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What a day!!!!!!!!!


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I was really having a bad day. Woke up with a headache, didn't get enough sleep because the meeting was long and I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME but we are short staffed because of vacations.


One co-worker had some stuff to go downstairs and asked where she could put it. I so wanted to tell her where to cram it or to get off her lazy butt and take it down herself but held it together. E-mail server is down, boss is in a spring clean mood again, phone rings and my older sister has to get a biopsy on her lung. The DR does not this it's cancer but Scardosis(sp). He said he has lost 2 people in 30 years to this so it can and is important to take care of. Next Mary, my younger sister calls and tell me of the proceedure that they are going to do to her (thyroid) because they do not want to do the surgery after all she went through last year with her gall bladder. Yes things happen in 3's so then my mother-in-law calls and asks me if I can take her for eye surgery on the 17th of March.


Bang, bang, bang, the my boss asks if I have any quarters so she can get her car washed on her way home. It is a beautiful sunny day and I decided I had to go soak up the sun so I gave her the quarters and went to get my car washed.


The car wash was very busy and I was waiting in the street because this older guy in a PT cruiser was chaning rows and blocking the line I was in. There was a nice space about two cars long and when he moves his PT I would be really close to the wash only 2 cars ahead of me and that nice big space. Guess what happened. Some guy in a little blue car jumps the curb and pulls into the space ahead of me. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE. That poor son of a gun picked the wrong day to pull that crap.


I rolled down the window and was going to tell him just what I thought of his inconsideration but NO that wasn't good enough. I got out of my van and went up to him asking him why he thought his time was more valuable than mine. I was waiting there in the proper line. He jumped the curb and then I pointed to the lady in the turning lane who was next in line before him.


Know what he did? I bet you think he gave me the finger and told me to kiss off. Wrong he backed up and let me ahead of him in the line and the lady in the turning lane. I still have a smile on my face and thoughts of :w00t::doh: someday I'm going to get myself killed. :w00t::w00t: What was I thinking.

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Glad the guy fixed his wrong, but please do yourself a favor and don't confront a guy again.


My mom once got chased into a parking lot because some jerk didn't like the fact she pulled into traffic about four blocks in front of him and drove the speed limit. I saw another guy get their windshield ripped out in the middle of a state highway.


You just never know who you're dealing with. Right and wrong isn't always that important.

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