of talent" all of a sudden it becomes gospel! If Denny Green is such a great judge of talent, I think he'd have a less spotty record as a head coach. I didn't read a lot of "Let's hire Denny Green" posts when MM split.



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It's funny when someone thows in an aside like "Denny Green is a pretty good judge of talent" all of a sudden it becomes gospel!  If Denny Green is such a great judge of talent, I think he'd have a less spotty record as a head coach.  I didn't read a lot of "Let's hire Denny Green" posts when MM split.




Well, I believe most here, including myself, have said that Denny Green has a pretty good eye for quarterback talent, and it is easily recognizable looking at his career. Is he infallible? Of course not.

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Do the Bills really need another almost-good tease at QB on the roster?  And, they'd probably have to pay him starter money to be the "3rd stringer" this thread projects him to be.


They would sign McCown (or whoever) to compete for the starters job, if we believe what we are hearing. The idea is to bring in someone with enough skills to have a shot, but is not such a big star that they (a) won't come unless promised the starting job, and (b) eat up all our free cap which we need for OL/DL. That's why Drew Brees is not an option.



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Any QB the Bills add will be cheap and unheralded.  He'll be given a shot to win the starting job, but it won't be likely that he'll win it.


I think Marv will try to get the best QB he can, but I also think Losman has the best chance of winning the starting job. I haven't lost faith in him.



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