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Good morning!  Not many of us on-line early Sunday morning. The Future of America is still passed out... :)





Top 'o the morning to you also!


Not much daylight separates Cincy and Chicago... I am lagging a hour behind though.



:D  :lol:


Top 'o the morning to you also!


Not much daylight separates Cincy and Chicago... I am lagging a hour behind though.





And you have some new Central Time neighbors. The State of Indiana and the Feds were finally successful in crushing the eastern Indiana counties that fought daylight savings all these years. Several of them will switch from Eastern to Central time.


They should have left well enough alone - those farmers weren't fighting the modern world - they were fighting for the common sense of harvesting in early day after the dew burnt off...

And you have some new Central Time neighbors. The State of Indiana and the Feds were finally successful in crushing the eastern Indiana counties that fought daylight savings all these years.  Several of them will switch from Eastern to Central time.


They should have left well enough alone - those farmers weren't fighting the modern world - they were fighting for the common sense of harvesting in early day after the dew burnt off...



Ain't that were BF is from? The dew burnt off?


Sorry, couldn't help taking a shot.


All in good fun!





I do agree with you post... Let them decide.

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