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Booster meeting last night


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was moved up a week because of ASH WED. The guest speakers were Paul Peck(local sports reporter) and Lou Picone(who is very funny and president of the Bills Alumni) Discussion of what the team needs in the draft and what a stupid thing it was to let Pat Williams go.


We are not sure if the annual April meet the coach and learn more about the draft picks meeting at the stadium is a go yet. With the draft being when it is that may be scheduled in MAY.


Many interesting speakers and events are being planned for the upcoming year. It is out 45th aniversary as the first organized fan club(backers) for the Buffalo Bills. We are also having a membership drive and I would love for more of you to be a Booster. Please PM me for some of the details. Membership is only $10 and you get a newsletter monthly besides other benefits. We have members in Maine, Virginia and California, just to mention a few states with Boosters.


I'll be answering the PM questions you might have.

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