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It's Official....Bills Release OT Mike Williams!


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Isn't Jason Peters our Right Tackle though?  Seems to me the Bills need a LT.


Come on everyone knows that Peters is going to be shifted to LT based on McNally's comments earlier this week :devil: . Seriously though, I agree we need a LT. Though I'm not 100% sold on Peters being a long time solution at RT either.

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I think that is what he meant..1st round or high picks...MW can easily be considered the #1 overall bust in Bills Draft history...or at least Top 3


I would say Tom Rudd (1st round) and Bob Nelson (2nd) in '75 was the biggest 1-2 bust in Bills draft history - maybe in NFL history.


Then there was Tom Cousineau...


But Mike Williams is right up there amongst the Bills draft disasters. I expect we'll see Marv quite busy in the next few weeks. I wonder if Williams' release makes it any easier to retain Eric Moulds?

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Not serious jack like now, but I'll bet he gets avg $2-3M per... if the Cowboys will take Drew, they'll take MW.



I'm with you 100% Rico. Parcells is the type of coach who will cozy up to Williams while pushing him at the same time. He's a perfect fit. Mularkey doesn't like fat guys because he doesn't think it's fair that someone can get by on talent alone when he had to practice 5 hours a day to be a career 2nd string TE.


Williams lost over 50 lbs coming into camp this year, and the Bills were 3-1 in games which he played start to finish. It's easy to say he doesn't have heart, but when one wheel goes when you are moving close to 400 lbs and you rely on the other, that will go soon also. With a good medical and training staff, this guy is close to a Pro Bowler. I understand at 10Mil we had to cut him, but for 2-3 Mil, I would grab him in an instant.

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Does anyone think this might actually be the thing that gets Williams to really bust his ass?




I wonder if Williams will play again at all...it is strange. I work with the University of Texas athletics department, and came into contact with Mike Williams a number of times over the years. Just this past off-season, probably around late June, or early July, I saw him. He knows I am Bills fanatic. We chit-chatted a few minutes, and he seemed really pumped for this upcoming season. In fact, he looked like he was in better physical shape than I had ever seen him in, over the years at UT, or Buffalo. He was really excited about the team.


Like a lot of Mack Brown guys (particularly before the last two seasons) Mike had the reputation of being sort of a talented, but "soft" player. I really thought he was going to prove a lot of people wrong. I thought he had a solid, though not spectacular 2004 season...not sure what happened in 2005. I can only assume, if no attempt was made to make him take a major pay-cut, McNally thinks he isn't worth the time, money or effort. I guess that is good enough for me.....

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Does anyone think this might actually be the thing that gets Williams to really bust his ass?




that may be the case for a season or two.....but you either have heart or you don't. this might motivate him for the short term, but in the long term? this is not something that will turn him into a Hall of Famer,....or even a Pro Bowl Alternate for that matter.

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I thought he was going to restructure. Oh well, i guess things work out better this way.


$20 says the Patriots pick him up and turn him into a Pro Bowler. :devil:




There is no doubt some team will sign him after all thats how the nfl works. There is always a coach out there that thinks he can turn a bust into a probowler. Very few do. A year or two will go by and he will get cut again and then another coach will take that chance. So goes the life of a top 5 pick that has all the talent but no heart.


Glad Marv said enough is enough and showed him the door. What a waste.

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Come on everyone knows that Peters is going to be shifted to LT based on McNally's comments earlier this week  :devil: . Seriously though, I agree we need a LT. Though I'm not 100% sold on Peters being a long time solution at RT either.


I agree. Not sure what the deal is with MW, and maybe someday he'll get it together, but our running game sucked once he went out this year, and Peters was put in. Say what you want about his pass blocking but the guy can move a pile. Too bad they couldn't/wouldn't move him inside.

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With Reed and MW gone all I'am waiting on now is Anderson to be cut.  I hope they keep E. Mo., I just can't picture him him in another uniform.


I take it you didn't watch the last 5 games. Anderson was our best lineman by far in that timeframe. In fact starting with the Cincy game, they were pulling him very effectively and he was moving and blowing up guys.


As far as Reed goes, he was our 2nd best clutch receiver last year and we will miss his ability to get open in the seems if he is not resigned. Plus his run blocking makes him perfect for a single back set as he is like having a FB on the edge when he is in the slot.

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According to Mark Gaughan, they can't cut Posey because they don't have a replacement for him.  :devil:  :lol:


If they cut him an average olb will do. Lets face it Posey has been average at best over the last 2 years. The void will be filled via fa.

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According to Mark Gaughan, they can't cut Posey because they don't have a replacement for him.  :devil:  :lol:


Ummm... we don't. Please don't tell me Crowell who is pushed around in the running game. Plus who knows what the status or ability of Spikes will be when he comes back. In fact we maybe drafting LB on the first day regardless of Spikes. Crowell is a good backup but he should only be in on passing plays.

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I take it you didn't watch the last 5 games.  Anderson was our best lineman by far in that timeframe.  In fact starting with the Cincy game, they were pulling him very effectively and he was moving and blowing up guys. 


As far as Reed goes, he was our 2nd best clutch receiver last year and we will miss his ability to get open in the seems if he is not resigned.  Plus his run blocking makes him perfect for a single back set as he is like having a FB  on the edge when he is in the slot.


Yeah watched the games. Not with the same glasses you did however. If you're satisfied with his play you're either blind or crazy. O.k., so say he did played like a "probowler" the last 5 games.... How did he fare in the first 11? Doesn't that count? Whatever... To quote GS, "He's a fat toad".


As far as Josh Reed goes the guy can't catch to save his life. Oh except for that one grab against Cincy, wow. He had years to prove his worth, rookie season was good and then from there on out, face it.. It's been a steep downhill dive.

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If they cut him an average olb will do.  Lets face it Posey has been average at best over the last 2 years.  The void will be filled via fa.


Why create another hole when you don't have to? I'll agree that Posey's been average but tell me what's wrong with having an average player? I'd definately draft a LB to groom behind Posey's a good idea (with either one of our 3rds, 4th or 5th) but to cut him and pursue a replacement in free agency to me makes less sense. As just because we bring in a new guy it doesn't necessarly mean he'll be better.

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