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Isaiah is gone

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Well, we had the hearing for my son Isaiah last Wednesday and the judge had no mercy -- he adjudicated him delinquent and ordered him to be placed in an RTF (residential treatment facility). Until a placement is found he is staying at a youth shelter. I was okay until they cuffed him, then I started to cry, No parent wants to see their kid in handcuffs. But what can I say? We gave him so many chances to turn it around, and he didn't.


I went to see him and he seems like he's adjusting, but he still refuses to take the consequences of his actions -- his stealing, smoking weed, getting kicked out of school, getting arrested for underage drinking and vandalism, etc., is someone else's fault for some reason. He's only 15 so I'm hoping he will see the light, but right now he's got an extreme case of denial. He even asked me if I could bring him cigarettes. Uh, no.


In spite of all the hell he's put me through, I still love my son. A part of me wanted to bring him home, but I know I can't. "Tough love" hurts.


He also asked me if any of "his boys" called, and seemed surprised when I said "no." When will this dummy learn that these punks he hangs around with are not his friends?


So keep those prayers coming and those fingers crossed, bcause I still need all the help I can get.

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Do you have to pay for his little stay at the RTF or do the taxpayers get the joy of that?



I'm not sure, but since he was court-committed, I would be surprised if we had to pay for it. I don't like the idea of him being housed at taxpayer expense, but it would be a small investment compared to having to pay for him at Camp Hill, Graterford, or another prison in a few years, because that's the way he was heading.

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Well, we had the hearing for my son Isaiah last Wednesday and the judge had no mercy -- he adjudicated him delinquent and ordered him to be placed in an RTF (residential treatment facility).  Until a placement is found he is staying at a youth shelter.  I was okay until they cuffed him, then I started to cry,  No parent wants to see their kid in handcuffs.  But what  can I say?  We gave him so many chances to turn it around, and he didn't.


I went to see him and he seems like he's adjusting, but he still refuses to take the consequences of his actions -- his stealing, smoking weed, getting kicked out of school, getting arrested for underage drinking and vandalism, etc., is someone else's fault for some reason.    He's only 15 so I'm hoping he will see the light, but right now he's got an extreme case of denial.  He even asked me if I could bring him cigarettes.  Uh, no.


In spite of all the hell he's put me through, I still love my son.  A part of me wanted to bring him home, but I know I can't.  "Tough love" hurts.


He also asked me if any of "his boys" called, and seemed surprised when I said "no."  When will this dummy learn that these punks he hangs around with are not his friends?


So keep those prayers coming and those fingers crossed, bcause I still need all the help I can get.




Good luck Melissa, hang on, there are brighter times ahead..

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Well, we had the hearing for my son Isaiah last Wednesday and the judge had no mercy -- he adjudicated him delinquent and ordered him to be placed in an RTF (residential treatment facility).  Until a placement is found he is staying at a youth shelter.  I was okay until they cuffed him, then I started to cry,  No parent wants to see their kid in handcuffs.  But what  can I say?  We gave him so many chances to turn it around, and he didn't.


I went to see him and he seems like he's adjusting, but he still refuses to take the consequences of his actions -- his stealing, smoking weed, getting kicked out of school, getting arrested for underage drinking and vandalism, etc., is someone else's fault for some reason.    He's only 15 so I'm hoping he will see the light, but right now he's got an extreme case of denial.  He even asked me if I could bring him cigarettes.  Uh, no.


In spite of all the hell he's put me through, I still love my son.  A part of me wanted to bring him home, but I know I can't.  "Tough love" hurts.


He also asked me if any of "his boys" called, and seemed surprised when I said "no."  When will this dummy learn that these punks he hangs around with are not his friends?


So keep those prayers coming and those fingers crossed, bcause I still need all the help I can get.



I hope this causes him to learn some lessons, even though it is the hard way. If he just gets it into his head that what he does CAUSES what he gets, maybe he can straighten out.


Hang tough. You are doing everything you can. I have a friend whose son is about two years away from where Isaiah is now if he does not gets his sh-- together.


I am sending this to him.


Oh. and P.S.

Buford, what is your point? :D

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Well, we had the hearing for my son Isaiah last Wednesday and the judge had no mercy -- he adjudicated him delinquent and ordered him to be placed in an RTF (residential treatment facility).  Until a placement is found he is staying at a youth shelter.  I was okay until they cuffed him, then I started to cry,  No parent wants to see their kid in handcuffs.  But what  can I say?  We gave him so many chances to turn it around, and he didn't.


I went to see him and he seems like he's adjusting, but he still refuses to take the consequences of his actions -- his stealing, smoking weed, getting kicked out of school, getting arrested for underage drinking and vandalism, etc., is someone else's fault for some reason.    He's only 15 so I'm hoping he will see the light, but right now he's got an extreme case of denial.  He even asked me if I could bring him cigarettes.  Uh, no.


In spite of all the hell he's put me through, I still love my son.  A part of me wanted to bring him home, but I know I can't.  "Tough love" hurts.


He also asked me if any of "his boys" called, and seemed surprised when I said "no."  When will this dummy learn that these punks he hangs around with are not his friends?


So keep those prayers coming and those fingers crossed, bcause I still need all the help I can get.




You got it Melissa. Best of luck through these hard times. And ignore the idiots...k?

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Having read this post regarding Isaiah , I took a look as to what a Residential treatment facility is, and from what I am reading it hardly is a place of great punishment but rather a place of great opportunity , if a young man would avail himself of the professional people who's work it is to find a way to help troubled young people be successful. God only knows if somebody said we are going to put me away and have a group of people be the best person I could be , I would be asking where do I sign on. I get it this is not what the young man wants at present , but if he does what he needs to to, down the road he very well may be a successful person. That sound very excellent to me not something to be sad about. What will be sad will be if he doesn not use this opportunity.


Be thankful Melissa, and let us be prayerful that Isaiah makes something of this opportunity, many , many young ones do not get help until to late.

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