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Big Mike being cut does not surprise me

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Work hard and you can stay.


Go through the motions... see the door.



I believe this is the biggest problem on the team. Too many players going through the motions. Threre are very few players on this team that care if they win or lose.


One reason why I like JP... He gives a sh-- if the Bills win. (Which rubs some people the wrong way)


I'm begining to think that our running back falls into the "I Don't Care" group.


I wish Mike W good luck... I'm sure he wont be out of work too long. But my god Mike play like you care you f'ing marshmellow :lol:

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Work hard and you can stay.


Go through the motions... see the door.

I believe this is the biggest problem on the team.  Too many players going through the motions.  Threre are very few players on this team that care if they win or lose.


One reason why I like JP... He gives a sh-- if the Bills win.  (Which rubs some people the wrong way)


I'm begining to think that our running back falls into the "I Don't Care" group.


I wish Mike W good luck... I'm sure he wont be out of work too long.  But my god Mike play like you care you f'ing marshmellow :lol:



I gotta admit, Levy impressed me with that cut. I hope that he does the same with Moulds.

You see, these guys have little to nothing at stake in the long term future of our beloved Bills. Mike was an under-achiever, Moulds is on a one way ticket downhill.

The thing is, Marv and Ralph are old, and the temptation might exist to throw away money/cap space on Moulds in order to chase (probably non-existing) immediate results.

If Levy decides to cut Moulds, I will be sold on the fact that he is thinking about the long term good of what is best for the Buffalo Bills Football Team.


Btw, as for your comments about WM and JP, I remind you that one is a proven professional, the other a hair flapping, high fiving nobody who was handed a job that he didn't deserve and has sucked for 2 years. Can he improve? Sure.


We had better hope that he does. :D

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Btw, as for your comments about WM and JP, I remind you that one is a proven professional, the other a hair flapping, high fiving nobody who was handed a job that he didn't deserve and has sucked for 2 years. Can he improve? Sure.


We had better hope that he does.  :lol:


Damn, Bill, sometimes your comments are so insightful, and sometimes you throw out junk like this.


I agree that WM has proven himself, and I do believe that he cares about winning. With respect to JP, however, there is no call for your characterization. "Hair flapping, high fiving nobody?" C'mon, the guy is enthusiastic -- that's a fault or a reason to slam him? As for your "sucked for 2 years" statement -- you're really blaming JP for anything he did in his rookie season when his leg was broken? Last year, he was certainly not "good" but after the midway point of the season he showed considerable progress and did not "suck" in the KC and Miami games, in particular. Then, our wishy-washy-try-to-save-my-job poor excuse for a HC yanked him and !@#$ed with his head for the last four weeks of the season.


I hope he improves this year as well, but I'm getting tired of the baseless slams and character assasinations.

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Btw, as for your comments about WM and JP, I remind you that one is a proven professional, the other a hair flapping, high fiving nobody who was handed a job that he didn't deserve and has sucked for 2 years. Can he improve? Sure.


Which one is which?

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Damn, Bill, sometimes your comments are so insightful, and sometimes you throw out junk like this.


I agree that WM has proven himself, and I do believe that he cares about winning.  With respect to JP, however, there is no call for your characterization.  "Hair flapping, high fiving nobody?"  C'mon, the guy is enthusiastic -- that's a fault or a reason to slam him?  As for your "sucked for 2 years" statement -- you're really blaming JP for anything he did in his rookie season when his leg was broken?  Last year, he was certainly not "good" but after the midway point of the season he showed considerable progress and did not "suck" in the KC and Miami games, in particular.  Then, our wishy-washy-try-to-save-my-job poor excuse for a HC yanked him and !@#$ed with his head for the last four weeks of the season.


I hope he improves this year as well, but I'm getting tired of the baseless slams and character assasinations.



He came in (after being handed the job) and was like a screaming maniac on the sidelines, BUT, he didn't produce. Did Big Ben carry himself like this?

Try to imagine a rookie cop coming to a precinct and going all out with the siss-boom-bah thing. How do you think that this would go over with the seasoned pros?

Well, it didn't work with the Bills veterans either.


Imo, JP needs to start anew. He needs to get his head together, and win over his fellow players, who turned on him rather quickly. He has the talent to be a fine professional qb.


Sorry, it is jmo that it would be a good start and a really smart move to act like one.

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He came in (after being handed the job) and was like a screaming maniac on the sidelines, BUT, he didn't produce. Did Big Ben carry himself like this?

Try to imagine a rookie cop coming to a precinct and going all out with the siss-boom-bah thing. How do you think that this would go over with the seasoned pros?

Well, it didn't work with the Bills veterans either.


Imo, JP needs to start anew. He needs to get his head together, and win over his fellow players, who turned on him rather quickly. He has the talent to be a fine professional qb.


Sorry, it is jmo that it would be a good start and a really smart move to act like one.


I think the "sis-boom-bah" thing has been exaggerated greatly. Last season quickly became a train wreck for the following reasons (NONE of which pertain to JP's demeanor):


1 -- The defense was quickly exposed in Week 2 as sorely lacking vs. the run, and Gray had no answers;

2 -- The OL was quickly exposed as not being able to support a "safe" power running attack;

3 -- The coaching staff, and MM in particular, chose to go with pass-happy game plans rather than trying to protect a virtual rookie starter, and then panicked when the defense couldn't keep the Bills in games;

4 -- Veterans on the team who wanted to "win now" publicly supported Holcomb, and the coaching staff, rather than looking to the future and getting JP valuable playing time, succombed to the pressure and benched him.


Call me an apologist, but very little of the above was JP's fault. He made some poor decisions, which any rookie will do. But he was not put in a position to succeed, and his enthusiasm and brashness should not be held against him.

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One MAJOR differnce with Moulds is that he is one of if not thte most respected player on the team by the players. He is a GREAT worker with a great work ethic. He is a pro-bowler. None of those characteristics describe MW. The fellow players WANT Moulds on the team. I'm not sure you can say the same about MW. Now, Moulds can NOT come back with the contract he has now--that I agree. But if he restructures to a cap figure around 6M you darn well keep him. This team needs him because there is no replacement for him.

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The cut doesn't suprise me either.....


- He has been a huge dissapointment especially last year.....no mental toughness.....always out of shape when shows up to camp......wont play with a friggen hangnail.....loads of talent....no gonas


- We have a serviceable replacement (and perhaps even more then that) with Jason Peters who showed that he CAN play OL. If he can get a little stronger in the running game this kid is going to be a keeper.....


But it absolutely sucks that we struck out with Big Mike......screwing up a #4 overall pick in the draft can set your team back for years....you need a STAPLE of your team at #4....and we had to friggen cut him.


I think we truly need to trade out of that 8th spot and get a couple more "1st day" players.....

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