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Now Mike Mularkey's brother quits in Buffalo


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"Campbell quits county control board"


"I find myself in a situation where my character, integrity and honesty has been challenged. I don't need that. . . .


"Campbell, a retired president of Dunlop Tire Corp., had taken advantage of taxpayers and would suffer embarrassment if the disclosure received widespread media attention. "


"Then he announced his departure and refused to speak with reporters as he donned his coat and left. "


We have such a beautiful area here and yet we can't get out of our own way to make things better here.

We have too many people in charge who are just slackers, have no stones or want to feed off the public trough all their life. Not that this guy has been eating at the trough all his life, but c'mon! You take a job like this and are then ineffective and think you won't be srutinized?

Why take the job in the first place?





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One can only speculate. The reimbursement stuff sounds like normal governmental crap. The $40,000 a month fee to the lawyers sounds outrageous but the story seems to attribute that decision to "state officials". I think if the guy wanted to quit he should have just resigned and skipped the drama. I wonder if he was angling for the permanent Chairmanship, it didn't work out, and he quit in a snit?

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JMO, but unless we go to a "hard" control board with real authority, I don't see much use for any of these folks.


Have they accomplished anything at all, or affected even one county decision since they began their "oversight"? (Besides hiring overpriced outside auditors, law firms that don't do any work, and leasing expensive office space at Ellicott Square, when the county had plenty of free space available in the Rath Building - which would be a pretty good place to be if your mission is to keep an eye on the county gov't, I think.)


It's a shame Ed Regan left, but I think he really wanted to affect change and just got disgusted with the whole charade.

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JMO, but unless we go to a "hard" control board with real authority, I don't see much use for any of these folks.


Have they accomplished anything at all,


It's a shame Ed Regan left, but I think he really wanted to affect change and just got disgusted with the whole charade.



I agree with your thoughts. I think Reagan expected this to turn into a hard board which even with the recently elected people to the County, I believe will happen. Just a matter of when and then the control board would have the teeth that Regan was looking for.

I think they have had some influence on the legislators and our boy Joel but, not enough to matter other than we have had to pay more. Not that that's surprising! :lol: But I guess without them we would be even worse off????

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I agree with your thoughts. I think Reagan expected this to turn into a hard board which even with the recently elected people to the County, I believe will happen. Just a matter of when and then the control board would have the teeth that Regan was looking for.

I think they have had some influence on the legislators and our boy Joel but, not enough to matter other than we have had to pay more. Not that that's surprising!  :lol:  But I guess without them we would be even worse off????


Yeah, it's only a matter of time before this becomes a "hard" control board. Too bad Regan couldn't hang on - I thought, as former county exec., he was just the right guy. He knew where to look for all the dirt, graft, etc.


I remember regularly seeing Ned Regan walking to work at the Rath Building - from his house on Oakland Place - in the dead of winter, snow covering his hatless head. Far cry from Giambra's 'Friends and Family' plan - and his $86K/yr. childhood-pal-turned-chauffeur, no?

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